Tuesday, 2011-07-05

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HugoKuothanks for any suggestion   https://answers.launchpad.net/nova/+question/16379809:49
chmouelhey soren any chance to add a || : to the modprobe nbd in init script of nova-compute10:49
chmouelfor host that doensn't (it rackspace cloud servers) have it to not fail10:50
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sorenchmouel: That'll just delay the failure, won't it?11:20
sorenchmouel: We don't "modprobe ndb" because we're bored. We do it because we need nbd to be available.11:20
sorennotmyname: python-webob updated in glance-core/trunk (lucid, maverick, and natty)11:53
chmouelyeah but in case we want to install for quick testing and dev deployment on a cloudservers where the nbd part is not tested...12:11
sorenHow so?12:29
chmoueltesting puppet recipes for examples on a cloud servers12:31
chmouelor I could create a dummy nbd.ko that does nothing if you don't like to add that  but that's a bit of a strech for testing12:32
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notmynamesoren: thanks12:58
sorenchmouel: Well, your tests would be false. With nbd, your install won't actually *work*. Reporting success would be a lie.13:01
sorenchmouel: Err... *without* nbd, I mean.13:01
chmouelor i can just compile proper nbd module for cs13:02
sorenThat would be ideal.13:04
sorenI wanted to do that at some point, but lacked the proper kernel headers and config.13:05
soren(not being in the mood to screw around with pvgrub)13:05
chmouellet's see if major can give us that13:06
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chmouelsoren:  that should do it curl -onbd.ko -L http://goo.gl/gDmpl && insmod nbd.ko13:30
chmouelubuntu  maverick from RS Cloud13:30
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notmynamettx: ping. I'd like to talk about bringing swift more in line with last week's PPB decision (component rather than project)14:37
ttxnotmyname: let me grab a drink first.14:38
notmynameto dull the pain? ;-)14:39
notmynamettx: I briefly chatted with gholt this morning. I missed some of the conversation you had this weekend14:40
notmynamettx: I think the major points to discuss are versioning and release schedules. are there other things too?14:41
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ttxnotmyname: not on the top of my mind (from a release management perspective)14:42
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notmynamettx: should we move to a nova-esque versioning scheme?14:42
ttxnotmyname: that would be ideal from a "product" perspective, but I've yet to find a way of doing it that preserves the "milestones are production-ready" aspect of Swift, being a stable project14:44
notmynamettx: well, should we even advertise that "milestones are production-ready"?14:44
gholtIf RAX is going to use them in prod, then yes?14:45
notmynamettx: if it's all components of a single project, then it doesn't make sense to release half of it one way.14:45
ttxnotmyname: I think so. We can't expect that with components of varying degrees of stability, all will use the same distribution channels for the same things14:45
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gholtOh, I get your point. Component14:46
ttxnotmyname: I guess there are two solutions14:46
gholtHow do you release a component to the world and not the project.14:46
notmynamegholt: I would say that you don't14:46
ttxnotmyname: pure version number alignment, which is good to present an uniform view of "OpenStack core projects"14:47
gholtttx: btw, we're now irc, posterous, wordpress, twitter, and gist. Maybe a bit of email too, I can't remember. :)14:47
ttxin which case you release every 6 months, which means you probably need to have your own RAX internal releases for internal deployment purpose14:47
ttxgholt: I bet we can split it even more :)14:48
notmynamettx: (which we will have regardless)14:48
gholtI would really like to have publicly acknowledged RAX releases, but I don't know how to do that within the OpSt-is-one-project thing.14:48
notmynamegholt: agreed14:49
ttxBut I agree with gholt that a stable component should be "released" more often than every 6 months... so we could also say "milestones are production-ready"14:49
notmynamefor the project as a whole, perhaps swift as a separate release should be downplayed14:49
ttxin my mind we provide three distribution channels, all valid for some kind of use14:50
ttxone is the per-commit, the other is the monthly, the last one is the 6-months14:50
gholtI think we're still talking autonomy, heh.14:50
ttxAt this point, Nova is only production-ready every 6 months, so it uses the "6months" as production-ready14:51
gholtBut, yeah, we could unofficially declare swift milestones as prodready14:51
ttxAt this point Swift is stable enough so that the monthly is production-ready14:51
ttxCould come a time where the per-commit would also be production-ready14:51
notmynamettx: I would argue that we shouldn't be talking about nova as production ready or swift as production ready if they are both components14:51
gholtttx: Doubtful14:51
gholtttx: There's /real/ qa that needs to be done for a release, which OpSt isn't doing (yet)14:52
gholtnotmyname: Yeah, it'd have to be unofficial-but-everyone-knows-whats-up I think. :/14:52
ttxgholt: if you don't commit that often anymore, you could hook the QA system to the commit tests14:52
ttxgholt: so it could happen, one day :)14:53
gholtttx: Yes, but that's not 100% "certified". QA may have to write a new test, etc.14:53
ttxnotmyname: I think we need to accept the fact that the different components have verying degrees of stability14:53
gholtttx: There really have to be people involved in certifying something as prodready14:53
ttxnotmyname: so the main difference is the versioning14:54
ttxnotmyname: the advantage of the current versioning is that it makes it clear that milestoens are as good as 6month releases14:55
ttxthe drawback is that it dilutes the "product" aspect14:55
gholtIt's a bit dichotomatic. One project! But multiple stages of stability and release packages.14:55
notmynamettx: but if openstack is the project and swift, nova, keystone, etc are all components, then we should do a release for the project, not components14:56
ttxgholt: yes.. you can think of it as the linnux kernel, I guess. subcomponents definitely have varying degrees of stability14:56
gholtYeah, but you don't release production ready kernel 2.6.32.xfs etc, etc.14:56
gholtThere's just one kernel release (and lots of unofficial ones, but anyway...) :)14:56
ttxnotmyname: right, so one way to do it is to adopt the common versioning14:56
ttxwhile still communicating that milestones are in fact QAed, so not just for evaluation purposes14:57
gholtSo, I mean, if we take the kernel approach, an OpenStack release is only all prodready components.14:57
ttxone drawback of common versioning is that it won't let you insert milestones easily14:57
ttx(what we discussed with gholt)14:58
notmynamettx: unless the last stanza of the version string is a milestone for the project14:58
gholtYeah, but I am okay with ~diablo-3rax1 for instance.14:58
ttxtrue, we can insert diablo-3.114:59
gholtI mean, it's not ideal from my point of view; but I don't rule the world. :)14:59
ttxI hope it would be exceptional enough (i.e. a feature that can't wait 2-3 weeks)14:59
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notmynamettx: it should be (especially from us [rax] who are doing our own swift packaging anyway)15:00
ttxnotmyname: the other difference is how the last milestone is handled (though that's still a bit up in the air for Nova/Glance)15:00
ttxnotmyname: one option is to cut diablo-4 and open Essex at the same time, then use the last 4 weeks to push only bugfixes to the milestone-proposed branch and cut a release from it15:01
notmynamettx: I prefer an openstack release to take the last tested milestone for the release rather than new dev work between the last milestone and the final release15:01
ttxso you can still work on features in Essex15:01
notmynamettx: ya, so the last milestone becomes, essentially, a rc115:01
ttxthe drawback of that approach is that there is 8 weeks between diablo-4 and essex-115:02
ttxhmm... we could do an essex-1 around the same time as diablo release though.15:02
ttxto "release" the work that was done in trunk while milestone-proposed was maturing15:03
notmynamettx: that only seems to matter if the milestones are something more that checkpoint releases15:03
ttxnotmyname: sure, but I'm trying to address the "time-to-market" concern that gholt raised15:03
notmynamettx: if the project is released as prod-ready only once every 6 months, then a gap between diablo-X and essex-Y is not that important15:03
ttxtime-based makes sense if it's often enough15:03
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ttxnotmyname: fwiw we are working to automate the milestone release so much that it won't be costly to do one anymore15:05
ttxespecialy an essex-0 one that is not expected to be QAed, for example15:05
notmynamethat's great. but I think that perhaps reinforces that milestones shouldn't be "prod-ready certified"15:05
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gholtI think that's what we're all coming to grips with. :)15:06
gholtRAX releases will just have to be unofficial-but-what-we-use.15:06
gholtRAX!=OpSt I think we have to get used to that.15:06
ttxnotmyname: I still think that a component with good QA track record in its "milestone" channel will generate a lot of attention for that channel15:07
gholtIn my opinion, of course. hehe15:07
ttxLike Chrome does15:07
notmynamegholt: as we have said all along, that will be the way other deployers work too. so it shouldn't be a big deal15:07
gholtttx: What do you mean by the Chrome thing? I'm not familiar15:08
ttxChrome is released through three channels. Daily, Beta and Release15:08
gholtAh, Release is pretty infrequent I take it?15:08
ttxit's like every 3 months15:08
gholtGotcha, the Beta is the 3 week thing15:09
ttxbut the Beta channel was proven to be quite usable15:09
ttxso people started using it to get the latest and greatest faster15:09
gholtYeah, I see, that's fine by me. milestones aren't OpSt supported, but Swift milestones are used in prod by RAX, so... I get it.15:09
ttxAs long as we all have the same channels, I don't mind if people realize that Swift "milestone" channel is actually as stable as the release and start using that.15:10
notmynamegholt: swift milestones may or may not be the exact version we use at rax15:10
sorenttx: I took the liberty of amending the tarmac config so that tests are also run before merges into the nova and glance milestone branches are accepted.15:10
gholtnotmyname: True, just a general "feeling" folks would get, though not 100% always true.15:10
notmynameindeed :-)15:10
ttxsoren: ack15:10
gholtttx: As a for instance, during certain times rax won't be able to release a milestone to our prod.15:11
gholtttx: Which means that milestone won't be as tested (by rax qa).15:11
ttxgholt: right15:11
gholtThere's currently no way to indicate that, but maybe it's not important.15:11
ttxgholt: Ideally we'd move as much of what RAX qa does to the continuous integration system15:12
notmynamedoesn't seem as important to me since the project is what we are promoting, not the components15:12
gholtttx: Yeah, but I don't see that happening unless OpSt wants to spend a /lot/ of money. :)15:13
gholtttx: But... they might. Who knows15:13
ttxgholt: ok, then it also makes sense that project milestones are not strictly dependent on RAX internal QA.15:14
ttxas we basically separate them.15:14
notmynameI agree with that15:14
ttxbetter that they happen on the same milestones, but we shouldn't guarantee that15:14
notmynameessentially, OS will have their own release cycle and RAX will cut and QA their own internal releases as needed. they may or may not line up with milestones15:15
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ttxsince "the project" has no way to force RAX to do QA on a specific branch.15:15
notmynameand for our sanity (those of us who work on swift at rax) we would want then to line up as much as possible, but there is nothing forcing that15:15
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ttxnotmyname: so the idea would be to adopt the common milestone plan ? Milestones every 4 weeks ?15:16
notmynameto me that seems most in line with the recent PPB decision15:16
ttxnotmyname: that's the sanest way of acting as a component of a product, indeed15:17
ttxthen we could force any project that is core to follow the same plan15:17
notmynameindeed (I still don't agree with that decision, but I'm trying to go along as best I can ;-)  )15:17
ttxwhich definitely reinforces the "common project" aspect15:17
ttxnotmyname: I appreciate that.15:18
ttxnotmyname: I'll think about the versioning change and see how we can proceed15:19
notmynamettx: so I would propose that instead of swift 1.4.2 we move to whatever is the common scheme and whenever the next milestone is15:19
ttxnotmyname: that would make it diablo-3 on July 2815:20
ttxby then the "version in progress" is changed to 2011.315:20
notmynamewhich is probable when we'd do the next milestone anyway (in the old swift-as-a-project model)15:20
ttxnotmyname: my hope is that we don't disrupt you too much in that alignment process, so that's good15:21
ttxnotmyname: btw, if "every-4-weeks" is always wrong for you, we can certainly decide a different (common) frequency at the next design summit15:21
ttxnotmyname: I'll give it some extra thought, in case there is something I missed15:23
gholtttx: notmyname: Sorry, wandered off. I'm cool with what you guys have been discussing. BTW, we joked we should rename PTLs to CTLs. ;)15:25
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zulsoren: im in the middle of packaging quantum and keystone for ubuntu, i was thinking of something like 2011.d3~<date> for a package version15:55
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vladimir3pFolks, HELP !!! Was there any change related to NBD or networking. I suddenly noticed that I couldn't access newly spawned instances in my dev environment. I'm using FlatDHCP mode and it seems like IPs are assigned properly from fixed range pool. At the same time I can ping IP of my bridge, but can't ping instance's IP16:08
vladimir3pthe only strange thing I noticed in nova-compute.log is inability to operate with nbd16:08
vladimir3pin another enviromnet (working with nova from 2-3 weeks) there are no nbd-related messages at all and everything works as expected. But nova.conf files are identical16:09
jaypipesvishy: ^^?16:12
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vishyvladimir3p any odd messages in the console log?17:12
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mtaylorzul: so - that's actually a thing soren and I have been talking about - how to do trunk versions on projects that are on github in general17:30
zulmtaylor: yeah i talking to ttx about it last week17:30
mtaylorzul: since we need a monotonically increasing number ... date will be tricky because there can be multiple trunk commits in a given day17:30
zulmtaylor: right in my case i usually take a snapshot though17:30
mtaylorzul: I'm thinking that using the jenkins build number might not be a terrible idea for the trunk packages we automatically cut17:31
mtaylorzul: I'm not sure what you mean by "take a snapshot"17:31
zulmtaylor: a weekly upload of an openstack project17:31
creihtmtaylor: they should be uuids :)17:31
mtaylorcreiht: haha. funny :)17:31
notmynamettx: jbryce has asked me to not unwind the current state for things with swift until later. so all that stuff we talked about this morning: let's hold off for now (ie don't change anything yet)17:31
mtaylorzul: you and I may be trying to solve slightly separate problems then17:32
mtaylorzul: I'm talking about the packages we cut on every commit to trunk17:32
zulmtaylor: right thats not so interesting for me since i care about only one really17:32
mtaylorzul: which is automatic/automated ... and thus the need for an increasing number so that package versions are properly increasing17:33
mtaylorzul: for your weekly snapshots, what are you using those for (what is their aim?)17:33
zulmtaylor: so our users who use the ubuntu archive to get their packages17:33
mtaylorzul: ah - so that's a thing we'll probably want to align with ttx ...17:34
zulmtaylor: right17:34
mtaylorzul: (I'm still having my first coffee, so I might be a little slow)17:35
mtaylorttx: some back!17:35
zulmtaylor: heh thats ok im always slow :)17:35
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ttxnotmyname: sure18:39
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ttxmtaylor: let me read backlog18:40
ttxmtaylor, zul: it's kinda the same issue, since you want the "snapshot" packages to be upgraded from and to PPA packages18:43
ttxso they need to use the same rule18:43
ttxmtaylor: I think soren's idea was to use a Jenkins-local increment. So using the jenkins build number sounds the simplest18:44
mtaylorttx: cool. that's what I was thinking18:45
ttxthough we also discussed an easy way to link back to the github reference18:45
zulwhats the jenkins local-increment anyways?18:45
ttxI mean the git commit id18:45
mtaylorzul: each job in jenkins has a job id which always increases - it's not special - it's just a source of an always increasing number (so that packages know how to upgrade from one another properly)18:46
zulmtaylor: right18:47
mtaylorttx: I'm all ears on that second one - maybe jeblair will have good thoughts on that on friday18:47
ttxmtaylor: but doing 2011.3~d3~20110704.1245-6d4e3a4d8b9e9e0f-0ubuntu1~oneiric1 will be a bit long :)18:47
zuli would like still have a release cut for oneiric for quantum and keystone though18:47
mtaylorttx: yes. on the other hand- who really cares if it's long?18:47
zuli do18:48
mtaylorzul: well yes - we just have to make sure that the actual release version compares numerically properly to the trunk releases18:48
zulmtaylor: right18:48
mtaylorzul, so 2011.3~d3~20110704.1245-6d4e3a4d8b9e9e0f-0ubuntu1~oneiric1 would lead to the release of 2011.3~d3 which would lead to the release of 2011.318:49
ttxmtaylor: being able to link to the date and commit ID while still properly incrementing indeed has value18:49
mtaylorttx: for the trunk commit-based packages, I think that having the git id in there is not problematic - and for the larger releases (2011.3~d3 or 2011.3) - we should have tags in the repo anyway18:50
ttxmtaylor: IIRC we discussed showing the first 4 char or so of the commitID. But maybe full ID makes more sense18:50
ttxmtaylor: just ask soren when he'll be back18:51
mtaylorttx: getting all of this sorted is my #1 priority this week - so I might be a bit annoying about it this week18:54
ttxmtaylor: let me annoy you first. Could you change the reviewer team on the three lp:~hudson-openstack/*/milestone-proposed branches to ~openstack-release ?18:57
ttxvishy: ping18:59
mtaylorttx: done18:59
ttxcool, thanks18:59
vishyttx: pong19:00
ttxvishy: I'd like some time with you before the meeting today... whenever it suits you best19:00
vishyduring the cancelled poc meeting?19:01
ttxvishy: sure.19:01
natiCI Meeting?19:07
ttxmtaylor: ^19:10
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vladimir3p_vishy: Hi, sorry was away. There is nothing strange in console. compute.log complains about inability to access /dev/ndb14 and... "instance instance-00000087: ignoring error injecting data into image 3 (Unexpected error while running command"19:43
vishyi actually meant in the vm log19:44
vladimir3p_vishy: but instance is shown as running with assigned fixed IP. Its console shows instance name (i-00...) and time19:44
vishyif you only get instance name and time then your kernel is not booting19:44
vishyusually that happens when you try to boot a 64 bit kernel on a 32 bit host or the image is corrupted somehow19:45
vladimir3p_vishy: ok ... it is a standart tty image ...19:45
vishyperhaps it didn't download properly from glance?19:45
vladimir3p_vishy: hm.. probably. I switched to glance recently19:45
vladimir3p_vishy: let me see how glance recognizes them...19:45
vishyyou have glance_servers flag set?19:46
vishyI think it just creates a 0K file if it fails to download sometimes19:46
vladimir3p_vishy: in nova conf I have --image_service=nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService and --glance_api_servers=my_ip19:47
vladimir3p_Found 2 public images...19:47
vladimir3p_ID               Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size19:47
vladimir3p_---------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------19:47
vladimir3p_4                psp3                           raw                  ovf                       79539133019:47
vladimir3p_3                tty-anso                       raw                  ovf                        2434610619:47
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vishythat doesn't look right19:47
vishywhere is the kernel and ramdisk?19:47
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vishy+ it is ovf instead of ami19:48
vladimir3p_vishy: ok, it is interesting... let me upload another image to it19:48
BK_manhi all19:49
BK_manplease clarify - do we need a some kind of test for nova-api graceful shutdown fix? https://code.launchpad.net/~chemikadze/nova/gracefull-shutdown19:49
BK_manif not - please approve that branch :-)19:50
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ttxTeam meeting in one hour in #openstack-meeting19:59
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ttxMeeting starting NOW in #openstack-meeting, please join21:00
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vishytr3buchet: ping21:27
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mtaylorttx: ping21:40
ttxmtaylor: yawn, yes ?21:40
mtaylorttx: just saw your comment to soren that you'd worked on a script to do the launchpad release thing ... I'd love to get that integrated in to jenkins at some point (or discuss whether/how much that makes sense)21:41
mtaylorttx: but for now - go to sleep21:41
ttxmtaylor: we'd like to automate the whole process, we have it 90% covered currently21:41
ttxwith various scripts21:42
ttxIf you're curious, see http://wiki.openstack.org/HowToRelease21:42
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* jaypipes off to upgrade to 11.04... back in an hour or so.. :)21:43
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ttxjaypipes: or so you think, <evil laughter>21:43
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johnpuris anyone running swift on 11.04? i am seeing some wierd xfs timeout errors...23:59

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