Thursday, 2011-06-30

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winston-dgreeting devs.02:02
winston-dI'd like to know if there's any existing library for openstack-api?02:03
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ttxwinston-d: yes. python-novaclient06:58
ttxwinston-d:, and also in Ubuntu07:00
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,055: SUCCESS in 3 min 15 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: - add metadata container to /images/detail and /images/<id> responses13:23
openstackjenkins- update xml serialization to encode image entities properly13:23
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,056: SUCCESS in 3 min 8 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Update the ec2 get_metadata handler so it works with the most recent version of the compute API get_all call which now returns a list if there is only a single record.13:35
ttxjaypipes, vishy: waiting on your signal to unleash d213:37
openstackjenkinsProject nova-vpc build #16: STILL FAILING in 14 min:
jaypipesttx: for glance, do it. :)13:39
ttxjaypipes: ok, will also push unfixed d2-targeted bugs to d3 in the process.13:40
jaypipesttx: I did some of them ... appreciate it!13:44
jaypipesttx: last couple days it's been a bit difficult keeping up with stuff for the d2 release. my sincere apologies!13:45
ttxjaypipes: no problem. Part of the idea behind me not coming to SA was that I could ensure that it still gets out.13:46
jaypipesttx: :)13:46
jaypipesttx: understood :)13:46
jaypipesttx: back shortly... going down to meeting area..13:47
ttxjaypipes: ok, ping vish for his approval if you can see him ;)13:47
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openstackjenkinsYippie, build fixed!13:53
openstackjenkinsProject nova-vpc build #17: FIXED in 14 min:
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ttxvishy: good to go ?14:32
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* ttx presses the red button.14:49
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vishyttx: morning!15:26
ttxvishy: heh :) red button already pressed :P15:27
vishyi was just checking on that bug that dan prince reported.  Looks like it was introduced post milestone15:27
ttxif that's the one I think about, yes.15:27
vishyttx: are we going to merge milestone back into trunk?15:27
vishyso we have a reunited source tree?15:28
ttxvishy: if it's non-empty, yes... but I think everything was also merged in trunk15:28
vishyttx: it is empty, but is there value in uniting the tree?15:28
ttxvishy: I had this discussion before, and we concluded, "no".15:28
vishyThere is one advantage15:29
vishyif someone needs to make a fix against the milestone, it is mergable into trunk as well15:29
vishybut that is relatively unlikely15:29
ttxvishy: not sure how doing a no-change merge would help in that respect... but maybe I lack some DVCS foo to understand15:30
ttxvishy: better reopen that discussion during the D2 postmortem we should have next week15:31
ttxvishy: there are several things I'd like to change about the process15:31
ttxvishy: like... forcing nova-core to approve the milestone-proposed fixes doesn't really make sense to me15:31
vishyI don't know that that was the plan15:31
vishyi think they just did it because they didn't know15:31
vishyI just went ahead and approved the first one15:32
ttxcurrently I need a nova-core person to set the branch to approved15:32
ttxwe shoud change the "review team" to something more release-oriented15:32
ttxso that I can actually approve them to :)15:32
ttxvishy: Will announce release as soon as the packages are out of soren's autmatic release machine15:33
ttxtakes a bit of time for packages to be built/copied to ppa:nova-core/milestone15:34
sandywalshanyone have any suggestions for the problem I faced at +496 here
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,057: SUCCESS in 3 min 14 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Theese changes eliminate dependancy between hostname and ec2-id.15:43
openstackjenkinsAs I understand, there already were no such dependancy, but still we had confusing names in code.15:43
openstackjenkinsAlso I added more sophisticated generation of default hostname to give user possibility to set the custom one.15:43
dprincevishy: Yep. I've been poking at it again this morning. One sec and I'll leave a couple more comments on the merge prop.15:43
openstackjenkinsProject swift build #288: SUCCESS in 27 sec:
openstackjenkins* Tarmac: add Joe Arnold to AUTHORS list15:52
openstackjenkins* Tarmac: fixed test to work with webob 1.0.815:52
ttxdiablo-2 is out!15:54
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,058: SUCCESS in 3 min 8 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Windows instances will often take a few minutes setting up the image on first boot and then reboot. We should be more patient for those systems as well check if the domid changes so we can send agent requests to the current domid.15:55
* jk0 throws up the horns15:55
* creiht is still waiting for Diablo III15:57
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ttxcreiht: good thing you're not still waiting for Essex I :P15:59
* creiht wonders if anyone got his joke15:59
* jk0 saw what you did there16:00
creihtor maybe I'm not getting ttx's joke :)16:00
ttxcreiht: I think I got yours, did you get mine ? :)16:00
* ttx disappears to jump in some swimming pool somewhere to celebrate.16:01
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daboTrying to test PUT behavior using curl, and getting bad Content-Type errors. Looking at nova/api/openstack/, it has the line: allowed_types = ("application/xml", "application/json")17:03
daboWe really don't accept application/x-www-form-urlencoded as a valid content-type?17:03
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bcwaldondabo: indeed. Would you prefer otherwise?17:20
dabobcwaldon: well, I do prefer running quick tests with curl, and unless you know a way to get around the content-types curl supports...17:22
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bcwaldoncurl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{'server': {...}}"17:23
bcwaldonI do all my testing that way17:23
bcwaldon-X POST17:23
dabook, let me try that17:23
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vladimir3pbcwaldon: does format -d "{'server': {...}}" works for you? seems like json.loads requires "" in keys, like {"server":...17:58
bcwaldonvladimir3p: you're probably right, just typed that out quick :)17:58
bcwaldonvladimir3p: in fact, I'm almost positive you're right17:58
heckjI wrote up some notes on using flags configurations and how the service framework works - would love feedback (especially if I'm lying about something):
vladimir3pbcwaldon: yeah, I remember it took me some time to understand why my POSTs where rejected with malformat error :-)18:01
dabobcwaldon: vladimir3p: yes, you need double quotes. One of the reasons I prefer just writing: -d foo=bar18:02
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,059: SUCCESS in 3 min 9 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Child Zone Weight adjustment available when adding Child Zones.18:29
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,060: SUCCESS in 3 min 6 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Allows subdirectory tests to run even if sqlite database doesn't exist.18:45
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-vpc build #21: FAILURE in 26 min:
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devcamcarjaypipes: any plans to package glance client separately? it's a bit painful having to install the whole shebang just for the client19:28
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notmynamemtaylor: soren: it seems that the build machine has webob 1.0.8 installed. is this correct?20:27
notmynamemtaylor: soren: however, the swift (trunk) ppas only have webob 1.0.7. Can we either get webob 1.0.8 in the ppa or downgrade the version on the build machine to match the ppa?20:29
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,061: SUCCESS in 3 min 13 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: added multi-nic support20:54
blamar_anyone know the policy on pip-requires and Jenkins? I have a branch  that failed because of a new item in pip-requires but Jenkins didn't get it20:57
openstackjenkinsProject nova-tarball-bzr-delta build #301: FAILURE in 10 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: added multi-nic support20:59
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-vpc build #22: STILL FAILING in 20 min:
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #1,062: SUCCESS in 3 min 5 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Added 'self.auto_delete = True' to the two Publisher subclasses that lacked that setting.21:19
openstackjenkinsProject nova-tarball-bzr-delta build #302: STILL FAILING in 9.8 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Added 'self.auto_delete = True' to the two Publisher subclasses that lacked that setting.21:24
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openstackjenkinsProject nova-vpc build #23: STILL FAILING in 21 min:
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notmynamemtaylor: soren: also, you may have noticed that our packages are breaking on every commit. I think this is because several things have been removed. please use as an example21:47
mtaylornotmyname: I suppose there's no chance you have a bzr branch of that so that I can see a diff between the two of them, is there/21:48
notmynamemtaylor: what's the repo you are using?21:49
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mtaylornotmyname: lp:~openstack-ubuntu-packagers/swift/ubuntu21:50
mtaylornotmyname: because I'd love to get that sorted21:51
mtaylornotmyname: AND - I'll see if I can get webob put into your ppa21:51
notmynamethanks :-)21:51
notmynameI'm working on a diff21:51
mtaylornotmyname: I'm also in the next week or so going to be adding a jenkins slave for each project, so that we can make sure each projects installed deps are tracked right21:52
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mtaylornotmyname: thanks!21:56
notmynamesimply copied it to a new folder, rm .git, bzr init, bzr add, bzr commit, bzr push21:56
notmynamehope that works :-)21:56
notmynamelet me know if you need something more specific21:56
BK_mansandywalsh: here?21:59
notmynamemtaylor: that may not be exactly what you were looking for. if you were looking for a merge proposal to your repo, no I don't have that22:01
mtaylornotmyname: nah. this is fine22:01
mtaylornotmyname: I mean, at _some_ point we should probably figure out a better way to collaborate in an ongoing fasion that doesn't involve deleting directories and the like, but this is fine for now22:01
mtaylornotmyname: I trimmed out some things that weren't relevant ... does the rest of this look sensible to you:
notmynamemtaylor: there is nothing wrong with that diff. of course, I don't know if that's everything, but what's there is correct ;-)22:05
notmynamemtaylor: while I have you here....what's the story with webob 1.0.8? I only found out it was updated when the merge was kicked back because of a change in webob. we got it figured out, but it was different than our test env and our packages. when/how was it updated? how can we be made aware of future updates? I'd hate for some change to prevent us from merging any code22:05
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mtaylornotmyname: IIRC, there was a bug in webob < 1.0.8 that was being uncovered by something in nova22:05
mtaylornotmyname: and yes, I agree - we need a better story for that across projects, which I'm hoping I can do the first step of next week when I add a specific machine for doing the swift build22:06
notmynamemtaylor: ya, we heard about it. something glance was needing22:06
mtaylornotmyname: (and then when we do integration testing, we'll of course at that point have something warn us that nova wants webob >= 1.0.8 and swift wants >= 1.0.7 ... so that we can address it proactively rather than reactively)22:07
notmynameand we need to be sure we update to a newer version of webob ourselves. it was just sudden and unexpected22:07
mtaylorbut that _should_ be an integration catch, not a per-project daily catch22:07
mtayloryes. totally22:07
notmynamethanks for looking in to it22:09
mtaylormy pleasure!22:12
mtayloralso, I want to ping soren before I push the changes in  - but I'll definitely put that patch across his plate22:13
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