Tuesday, 2011-06-07

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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #983: SUCCESS in 2 min 54 sec: http://jenkins.openstack.org/job/nova/983/01:34
openstackjenkinsTarmac: run_instances will check image for 'available' status before attempting to create a new instance01:34
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vishydprince_: awesome.  We can probably get the volume tests fixed pretty easily too using the filevg recipe from our cookbooks05:34
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sandywalshannegentle, what's the incantation for previewing the .rst docs? (html I guess)13:21
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jaypipessandywalsh: python setup.py build_sphinx; firefox doc/build/html/index.html13:45
jaypipessandywalsh: or replace firefox with your browser du jour..13:46
sandywalshjaypipes, thanks!13:49
jaypipessandywalsh: any time :)13:50
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gholtttx: If you'd really like Swift to move to "associated", I'm sure there are plenty who'd say "okay".14:18
ttxgholt: Not really surprised :) My point was that *if* the PPB leans towards stricter control and *if* Swift finds that unacceptable, there is always that solution.14:36
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ttxLots of *if*s14:36
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gholtCool, not exactly how I'd manage a distribution, but okay.14:38
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annegentlesandywalsh: magical rst-doc-building-incantation = python setup.py build_sphinx15:00
annegentlejaypipes: for the win15:00
sandywalshannegentle, just adding illustrations to the dist-scheduler docs.15:01
annegentlesandywalsh: niiice. I'll take a look15:01
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #984: SUCCESS in 2 min 54 sec: http://jenkins.openstack.org/job/nova/984/15:29
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Make libvirt snapshotting work with images that don't have an 'architecture' property.15:29
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sandywalshannegentle, invalid command 'build_sphinx'16:33
sandywalshannegentle, nm, see where the problem is16:36
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dprinceAll. Getting a bunch of smoke tests failures after the lp:~jtran/nova/lp708371 merge.16:51
dprinceLooking at it now...16:52
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sandywalshannegentle around?17:26
jaypipesdprince: is smokestack server up? ssh hanging to it..17:48
dprinceI'd love to get whoever controls DNS for openstack.org to put in a 'smoke' entry for that.17:49
jaypipesdprince: can you add my ssh key to authorized_keys, please? thx17:49
jaypipesdprince: I think antonym can assist you with that?17:49
dprincejaypipes: For what? The box?17:49
dprincejaypipes: Or or an account for smokestack?17:50
jaypipesdprince: I used to be able to ssh into root@ Now I cannot.17:50
jaypipesand when I ssh root@, I get a password prompt.17:51
jaypipesdprince: trying to diagnose the S3 errors...17:51
dprincejaypipes: Oh... You mean the VPC we were using to tests GLance w/ S3?17:51
jaypipes:) sorry, thought we were talking about the same thing!17:51
dprincejaypipes: Yeah. I nuked that one man. I never leave my cloud resources around for long... Give me 10 minutes to spin up another one.17:52
jaypipesdprince: appreciated. can't reproduce the errors locally, so need to reproduce your env.17:52
dprinceI'd like to get this in so SmokeStack tests pass again w/ nova trunk:17:53
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jaypipesdprince: I'll review that.17:56
dprincejaypipes: FYI. I call that a VPC group.17:59
dprincejaypipes: Essentially it is a group of Cloud Servers on a VPN. https://github.com/rackspace/cloud_servers_vpc18:00
jaypipesdprince: k, good to know.18:00
dprincejaypipes: SmokeSTack is a different Rails app which uses VPC groups to functionally test Openstack.18:00
jaypipesdprince: gotcha. sorry for the confusion.18:00
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jk0can I get one more set of eyes on https://code.launchpad.net/~jk0/nova/ipv6-gateway/+merge/63725 pls?18:37
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #985: SUCCESS in 2 min 54 sec: http://jenkins.openstack.org/job/nova/985/19:24
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Add the option to specify a default IPv6 gateway.19:24
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devcamcarjaypipes: are you around?19:57
devcamcarjaypipes: jeff wilcox just awesomely proposed a localization merge request to the dashboard and i was hoping to get an extra set of eyes on it: https://code.launchpad.net/~jeffjapan/openstack-dashboard/localization/+merge/6365819:58
ttxTeam meeting in one hour in #openstack-meeting20:00
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jaypipesdevcamcar: heyo! sorry, just got off phone with johnpur...20:23
jaypipesdevcamcar: I'll check out the l10n merge prop.20:24
devcamcarjaypipes: hoyooo!20:24
devcamcarit looks pretty straightforward but i'm no expert20:24
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jaypipestermie, mtaylor: lol.20:32
jaypipesdevcamcar: ok, I'll have to check the code out and look a bit deeper. I'm thinking that some of the l10n stuff may be better to leave to Launchpad's translations system. Right now, Jeff seems to have committed the translation files manually (something that LP usually does automagically). So, should be a simple process of setting up dashboard's translations facility on LP... I'll keep you posted.20:33
devcamcarjaypipes: i'll look at setting up translations for dashboard20:34
jaypipesdevcamcar: ok. I can assist you if you need help. just let me know.20:35
devcamcarjaypipes: i configured it using the config screen in lp - wasn't much to it.  beyond that it's a mystery to me :)20:35
jaypipesdevcamcar: did you set the import branch?20:37
devcamcarjaypipes: is that the translation focus setting?20:38
devcamcarthat's all i see20:38
devcamcar"Translation focus: Project series that translators should focus on."20:39
jaypipesdevcamcar: usually, you have to set the trunk series export branch and mode...20:41
devcamcarjaypipes: hm, i am not sure where to do that20:42
jaypipesdevcamcar: and it usually looks for a /locale directory for the .pot file..20:42
jaypipesdevcamcar: perhaps you could set up an admin team that I can join to help you?20:42
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jaypipesdevcamcar: cheers20:43
devcamcarjaypipes: created a dashboard-drivers team and added you, should be able to run amok freely now20:47
ttxMeeting starts in 10 minutes in #openstack-meeting20:50
jaypipesdevcamcar: k, cheers20:52
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #986: SUCCESS in 3 min 0 sec: http://jenkins.openstack.org/job/nova/986/21:24
openstackjenkinsTarmac: DRY up the image_state logic. Fix an issue where glance style images (which aren't required to have an 'image_state' property) couldn't be used to run instances on the EC2 controller.21:24
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #987: SUCCESS in 2 min 52 sec: http://jenkins.openstack.org/job/nova/987/21:32
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Cleaned up some of the larger pylint errors. Set to ignore some lines that pylint just couldn't understand.21:32
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vladimir3pFolks, any idea why inject_file API of compute has only context, instance_id params and doesn't have actual data and path?22:37
vladimir3pit seems reasonable to go to compute_api.inject_file rather than directly to compute (who has path/file_contents params)22:38
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