Friday, 2011-06-03

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agarwallanoob os developer alert ! what is the best way to unit test a code change in nova ? do i just need to run the unit tests that are present in nova/tests ? do i need a working openstack installation ?00:36
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dprinceAny nova cores around?00:50
dprinceNm. I got it.00:52
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #968: SUCCESS in 2 min 44 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Tests that all exceptions can be raised properly, and fix the couple of instances where they couldn't be constructed due to typos.01:14
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #969: SUCCESS in 2 min 52 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: This change set adds the ability to create new servers with an href that points to a server image on any glance server (not only the default one configured).  This means you can create a server with imageRef = http://glance1:9292/images/3  and then also create one with imageRef = http://glance2:9292/images/1.  Using the old way of passing in an image_id still works as well, and will use the default configured g02:44
openstackjenkinsWe have tested pretty thoroughly with libvirt and xen.02:44
openstackjenkinsAll tests pass, and we have done full end-to-end testing manually to verify that server creation/deletion is working.02:44
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ttxsoren, gholt: about release PPA: I'm not entirely sure. I wanted one PPA for the last milestone of Swift (1.4.0) and one for the last coordinated OpenStack release (so... containing 1.3.0)08:26
ttxI'm away until Monday.08:27
ttxso should we create a "milestone PPA" for 1.4.0, or push 1.4.0 to the "release PPA" and create a "last openstack release" PPA in which to keep 1.3.0...08:31
ttxthe first solution being more in-line with what we'll do with Nova and glance... but the second solution probably not requiring as much doc updates.08:32
ttxIf we do the second, we could have a common "last openstack release" PPA for all core projects...08:33
ttxso we still need to discuss this, if it can wait Monday that'd help :)08:34
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gholtttx: No biggie. We'll just have a latest Rackspace release I guess.12:49
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dprincejaypipes: Is it normal for the 'architecture' property to be set on a glance image.14:07
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jaypipesdprince: "normal"? :) depends on the client. I think in nova's S3 adapter, it is definitely normal, since euca2ools expects it.14:21
dprincejaypipes: Sure. It should be optional though IMHO.14:22
jaypipesdprince: it is.14:23
dprincejaypipes: I mean its just another property.14:23
jaypipesdprince: ye14:23
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #970: SUCCESS in 2 min 56 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Adds LeastCostScheduler which uses a series of cost functions and associated weights to determine which host to provision to.14:29
openstackjenkinsLeft for future work:14:29
openstackjenkins* Handle scheduling of many instances (currently assumes n=1)14:29
openstackjenkins* Handle scheduling of arbitrary resources (currently weigh_hosts only handles instances)14:29
openstackjenkins* Add more cost functions (currently just noop and fill-first)14:29
openstackjenkins* Simulator so we can determine sensible values for cost-function-weights14:29
openstackjenkinsNOTE: This patch depends on Sandy's dist-scheduler-2a patch.14:29
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #971: SUCCESS in 2 min 47 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: LDAP optimization and fix for one small bug caused huge performance leak.14:44
openstackjenkinsDashboard's benchmarks showed overall x22 boost in page request completion time.14:44
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sandywalshhey guys, sorry, I accidentally approved dist-sched-2b (was looking at multiple tabs) ... but it won't affect anything else. Dist-Sched doesn't really get useful until dist-sched-3 and -4 anyway14:54
sandywalshjust a heads up14:54
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markwashsandywalsh: so, does it need to be unmerged?15:10
sandywalshmarkwash, no ... it won't affect anyone15:12
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #972: SUCCESS in 2 min 46 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Changes all uses of utcnow to use the version in utils.  This is a simple wrapper for datetime.datetime.utcnow that allows us to use fake values for tests.15:14
openstackjenkinsThere are still a few places in the Zone code that is using, I'd prefer to move this to utils.utcnow() as well but I want to chat with sandy first to make sure that there won't be any issues.15:14
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #973: SUCCESS in 2 min 51 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: paramiko is not installed into the venv, but is required by smoketests/  Added paramiko to tools/pip-requires.15:24
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mgiushey all, I just did a "bzr merge" and there are conflicts, I'm looking for the bzr equivalent of "git mergetool" for automatically opening up each conflicted file in vimdiff or some other tool17:04
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #974: SUCCESS in 2 min 47 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Removed "double requirement" from tools/pip-requires file.17:54
jk0.w 5381118:23
pyholeHazel Green, WI: 87F/31C   Humidity: 51%   Wind: S at 21 mph   Sunny18:23
markwash.w 2406018:23
pyholeBlacksburg, VA: 79F/26C   Humidity: 47%   Wind: NW at 3 mph   Sunny18:23
mgius.w 9810918:24
pyholeSeattle, WA: 62F/17C   Humidity: 59%   Wind: N at 5 mph   Partly Cloudy18:24
mgius.w 9562018:24
pyholeDixon, CA: 61F/16C   Humidity: 66%   Wind: S at 1 mph   Mostly Cloudy18:24
mgius.w 9340118:24
pyholeSan Luis Obispo, CA: 66F/19C   Humidity: 52%   Wind: NW at 14 mph   Partly Cloudy18:24
markwashuh oh18:24
mgiusoh shit, this isn't my LUG channel18:24
* mgius apologizes for the spam18:24
* markwash thinks its slightly more interesting than jenkins spam :-)18:25
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vishydprince: looks like you started smokestacking for snapshotting...18:27
dprincevishy: well. I'm trying to add it. Yes.18:27
dprincevishy: kind of having a rough time of it.18:28
dprincevishy: I'm also looking towards using v1.1 (which is still evolving) for some of the tests.18:28
dprincevishy: snapshotting and then booting a snapshot uses lots of code. A very good test.18:29
mgiusmarkwash: well, now you know my travel plans for the next week :D18:29
vishydprince: what can I do to help with getting smoketests working?18:30
dprincevishy: Oh. Yeah. Give me a minute to spin up a VPC group and we can poke at it.18:30
dprincevishy: send me your ssh public key?18:31
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #975: SUCCESS in 2 min 45 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Updated to use the '/v1/images' URL when uploading images to glance in the Xen glance plugin. Fixes the issue where snapshots fail to upload correctly.18:39
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dprinceOkay. So running smoketests...18:44
dprinceFrom one of Sorens scripts I see:18:44
dprincepython --test_image=${test_image} $test -s18:44
vishyi don't know what the -s is18:44
vishyit does need a test image, i use ttylinux18:45
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dprinceDo I just need the ami part of that?18:46
dprinceOr a directory that contains kernel, ramdisk, ami.18:46
dprinceLooks to be just the ami.18:47
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dprinceYeah. I'm getting 'ImportError: No module named nova_adminclient18:52
dprinceSo let me look into that.18:52
vishydprince: sorry got a phone call18:52
vishydprince: so nova-adminclient can be pip installed18:52
vishy(there is no package for it)18:53
vishydprince: are you running the scripts from a venv18:53
dprincevishy: no.18:53
vishydprince: it is just the ami, so there must be a matching image already installed18:53
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vishy(it uses ami-tty by default so basically I download and convert ami-tty)18:54
vishythen run without params18:54
vishydprince: btw missing nova-adminclient will only cause the test_admin tests to fail, the rest should all pass without it18:55
dprincevishy: right but it would be nice to run those too.18:55
vishydprince: in that case, we need to add a line to the chef recipes to pip install or easy install it18:58
dprincevishy: Yep.18:59
dprincevishy: having a problem with this line: from nova import adminclient as adminclient18:59
vishydprince: hmm that is old i think18:59
dprincevishy: I think it should be just 'from nova import adminclient'.18:59
vishy./        import nova_adminclient as adminclient19:00
dprincevishy: the sys.path.insert seems to be doing something evil.19:00
vishythat is the current version19:00
dprincevishy: Yeah. I just bzr branched lp:nova.19:00
dprincessh to the nova1 machine.19:01
dprinceI'm in /root/nova/smoketests.19:01
vishyi'm in...screen?19:01
vishywait, is that a different machine then the one you gave me?19:02
dprincemust be.19:02
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dprinceOnce you are in the vpc group ssh to 'nova1'.19:02
vishyoh ok19:02
vishyah got it19:03
dprinceAnd I just started a screen session.19:03
vishydprince: looks like you aren't running nova-volume, so the volume tests will all fail19:04
dprincevishy: correct. Lets skip those for now.19:04
dprincevishy: All the other services are there though. Glance is on a separate node 'glance1'.19:05
vishyi'm also a bit concerned about: --flat_network_dhcp_start=
dprincevishy: Are these VLAN specific tests or something?19:06
vishydprince: no19:07
dprincevishy: I mean I need to have a DHCP server to boot machines in this environment. File injection won't work (no NBD).19:07
vishydprince: but you are putting the vms in the same range as the hosts19:07
vishydprince: so snatting rules and public ips will probably be a bit wonky19:08
dprincevishy: Sure. I can use Class C or something.19:08
vishydprince: at the very least we need a --fixed_range that matches the network you are using19:08
vishydprince: in all my vm tests I keep the private ips in the 10.x range and do the public ips in the host range19:09
vishys/private/fixed and s/public/floating19:09
vishyk admin tests pass!19:10
dprinceI see.19:11
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dprinceWhy didn't the nova adminclient package work as the import.19:11
dprinceIt is installed?19:11
vishyi had to install it19:11
vishyit needs to be easy_installed19:11
dprinceRight with pip.19:11
vishyor pip installed19:11
dprinceBut I installed it with 'apt'.19:11
vishythere is no apt package19:11
vishythe apt_package is from a really old build of nova when it was still in the nova tree19:12
dprinceSure. Okay. Pip it is.19:12
dprinceMaybe we should add a note about that one.19:13
vishyhmm looks like upload image is failing19:13
dprincehanging at least.19:14
dprincesource /home/stacker/novarc19:14
dprinceThat is the novarc file.19:14
vishydprince: any idea why the 0.3 then the 1.1 ?19:15
dprinceSorry. Which setting?19:16
vishythe nova-objectstore starts listening on .0.3 then switches to .1.119:17
dprinceOh. THat.19:18
dprinceThat must be a Chef thing.19:18
vishyoh i see19:18
vishythe 0.3 is the address that it starts with19:18
vishythe .1.1 is the dhcp address19:19
dprinceYeah. 'my_ip' is getting swapped out for the new DHCP server address.19:19
vishyso my_ip should stay at 1.119:19
vishyi mean19:19
vishyit should stay at 0.319:19
dprinceHmmm. Yep. I'll have to make that sticky somehow in the Chef cookbooks.19:19
vishyin my cookbooks i set it in conf19:20
dprinceUsing the nodes address and letting it get set dynamically is going to break things.19:20
dprinceRight. I can make that change as well.19:20
vishybut yours is assigned on boot i guess?19:20
dprinceI'm just letting it get set based on the node[:ipaddress] in the recipe.19:20
dprinceIt trickles up from ohai as the discovered IP address.19:21
vishyyes i guess we need to save that somehow before nova-network changes it19:21
dprinceSo for now. What. Lets just stop the chef client and set it manually.19:21
vishydprince: ok, i think we also need to set --fixed_range in the flagfile19:21
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dprinceOkay. Set to?19:22
vishywhatever you are using to create the network19:22
vishy172.19.1.0/24 i assume?19:23
dprinceYeah. Double checking.19:23
vishydprince: do you create any floating addresses?19:23
dprinceI don't think so.19:23
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vishythat is what i use to setup everything19:26
dprinceupload image worked.19:26
dprinceNow its hanging on register.19:26
dprinceOh wait.19:26
dprinceForgot to restart nova-api.19:26
vishythat is to create a file based volume group for nova-volumes19:27
vishydprince: hmm looks like it talked to objectstore fine the first time19:29
vishydprince: you're right, it failed to talk to api that time19:30
dprincevishy: There have been some tickets about euca-upload-tarball failing. Does this actually work right now?19:31
vishydprindce: no error in api log19:33
vishylooks like it isn't hitting api at all19:34
vishydprince: maybe we lost EC2_URL somehow?19:35
dprincevishy: should be set to
vishydprince: something got messed up19:37
dprincevishy: This whole 0.3 -> 0.1 IP address thing is wonky.19:38
vishyi don't get why boto can't connect19:39
vishywhere is the rc file?19:39
dprincevishy: /home/stacker/novarc19:39
vishydid you create the tap device?19:40
dprincevishy: I'm using your code for that. :)19:40
dprincevishy: ensure_bridge I think its called.19:41
vishy? I never wrote code to create a tap device.  Perhaps it is matray's?19:41
dprincevishy: Oh sorry. Yeah. I create the tap device.19:41
dprincevishy: and the ensure_bridge function swaps out the IPs.19:42
dprincevishy: Actually lets take a step back. Let me slick this instance and get a new one that doesn't swap out 0.3 -> 1.0 for the IP.19:42
openstackjenkinsProject nova build #976: SUCCESS in 2 min 52 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Distributed Scheduler developer docs.19:44
vishydprince: i still would very much like to know why boto can't connect but curl works fine19:44
dprincevishy: It looks like it is failing in auth.19:45
dprincevishy: maybe auth uses the machine IP?19:45
dprincevishy: which is 1.0 now?19:45
vishymysql might be listening on the wrong ip?19:46
vishythat was it19:47
dprincevishy: Sure. SOrry. SHould have stopped the Chef client before we started.19:48
vishyamqp too19:49
vishydprince: from compute log: 2011-06-03 19:49:07,667 ERROR nova.rpc [-] AMQP server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying again in 10 seconds.19:51
vishydprince: should i fix it?19:51
dprincevishy: I thought you had it.19:51
dprincevishy: looking now.19:51
vishydprince: looks like you got it19:52
dprincevishy: so should --test_image point to a local image then?19:52
dprinceYeah. Using --test_image=ami-00000003 seems to work better.19:55
vishydprince: oh yeah or without args, since it will use ami-tty19:55
vishydprince: nice just need to get nova-volume running and make some floating ips and i think we are good19:57
dprincevishy: Yep. I think I can take it from here.19:57
dprincevishy: I'll try and get these into the automated set we run in smokestack soon too.19:58
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dprincevishy: Just curious. Is there any reason these wouldn't work with XenServer too?19:59
vishydprince: aside from the fact that it has never been tested?19:59
vishydprince: the only thing that i can think of that won't work is the volume tests20:00
vishyonly because they expect the device to be /dev/vdb20:00
vishyVolumeTests -> self.device = /dev/vdb -> if that were changed to what xen uses they "should" work20:01
dprincevishy: Sure. Thanks. I'll take a look at that maybe when I get Xen in there.20:01
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vishydprince: going to get lunch bbs if you have any other issues20:01
dprincevishy: The idea is the have a 'configuration' checkbox in Smokestack for Xen too.20:01
vishygood one20:01
dprincevishy: thanks for the help.20:02
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tr3buchetdoes anyone know if the defaults for datetime columns in the db need to be set to utils.utcnow()?21:03
vishytr3buchet: if they are supposed to default to now, yes21:09
vishytr3buchet: if they don't need a default value then it doesn't matter21:09
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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #977: SUCCESS in 2 min 52 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Added 'config list' to nova-manage. This function will output all of the flags and their values.21:19
openstackjenkins# ./bin/nova-manage config list21:19
openstackjenkinsI also alphabetized the nova-manage category listing21:19
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tr3buchetvishy: thanks21:46
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