Thursday, 2011-05-19

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openstackjenkinsProject nova build #914: SUCCESS in 2 min 41 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Simple change to sort the list of controllers/methods before printing to make it easier to read00:49
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sorencomstud: The nova test suite fails with your eventlet patch.11:50
sorencomstud: Specifically, S3APITestCase.11:50
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sorencomstud: It seems the S3 server isn't being shut down. Looking at our test code, I don't even see where that's supposed to happen, but the fact is, it works with standard eventlet, not with the 0.9.15+comstud-magic afaict.12:10
sorencomstud: Oh, actually, it may be a 0.9.15 problem. 0.9.14 seems to work, while 0.9.15 doesn't.12:12
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sorencomstud: Oh, found it. :)12:15
sorencomstud: totally not your fault.12:18
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ttx now shows milestones, making it more useful in the new world order.13:24
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rnirmalsoren: ping?14:51
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openstackjenkinsProject swift build #263: SUCCESS in 55 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Change subdir nodes in XML formatted object listings to align with object nodes. Now: <subdir name="foo"><name>foo</name></subdir> Before: <subdir name="foo" />15:02
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comstudsoren: ok, cool :)15:08
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johan___i've seen two merges fail in the last couple of days for what seems to be problems unrelated to the patches themselves16:22
johan___is someone looking at that already?16:22
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comstudhopes so!  i want termie's flags fix in16:30
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comstudtermie: i'm not going to head out there today.. too many mtgs now to make it worth the travel time18:00
comstudmaybe next week18:00
comstudweek after, i'll be at castle18:00
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termiecomstud: so not heading to meetup?18:45
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comstudnah, going to skip that one18:47
comstudmy wife probably prefers I mow the lawn, anyway, now that it's sunny.18:47
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dabomow the lawn:
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comstudthanks dabo :)19:55
comstudtermie: i think i just remembered why i didn't want to use pools.Pool19:56
vishycomstud: termie has just made some more fixes to rpc code19:57
vishyhe is afk sandwich right now19:57
comstudproblem is when you need to reconnect19:57
comstudwell, what i really don't always needing to make sure to put something back into the pool19:58
comstudthe way we handle reconnecting right now, there's no way to get this new instance into the pool19:58
comstudi'll see what more he's done when he's back from sandwich.19:58
comstudconsidering not making Connection inherit from carrot19:59
termiecomstud: umm, i'd suggest holding off on changes for now20:01
termiei've just finally gotten everything working20:01
comstudi'd written some tests20:01
comstudi'll wait to see what you've come up with20:02
termiefeel free to pass tests along20:02
termiemy work in progress is at lp:~termie/nova/rpc_multi20:02
comstudthanks.  i'll push my tests up.  pretty basic.20:02
comstudwhere things get nasty is always needing to ConnectionPool.put something back20:11
comstudand making sure to do that even despite exceptions20:11
comstudtermie: see above.  pools.Pool makes that easy if you use 'with', but that doesn't play well with how we currently handle reconnecting.. and with MulticallWaiter(), apparently.  But I think this is solvable without too much trouble.20:17
comstuddespite your advice, i may start on something in another branch..  if it gets thrown away,no big deal.20:19
comstud(i can see you're missing a ConnectionPool.put(pub_conn) in multicall right now, btw)20:21
termieoo good catch20:22
termiei don't know that those have to be separate, some of this is organically grown, finding some of these bugs has been... involved20:22
comstuddoesn't ahve to be a separate conn20:23
comstudi notice a few other things to clean up in your branch, but I'll wait20:23
termieif you are comfortable with git i can push this stuff to github if you want to collaboratively work on it a bit easier20:24
comstudi'll arm wrestle you over it.20:24
comstudnothing :)20:24
comstudi'm actually less comfortable with git, but, i can deal with it20:25
termiejust that issueing merge proposals against other branches is annoying20:25
comstudif you want to push it to github, if it's easier for you to collaborate that way, it's fine with me20:26
comstudi might just be asking some git questions20:26
bcwaldonI would appreciate some feedback on this MP:
bcwaldonthere is some pretty major refactoring going on20:26
termiecomstud: pushed up current stuff to rpc_multi... not sure the best way to attempt to share branches20:31
termiecomstud: so that you can propose changes20:31
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termiecomstud: anyway, there is a ton of stuff to clean up, we're trying to get the tests all working before we start removing debug info20:35
termiecomstud: related to connection stuff, btw, there is an "ensure_connection" call on consumer/publishers20:36
termiecomstud: i haven't played with it yet20:36
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comstudtermie: with LP, the only way to request merges between our branches is to just manually communicate20:41
comstudwe can pull from each others at any time, but otherwise it's just something like "hey, you might want to pull my changes in now"20:43
comstudtermie: another gotcha when pulling from the pool, if you're going to use 2 separate connections for consumer and publisher... is that you should pull the publisher connection out of the pool first, use it, and put it back...otherwise you can get a deadlock20:52
comstud(connections all used for consumers and publishers cannot publish)20:53
comstudtho I would probably avoid that and just use a single connection for both20:53
termiei'm somewhat fed up with this whole system at the moment, am re-evaluating some things from basic principles20:54
termieso far i am at one connection for all reads on a process and probably one for all writes (so that we don't have to manage that ourselves)20:55
comstudmy initial code with the pool of greenthreads solved the reconnecting issue and not necessarily having to make sure to put things back into the pool..20:56
termiereaders just register callbacks and wait on greenthreads20:56
termiebasically, the system is too complex and all the things we are trying to solve are because we are still slave to our original design20:57
termiethat was from before eventlet20:57
termiethere are a lot of ins and outs to the current code20:58
termieand if it were unified none of these things would be issues20:58
termiewe'd be using standard concepts for a shared resource20:58
termierather then trying to solve our problems by making sure everything gets a resource and puts it back correctly20:59
termiei smell a hackathon project20:59
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termiecomstud: reconsider meetup? :p21:03
comstudi really can't at this point.. next time would be monday21:03
comstudi'd come out there for a bit if it didn't take me 1.5hrs each way21:04
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termiecomstud: whereabouts are you living?21:07
comstudeast bay21:08
comstudprobably the farest east you could still call east bay21:08
comstudmaybe 20 minutes to BART21:09
termieaye, a bit out there21:09
termielong bart ride21:09
comstudthen maybe an hour from there21:09
comstudi don't really like getting on at pittsburg/gunpoint21:09
comstudbetter to drive to concord or pleasant hill and hop on there21:10
comstudyou can come out here and help me mow the lawn21:10
termiehow long does it take in a car?21:11
termiejesse has a tesla :)21:11
comstudthat might be fun if you take 580 to Vasco Rd21:11
comstudVasco Rd is windy21:11
comstudbut uh.. it's over an hour still21:12
comstudi do have booze and a guest room :)21:13
comstudbeer pong is set up.21:13
comstudi have sprint planning mtgs most of tomorrow :-/21:14
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sorenAlright, eventlet fixed. Nova builds work again.22:39
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openstackjenkinsProject burrow build #11: SUCCESS in 14 sec:
openstackjenkinsTarmac: Moved example docs from wiki into sphinx.22:46
pvosoren: are you pushing a new eventlet ppa?22:49
pvoI just got this and wondered if it was related:  python-eventlet : Depends: python (>= 2.6.6-2ubuntu2~) but 2.6.6-2ubuntu1 is to be installed22:51
* pvo is late to the party22:51
sorenpvo: Which distro are you seeing this on?22:55
sorenpvo: Lucid?22:55
pvoupdated and upgraded22:56
* soren looks22:56
pvowith ppa:nova-core/trunk22:56
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sorenpvo: Can't reproduce it?23:00
pvowhat version python are you running?23:00
sorenMaverick is python 2.623:01
pvoI did find this:
pvobut I'm not sure if thats pushed out yet23:01
sorenpvo: Just fired up a cloud server, add the trun kppa, installed nova-api. Worked great.23:01
pvook... I'll keep tracking it down. Thanks for looking.23:02
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soren2.6.6-2ubuntu2 was published in December.23:03
pvook, now I'm super confused.23:03
sorenLet me know how I can reproduce (ideally starting with "boot image X on rackspace cloud"), and I can find an explanation.23:05
sorentomorrow, even.23:05
sorenNow I need sleep.23:05
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