Thursday, 2011-05-12

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notmynameanticw: any thoughts on the xfs inode64 mount option? (
notmynameping in here too01:37
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comstudsoren: I think I'm on track to fix eventlet correctly.  See the start to a patch that I've posted in LP 771512 (my last comment).07:29
Binbinping all, a little issue about bzr, how to show all branchs with bzr. like the 'git branch -a' ?08:13
sorencomstud: Cool beans.08:35
sorenBinbin: Unless you're using the colo plugin (if you don't know that you are, you're not) such an operation doesn't make much sense. bzr keeps separate branches in separate directories.08:39
sorenBinbin: So listing all branches would be something like "cd .. ; ls"08:40
Binbinsoren, yes, just be familiar with git operations, and want to check all branchs in nova...08:40
Binbinsoren, got the point, so that's the intention of bzr, keep separate branches in separate directories.08:41
Binbinsoren++, great thanks for your assistance :)08:41
sorenBinbin: Sure thing.08:45
comstudsoren: did you happen to take a look?08:48
comstudi'm pretty sure this is what you were looking for08:49
comstudas was I :)08:49
comstudi would think this would be more appropriate to get upstreamed08:50
comstud1:50am and I can't sleep... so i'm going to continue on.08:51
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comstudupdated bug on LP again10:01
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sorencomstud: Looking good.10:08
comstudfor some reason they were not implementing timeouts at all for sendto()10:10
comstudi guess because they figure it should never block, since it's udp10:10
comstudbut reality is that it can if you shove enough stuff too quickly into the socket buffer10:10
comstudso i added timeout checking for that too10:10
comstudam about to build 50 instances again10:11
comstudi have a feeling we are getting real timeouts connecting to rabbit, however10:11
comstudmy previous patch did better, but we still saw a few timeouts10:11
comstudgot like 47 builds out of 5010:11
comstudgoing to 100 failed miserably again10:11
* comstud tries this10:12
comstudUnable to find host for Instance 1479 (HTTP 500)10:15
comstudseeing this now and then.. filed a bug for this too10:15
comstudhey, no socket timeouts.10:16
comstudjust 3 'unabled to find host for Instance' errors10:17
* comstud tries 10010:18
comstudsome Socket closed's connnecting to rabbit10:21
comstudbut no timeouts10:21
comstudwell, i think this fixes the eventlet issue10:23
comstudnow I think this is just something else.10:24
comstudthink i have an idea of how to improve api for this10:24
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notmynamecan we move openstackjenkins to this channel?19:41
vishygood idea19:42
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dprincesandywalsh: You there?20:10
dprincedabo: ?20:10
dprincedabo: Hey man. Just filed this one:
dprincedabo: I think that came in w/ one of the distributed scheduler branch merge props. Is that correct? If do you guys want it?20:12
dprincedabo: I can take care of it too but I figured you guys might already have it queued for another merge, etc.20:13
dabolooks like it could be related to the effort to break off the capabilities reporting into a separate chunk20:13
dprincedabo: exactly.20:13
dabodprince: I would wait to hear from sandywalsh or sirp before spending time on it20:13
dprincedabo: just missing the flag and the default value. Sure. THanks man.20:14
daboI'm just confused how that code made it into trunk without the flag setting making it in, too20:14
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dprincedabo: That function gets called periodically. Could add a test that mocks out some stuff and calls it?20:16
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jaypipesbcwaldon: thx for your examples on the versions stuff... trying to decide what's better, returning  404 or a 300 for requesting /v2/versions and /v1/versions.20:41
bcwaldonjaypipes: I'd say 300 if you want to keep the choices, and 400 if you drop it20:42
bcwaldonpersonally, I don't like choices20:43
bcwaldon/v2/... is an invalid url20:43
jaypipesbcwaldon: I'm going to keep the version choices and display a 300. But the /v1/versions *should* return a 404, because that is a valid version but wrong resource found.20:43
jaypipesbcwaldon: but I think that /v2/versions should return a 300 Multiple Choices with the  versions JSON.20:43
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jaypipesbcwaldon: or maybe a 404.. hmm, I'm on the fence.20:44
bcwaldonI can see value in either way, and nova already does the 30020:44
jaypipesbcwaldon: for a bad version?20:44
jaypipesbcwaldon: hmm.20:45
jaypipesbcwaldon: OK, so are we in agreement that /v2/versions returns a 300 and /v1/versions returns a 404?20:46
bcwaldonit's at least documented that way, not sure it does it in practice20:46
bcwaldonand yes, we agree20:46
sandywalshdprince, dabo ... whoopsy. thanks ... got i21:09
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