Friday, 2018-08-03

*** jiapei has joined #openstack-cyborg08:33
openstackgerritYumengBao proposed openstack/cyborg master: Docs: Autogenerate config documentation
*** jiapei has quit IRC11:47
*** efried is now known as fried_rice12:48
*** jaypipes is now known as leakypipes13:46
*** alex_xu has quit IRC14:08
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The infra team is renaming projects in Gerrit. There will be a short ~10 minute Gerrit downtime in a few minutes as a result.16:02
*** fried_rice is now known as fried_rolls16:19
*** openstackgerrit has quit IRC16:49
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Project renames and downtime are complete without any major issue.17:28
*** fried_rolls is now known as fried_rice19:18

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