Wednesday, 2017-05-24

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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Sufficient free space has been reclaimed that jobs are passing again; any POST_FAILURE results can now be rechecked.04:05
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zhipeng_ho ho ho15:00
zhipeng_#startmeeting openstack-cyborg15:00
openstackMeeting started Wed May 24 15:00:45 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zhipeng_. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg'15:00
jkilpatrmorning everyone15:00
zhipeng_#topic Roll Call15:00
zhipeng_morning , evenning and afternoon :)15:01
zhipeng_#info Howard15:01
jkilpatr#info Justin15:03
crushil#info Rushil15:04
zhipeng_anyone else ?15:05
zhipeng_okey then let's proceed15:07
zhipeng_we have 2 hours long meeting usually anyway :P15:07
zhipeng_#topic BP Discussion15:07
jkilpatrwe should just have a 24 hour meeting and call it an IRC channel15:08
jkilpatrAnyways Rushil I think you need to wf 0 that commit then wf 1 it again to get the gates to rerun15:08
zhipeng_automatic ending every 24 hours and then start again15:08
zhipeng_i just did a recheck15:08
zhipeng_sometimes the gate is just behaving weird15:08
jkilpatrif they still don't work I'll go and talk to the people in #openstack-infra they are always helpful15:09
jkilpatrconductor and agent look good.15:09
jkilpatrcyborg nova needs a meeting of its own in my opinion15:09
zhipeng_absolutely agree15:09
zhipeng_i just +2 the agent one, looking at the conductor spec15:10
jkilpatrI think the Cyborg/Nova spec might be served by having us play around with writing some code and trying stuff. But that's a cart/horse issue.15:11
zhipeng_jkilpatr rushil I will nominate you guys as core reviewer as well today, so that we could move the development faster15:11
crushilcool, thanks zhipeng_15:11
zhipeng_jkilpatr you mean we do it in parallel ?15:11
crushilIs there a deadline for the code to get in? End of Pike?15:12
jkilpatrzhipeng_, kinda I mean we start writing stuff with merged specs and play around with the nova stuff, when we have a decent idea of the pattern we want to use we can formalzie it and merge it.15:12
jkilpatrI think the issue is that there are enough moving parts that's hard to think about in a totally abstract sense.15:12
jkilpatrat the same time it's not really the best practice to do things like that. But whatever gets the code working15:13
zhipeng_yes I agree15:13
zhipeng_otherwise we would just be talking in abstraction15:13
jkilpatrwhich in principle is fine, but right now we're talking in abstract circles on this spec....15:13
zhipeng_ah it seems I don't have the gerritbots here ..., but a quick update, jenkins shines upon the agent spec just now :P15:14
zhipeng_jkilpatr agree15:14
jkilpatrcrushil, you started work on the driver?15:17
crushiljkilpatr, I am still deciding what hardware backend I should use as the prototype to start development15:18
crushilAny suggestions?15:18
crushilI asked this on the channel yesterday as well15:18
jkilpatrok this is a good subject to discuss15:18
zhipeng_have you looked into virtio ?15:18
jkilpatrhow generic should the generic driver be?15:19
jkilpatrmaybe we need a stub driver that's literally nothing but stubs for all the required functions then a generic driver that's a very basic driver implementation for $something15:19
crushilHmmm, would the "stub" driver require another spec?15:20
jkilpatrnah it's just the current spec15:20
jkilpatrI mean the current spec specifies driver concepts, the stub driver is just the simplest thing that implements those concepts but does nothing at all useful in life15:21
jkilpatrI would think a '15:21
jkilpatra 'generic' driver would be pci attachment though right?15:21
crushilThat's my understanding15:22
jkilpatrok I see how virtio fits into that picture, just took some googlign.15:22
jkilpatrsounds good, stub is lower priority (not that it should be any effort really)15:22
crushilWhat's the deadline for this development work though? End of Pike?15:23
jkilpatrspecs -> pike ; basic functionality -> qeens from what I understand15:23
zhipeng_i was thinking basic functionality at the end of pike15:24
zhipeng_at least we should try15:24
jkilpatrisn't the pike deadline in like a month? or am I off15:24
jkilpatrI guess that's possible15:25
zhipeng_no that was the spec deadline15:26
zhipeng_the end of cycle would be around Sep ?15:26
crushilHmmm, that would be complicated. I will be on PTO between Mid June to Mid July. Gone for almost a month15:26
crushilAugust 28 is end of Pike I believe15:27
zhipeng_anyways let's try to shoot for Sep finish15:27
jkilpatroh man we have more time than I thought15:27
jkilpatrthat's doable15:27
zhipeng_Sep 11th is the PTG15:27
jkilpatrwhere is it this time?15:27
zhipeng_lucky we are not doing actual releases :P15:27
jkilpatrcan't say for sure if I'll be there yet.15:28
crushilI'm still unclear on this, which backend should I use for the driver? VirtIO or a specific hardware?15:28
jkilpatrwell it's supposed to be generic, use virtIO15:29
zhipeng_i think virtio would be preferred choice now15:30
zhipeng_crushil you might consider what justin suggested for the generic patch15:34
zhipeng_gate god did not shine upon you today :P15:34
zhipeng_two of J's specs are both merged15:34
jkilpatrI have experience pleasing Zull the linter god.15:36
crushilIt's unable to install dependencies for some reason15:37
jkilpatryes but to what package?15:37
crushilWill probably do a reverify in a couple of hours15:38
crushil could not install deps [-r/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-cyborg-docs-ubuntu-xenial/test-requirements.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-cyborg-docs-ubuntu-xenial/requirements.txt]15:38
jkilpatrcrushil, test-requirements.txt is the file in cyborg repo15:40
jkilpatrrebase your commit and see if an updated one works15:40
jkilpatror perhaps it's the other way around and my lack of rebasing means the old test-requirements.txt works and the new one doesn't15:41
crushilWell rebased it now. We'll see what it does15:41
jkilpatreither way the correct soltuion is to open up a new dummy commit, see if the linters run, then edit test-requirements until they do, then merge that and rebase everything else15:41
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ttk2[m]Anyways anything else?16:41
ttk2[m]I think we lose zhipeng again.16:41
zhipeng_i was lost ..16:41
zhipeng_but managed to get back16:41
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zhipeng_seems ok now17:04
openstackMeeting ended Wed May 24 17:04:13 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)17:04
openstackMinutes (text):
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