Wednesday, 2015-09-30

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dkalleghey harlowja , looking into some zookeeper stuff, trying to use tooz to get a lock.  It asks for a connection string and a member id.  I'm not sure what the member id should be.  In my devstack deployment (with zookeeper) my /var/lib/zookeeper/myid is actually uninitialized.00:32
harlowjadkalleg hey00:33
dkallegvipul: tells me you might be able to help with zk stuff :)00:33
harlowjaso myid in the var/lib dir is more of the zookeeper identifier for the zookeepr server (used when its in a cluster)00:33
dkallegok, so likely not related to the memberid00:33
harlowjathe memberid in tooz is the member 'name' of the client00:33
dkallegof what client?00:34
harlowjasorry, the tooz coordinator object u are fetching00:34
harlowjaits not really needed for locks though i think, but its required for group membership apis00:34
harlowjabut typically a uuid u make is fine00:34
harlowjawe (tooz folks) probably could make the member_id optional00:35
harlowjabecause for locks i don't think its used00:35
dkallegoh ok cool00:36
dkallegI did notice in the tooz tests that a random uuid is generated & passed in for the member id00:36
dkallegGreat, let me give it a shot with some random value.00:37
dkallegThanks harlowja!00:37
harlowjacan u open a bug on 'something something don't need member_id for locks, don't require it'....00:37
harlowjathink it can be investigated and or made optional00:38
dkallegsure no problem00:40
dkallegalso, the get_lock() doesn't seem to be complaining, so I'll assume it worked00:40
dkalleghm.. i even gave a bogus backend url in get_coordinator() then started & get_lock() and lock.acquired is True00:44
dkallegIs that expected?00:45
harlowjahmmmm, how bogus was the backend url, lol00:45
harlowjamedium bogus?00:45
harlowjaor very bogus?00:46
dkallegtried changing port too, same result00:46
harlowjaya, so zake pretty much ignores all the hostname, port00:46
harlowjasince zake is pretty much all local 'fake/mock' zookeeper00:46
harlowjapretty sure in that case only  zake:// is actually used (to figure out which driver to load)00:47
dkalleggave 'foobar' and it failed00:47
harlowjathe rest is just unsued00:47
dkallegso zake://:2181 is really all it reads?  Whatever in the middle is stripped out?00:47
harlowjajust zake:// actually in this case00:47
harlowjathe rest is read, but not used00:48
harlowjacertain drivers use different things from that url00:48
harlowjaprobably should have better docs on what is used from the url(s)00:48
dkallegSo that means there's a requirement that wherever you're running tooz must be on the same host as a zk node?00:48
harlowjazake is a different one00:49
dkallegoh.  I'm still learning zake/zk/tooz :)00:49
harlowjazake basically mimics the kazoo (zookeeper client) api with a implmentation that doesn't actually talk to zookeeper00:49
harlowjazake version is mostly for testing (where no zookeeper can be ensured exists)00:49
dkallegoh! so if I want to get a lock from my running zookeeper service, I should not be using zake.  Is that so?00:50
harlowjau probably want zookeeper://localhost:2181 as the driver00:50
dkallegfeel a bit silly now00:50
dkallegprogress!  Thanks, will go try that out00:50
harlowja (Various drivers)00:51
harlowjazake is the special one in that group00:51
harlowja*more special* they are all special obviously, lol00:51
dkallegaha, this certainly seems to be working.  My oslo_service is also spitting out kazoo.client zookeeper connection CONNECTED / CLOSED00:52
harlowjathats good (hopefully, ha)00:53
harlowjaprobabaly don't make to many coordinators dynamically, since they each contain a client00:53
harlowjawhich consumes resources00:53
dkallegFor what I'm doing, I'll be trying to acquire a lock every 60s from 1 to 3 nodes, but I can keep the coordinator around so that I only ever create 1 to 3 coordinators at init time00:55
dkallegThanks a bunch!  Big help00:55
harlowjanp :)00:57
harlowjaand tell your friends, tooz is cool00:58
dkallegYou got it.  You guys have stickers?  haha, I'm all about the sticker01:01
harlowjanot yet, perhaps we should get some, ha01:06
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/cue: py3: Get urllib modules from six.moves
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/cue: py3: Replace unicode with six.text_type
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/cue: py3: Get urllib modules from six.moves
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