Monday, 2024-01-08

mnasiadkadalees: Do you use Calico for 1.27?08:15
elodilleshi Magnaum Team! Release Management team's consistency check tool showed that there is a new deliverable (magnum-capi-helm-charts) that is not listed amongst Caracal's official deliverables is releases repository. so the question is if the team wants it to be released in 2024.1 Caracal, because if yes, then it needs to be added in openstack/releases (under deliverables/caracal/) as soon as 18:32
elodillesdalees jakeyip mnasiadka ^^^18:33
elodillesif any help is needed just ping me and I'll try to help. (either here or @ #openstack-release channel)18:35
daleeselodilles: Hi Elod! Thanks for asking - this is part of the CAPI Helm driver which is not *yet* merged into Magnum Caracal and is empty. So we need to pick this up in our next meeting to decide if we're merging CAPI Helm driver, and get it included.20:50
daleesmnasiadka: yes; we use Calico. I've upgraded ours for k8s 1.27 to calico 3.26 but needed new manifests. I switch on the Calico version in our Heat template to support both 3.23 and 3.26 - It's probably something I should submit upstream, else Calico upgrades are not viable.20:53
opendevreviewDale Smith proposed openstack/magnum master: Bugfix: Clean up trusts for all deleted clusters
opendevreviewDale Smith proposed openstack/magnum master: Bugfix: Clean up trusts for all deleted clusters

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