Tuesday, 2021-12-28

*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel13:27
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away15:58
guilhermesp_gueswhat: this is looking like an issue with nova itself? are the flalvos being used for workers and masters  valid ones?20:36
gueswhatguilhermesp_: everything seems to be okish, except one thing, seems that enabled user trust in trustee is doing these problems, i saw some 401 from magnum to keystone, so maybe there is some problem20:40
gueswhatbut user and password are correct for both, domain admin and magnum user20:43
gueswhatwhich brings me to this https://stackoverflow.com/a/34214711 ( I believe the 401 error can happen when you have an unscoped token, that is, one without a tenant identified with it )20:44

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