Monday, 2021-12-13

*** _nick is now known as yankcrime10:10
fungimnaser: tobias-urdin: looks like strigazi hasn't been in here for a few weeks, but maybe you're interested... the foundation staff got notified that magnum's kubernetes conformance badge expires on january 8... any chance either of you is interested in submitting updated conformance test results or know someone who is? it would be something like13:12
mnaserfungi: i think i can ask guilhermesp_ to do it (or susanta) from our team.  i believe we've done it from vexxhost (which is essentially magnum)13:14
fungioh, awesome. let me know either way. i can always ask on the openstack-discuss ml too if they don't have time13:15
guilhermesp_yeah we've done for  1.20 and 1.21

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