Tuesday, 2021-08-24

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LarsErikPhi! I just wondered which version of Fedora CoreOS stable/victoria is tested with :-)07:42
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brtknrLarsErikP: 3308:16
brtknr34 is not supported yet since it defaults to fcos Cgroups v208:16
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch08:34
LarsErikPbrtknr: ok! thanks :-)09:05
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LarsErikPuhm. what am I missing here? Trying to set the hyperkube_prefix in stable/victoria but it doesn't actually do anything...12:52
LarsErikPdid set --labels hyperkube_prefix=ghcr.io/openstackmagnum/ in my template, but that parameter is nowhere to be seen in the resulting heat stack12:53
LarsErikPand if I login to the masternode it's stil trying to fetch from k8s.gcr.io12:53
LarsErikPhmmm should the label actually be "hyperkube_image"? https://github.com/openstack/magnum/blob/stable/victoria/magnum/drivers/k8s_coreos_v1/templates/kubemaster.yaml#L36012:57
LarsErikPnvm that was not for fedora coreos.. then.. wtf? :P13:00
LarsErikPoh. That label/parameter is not added to a tagged version? It's not present in 11.1.113:02
LarsErikPbrtknr: ^ ?13:02
LarsErikPseems to be this change? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/magnum/+/786096 only included in stable/victora it seems. no release. Are there any plans? :P13:15
LarsErikPuhm. Am I right that its's actually not in 12.0.0 (wallaby) either?13:21
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brtknrLarsErikP: no they were backported later.. i thought they would have been released16:06
brtknryou should be using fedora-coreos driver, not coreos16:07
LarsErikPbrtknr: I am using the fedora-coreos driver. just read the wrong file in the repo :p But the problem still exists though... Any way to get this into a release? :)16:18
LarsErikPI kinda of rely on version available through RDO or UCA..16:19

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