Thursday, 2021-07-15

opendevreviewFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum stable/wallaby: Make code compatible with SQLAlchemy 1.4.18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/magnum master: Fix CoreDNS 1.7.0 and above
*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel04:32
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch09:17
*** ykarel|lunch is now known as ykarel11:00
Adri2000hi. any opinion about adding port 8443 to the secgroup here ? I realized that is needed when trying to expose the kubernetes dashboard through a service13:55
born2bakeHi brtknr, I am trying to memorize what was the thingy you usually were asking to use to fetch the logs from machine and it's getting automatically uploaded for debugging?14:51
born2bakewas helpful to easily share the errors and dmesg14:52
born2bakefrom fcos14:52
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away16:32

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