Monday, 2020-04-06

openstackgerritjacky06 proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: tox: Keeping going with docs
openstackgerritjacky06 proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: tox: Keeping going with docs
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openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: Support calico v3.3.6
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born2bakedoes anyone use magnum with kolla-ansible here?11:04
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openstackgerritDiogo Guerra proposed openstack/magnum master: [k8s] label to select helm client container tag
openstackgerritDiogo Guerra proposed openstack/magnum master: [k8s] label to select helm client container tag
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openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: Support calico v3.3.6
guilhermesphey there! so v1.18 created and healthy status13:27
guilhermespbut is this expected?13:27
brtknrguilhermesp: you should use openstack coe cluster config13:29
brtknri also saw that, not sure what the solution is for now13:29
brtknrbut only there if you try and interact with the cluster from the master nodes13:30
brtknrguilhermesp: what happens if you export KUBERNETES_MASTER=http://localhost:808013:30
guilhermesphum yeah gonna try that inside the mast ( btw this result is inside master node )13:31
guilhermespoh it works brtknr13:31
brtknrguilhermesp: great13:31
guilhermespyeah I'd like to share some things about v1.17 confromance as well13:32
brtknrso looks like k8s 1.18 does not assume localhost:808013:32
guilhermespabout v1.17 conformance... i tried --e2e-parallel when I tried to run conformance but it seems it skips the tests and give us success results. Then I got the sensation it was working hahaha but ran it over the weekend with 1.17.4 and it seems it failing also it takes like 3 hours to complete with v1,17.4 and sonobuoy v0.17.213:33
guilhermespso now what I'm doing is running sonobuoy on a v1.17.2 cluster13:33
guilhermespwith v0.17.2 sonobuoy version to see how it goes13:34
guilhermespbtw I'm running right now sonobuoy v0.17.2 on a v1.17.2 cluster AND sonobuoy v0.18.0 on a v1.18.0 cluster13:40
guilhermesplet's see how it goes13:40
born2bakeIs there any way to setup TimeoutRestartSec ? When I am deploying magnum cluster with calico, cluster is failing cause it takes some time for kube api server to be installed and enabled.13:51
born2bakeIs there any up-to-date guide how to use coreos image with magnum and heat on train? where to get that coreos image13:51
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cosmicsoundanyone had issues where the /etc/kubernetes is not created and nothing works ?15:16
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brtknrguilhermesp: sonobuoy v1.17.4 passed for us15:49
brtknrguilhermesp: sonobuoy v1.17.4 passed for us on master15:49
brtknrcosmicsound: that description is a bit too broad15:49
brtknri'd look at the logs inside /var/log/heat-config15:49
cosmicsoundbrtknr , i checked the logs15:55
cosmicsoundnow i see it makes the folder15:55
cosmicsoundyet it get stuck on /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data not found. Skipping15:55
brtknrso there are no logs?15:56
cosmicsoundare logs15:56
cosmicsoundlet me paste them online15:56
brtknrwhats int he logs?15:56
born2bakeIs there any way to setup TimeoutRestartSec ? When I am deploying magnum cluster with calico, cluster is failing cause it takes some time for kube api server to be installed and enabled.15:57
cosmicsoundbrtknr , this is from latest attempt16:00
guilhermesphum it failed again here brtknr let me see in e2e logs what happened ( it took 144 minutes to finish btw )16:07
guilhermesphum basically 14 failures brtknr16:16
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cosmicsoundAnyone using Fedora Atomic 29?16:33
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cosmicsoundApr 06 16:57:54 k-5aqtp67ttv6a-master-0.novalocal podman[1710]: Source [request] Unavailable.16:58
cosmicsoundApr 06 16:57:54 k-5aqtp67ttv6a-master-0.novalocal podman[1710]: /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data not found. Skipping16:58
cosmicsoundApr 06 16:57:54 k-5aqtp67ttv6a-master-0.novalocal podman[1710]: No auth_url configured.16:58
cosmicsoundApr 06 16:57:54 k-5aqtp67ttv6a-master-0.novalocal podman[1710]: WARNING:root:Base directory /opt/stack/os-config-refresh is deprecated. The recommended base directory is /usr/libexec/os-refresh-config16:58
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cosmicsoundlatest log
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guilhermesphuuum interesting brtknr17:29
guilhermespthat's because i changed the network drive from calico to flannel17:29
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AJaegerhere're two py27 cleanups, please review and
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]: Exception in thread Thread-2:18:04
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]: Traceback (most recent call last):18:04
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]:   File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner18:04
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]:
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]:   File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/", line 870, in run18:04
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]:     self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)18:04
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]:   File "/var/lib/heat-config/hooks/script", line 83, in consumer18:04
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:02:16 k-puydebugrgsz-master-0.novalocal runc[1764]:     fd.write(line)18:04
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cosmicsoundApr 06 18:49:03 k8s-calico-fedora-atomic-calmu42x2rnn-master-0.novalocal runc[1831]: ++ USERNAME=admin18:54
cosmicsoundApr 06 18:49:03 k8s-calico-fedora-atomic-calmu42x2rnn-master-0.novalocal runc[1831]: ++ PASSWORD=ChangeMe18:54
cosmicsoundi guess these 2 vars are the k8s dashboard login credentials18:54
cosmicsoundthanks brtknr for all guidance over time, after several months, first working k8s19:11
cosmicsoundnow need to figure out to access it19:11
brtknrcosmicsound: what was the problem19:16
brtknrcosmicsound: you can use `openstack coe cluster config`19:16
brtknrcosmicsound: you can use `openstack coe cluster config --dir ~/.kube`19:16
brtknrcosmicsound: what org do you work for?19:16
born2bakebrtknr can you suggest how to troubleshoot when cluster creation fails? :)19:19
born2bakecause when you check heat-config logs it doesnt show you anything19:19
brtknrcheck /var/log/cloud-init.log19:20
brtknrcheck /var/log/cloud-init-output.log19:20
brtknropenstack coe cluster show19:20
born2bakeI always have it successfully finished19:20
brtknrthats my usually go tos19:20
brtknrsorry i might be slow to reply, its evening here19:20
born2bakeI have other problems: I can deploy only one master cluster. I cant deploy calico cluster. Atomic fedora images loading is too slow, even with virtio rng enabled. When I am using coreos, autoscaler doesnt work, magnum-autohealer doesnt work either.19:21
cosmicsoundbrtknr , well for what I can see, it worked with your scripts out of the box, i suspect the heat_container_agent is a issue and or the current magnum i run has some bugs19:21
cosmicsoundbrtknr , our organization is small UHL Services, we are getting ready to launch public services19:22
cosmicsoundborn2bake , yes brtknr has a repo on git19:22
cosmicsoundborn2bake ,
cosmicsoundIt seems it works both flannel and callico19:25
born2bakecosmicsound did you use coreos or fedora atomic?19:36
cosmicsoundhow i access the dashboard?19:49
cosmicsoundserver: is API only19:49
brtknrcosmicsound: You need horizon magnum-ui plugin enabled19:53
cosmicsoundbrtknr , i have it enabled20:01
cosmicsoundwhats the default dashboard port?20:02
cosmicsoundheat_container_agent_tag=689704 that tag whats the version of it?20:03
cosmicsoundalso when I add public it stops working20:03
cosmicsoundi think something is wrong on my network20:03
cosmicsoundnot sure20:04
flwang1brtknr: ping20:09
guilhermespguys, do we have conformance tests for v1.17 and v1.18 using calico driver?20:15
guilhermespi mean, conformance test results*20:15
cosmicsoundcant seem to get to dashboard21:59
flwang1guilhermesp: yes22:05
flwang1i had done that for v1.1722:06
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cosmicsoundi got to the dashboard in the end, not i cant seem to be able to login, where do i find the token?22:39
cosmicsoundor how to generate the kubeconfig22:39
flwang1cosmicsound: you can use 'openstack coe cluster config  <id>' to get the config22:43
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cosmicsoundflwang1 , i did that22:52
cosmicsoundjust that for some reason my config file token does not work22:52
cosmicsoundand either the config itself22:52
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flwang1then you can try to get the token directly22:52
cosmicsoundhow so22:53
flwang1kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')22:53
cosmicsoundhmm long long output22:54
flwang1try the first one22:54
cosmicsoundthat worked thanks a bunch flwang1 !22:56
cosmicsoundsaved me this night22:56
cosmicsoundfighting with this in past 3 4 hrs22:56
cosmicsoundfinally after 5 months first running cluster22:56
cosmicsoundis older version22:56
flwang1cosmicsound: np. may i know what's the stage you're at with Magnum?22:56
cosmicsoundyet its a start22:57
flwang1I'm the PTL of Magnum just in case you don't know me and im happy to help if you're trying to deploy Magnum on your prod22:57
cosmicsoundmananged to do the deploymennt of kubernetes v1.14.822:58
cosmicsoundboth calico and flannel22:58
cosmicsoundwill be trying today other versions22:58
cosmicsoundflwang1 , great meeting you!22:58
cosmicsoundi had issues to deploy mostly any cluster until now since my kolla deployment does not have latest magnum-ui and that can be bad when making clusters22:59
cosmicsoundnot sure what. tags are needed on upper versions23:00
cosmicsoundso il make a guess jump23:00
flwang1the magnum ui is not a big problem23:02
flwang1as long as your magnum service work, the ui is easier23:03
flwang1cosmicsound: may i know which company are you working for?23:03
cosmicsoundflwang1 , i work for UHL-Services23:30
cosmicsoundWe are a small startup from swiss23:30
cosmicsoundvery soon will launch our web hosting services online23:30
flwang1cosmicsound: cool23:41
cosmicsoundflwang1 , can you tell me what is the easiest way for me to get access to kubeconfig23:42
flwang1openstack coe cluster config <cluster ID>23:42
cosmicsoundyet that config did nnot allowed me to login23:42
cosmicsoundgave me this :
flwang1maybe the format or something, as for kubeconfig, you need to make sure kubectl can work with it23:43
cosmicsounddo you have some guide for fedora 29 some newer version of kubernetes other than 1.14.8 it seems when i try 1.15.7 it fails23:44

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