Thursday, 2020-04-02

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openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum master: [k8s] Support updating k8s cluster health status
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui master: Fix pyScss version in lower-constraints.txt
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openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum master: [WIP][k8s] Update k8s dashboard verstion to v2.0.0
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cosmicsoundanyone here using latest fedora-coreos31 openstack ? if so what os tag you people use with magnum for k8s coreos or fedora-coreos ?09:25
ttsioutsstrigazi, brtknr: thanks for the comments. I like the --add-labels approach09:27
ttsioutsthis way we could have --remove-labels as well09:27
ttsioutswhat do you think?09:28
cosmicsoundI have added the label   heat_container_agent_tag: train-stable-2 and my cluster still uses ussuri-dev09:37
cosmicsoundI added also on template level also on cluster level nothing helps09:37
cosmicsoundANy ideas what tags are for template only and what tags are for k8s directly09:38
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openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum-specs master: Fix CI and address all tox -e docs warnings
openstackgerritLingxian Kong proposed openstack/magnum master: [WIP][K8S] Delete all related load balancers before deleting cluster
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum-specs master: ci: Fix and address all tox -e docs warnings
brtknrttsiouts: remove-labels sounds good :)10:54
ttsioutsbrtknr: although I like it too, I am not sure that there is a valid use case for it.10:57
ttsioutsbrtknr: meaning that removing a label should mean don't use it or use the default?10:58
brtknryes, to be fair, i dont see myself using it much10:58
ttsioutsbrtknr: and there is noone to ask for the default value.. from user perspective.10:58
brtknrttsiouts: thats true, although another way to look at it is: a user is responsible for both template and the cluster11:15
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum-specs master: ci: Fix and address all tox -e docs warnings
openstackgerritTheodoros Tsioutsias proposed openstack/magnum-specs master: [WIP] Magnum Labels Override
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openstackgerritTheodoros Tsioutsias proposed openstack/magnum-specs master: Magnum Labels Override
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ttsioutsbrtknr: I rebased the spec on top of the ci fix. I added the ussuri index too because the ci was failing without it12:51
ttsioutsdtomasgu: thanks for the comments.12:52
ttsioutsdtomasgu: do you want to add a command that will show only the labels of the cluster or nodegroup?12:52
ttsioutsdtomasgu: By get methods, I was referring to cluster/nodegroup show12:54
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dioguerrai am here12:56
ttsioutsdioguerra: do you want to add a command that will show only the labels of the cluster or nodegroup?12:57
ttsioutsdioguerra: By get methods, I was referring to cluster/nodegroup show12:57
ttsioutsdioguerra: thanks for the comments.12:57
dioguerrattsiouts: only cluster or nodegroup. otherwise if the user has multiple nodegroups with different 'user_labels' how are you going to merge them?12:58
dioguerrattsiouts: alse, the default nodegroup inherits the labels from the cluster settings.12:59
ttsioutsdioguerra: hmm, I was thinking of just adding a new field in the show output12:59
dioguerrattsiouts: as i understood you will add the 'user_labels' column under the Cluster and nodegroups table12:59
ttsioutsdioguerra: not adding a whole new command12:59
ttsioutsdioguerra: yes, user_labels will be added in both cluster and nodegroup13:00
dioguerrattsiouts: so the filed in the output is based on the --labels input moving forward (if so that was not understood by me)13:00
ttsioutsdioguerra: so each show will contain the new field too13:00
dioguerra^^ new field is 'user_labels' and it will also show labels? And what are the labels (template/Cluster only) or plus 'user_labels'13:03
ttsioutsdioguerra: I was thinking something like this cluster.labels.update(cluster.user_labels)13:03
ttsioutsand for NGs the same13:03
dioguerrawhat will happen with the old labels field?13:04
ttsioutsthe labels output should either be empty, or show the inherited labels13:05
ttsioutsnot sure yet13:05
dioguerrabecause you can always compute the dependencies if you have the 'user_labels' input13:06
ttsioutsthis is what we are trying to decide.13:06
brtknrso labels behaves exactly the same as it does now?13:07
ttsioutsIMHO, it feels better to be empty for clusters that use the --add/extra/new-labels13:07
brtknrand --user-labels overrides inherited labels?13:07
ttsioutsmeaning that the conductor should fetch the labels from the cluster template before sending the request to heat13:08
ttsioutsI'm not sure yet though..13:08
dioguerraI dont think 'user_labels' should interact with labels13:08
dioguerraunless it is the cluster_template labels obviously13:09
dioguerrathen the conductor should fetch the cluster_template labels and apply 'new_labels' and then send request in the case of cluster creeate13:10
dioguerrain the case of NG create the conducter fetches the cluster labels and applies the 'new_labels' an sends the request13:10
dioguerraget for the cluster gets all used labels (so the computation of cluster_template + 'new_labels'13:11
dioguerraget ffor the NG gets all the used labels13:12
dioguerrayou can also add a field for the 'new_labels if you want' or a --only_new_labels flag to return only the user defined labels13:12
dioguerrai think this makes sense because then you are going to add file_config (which is another column on the Cluster/NG table). Which behaves the same way as the labels now, taking precedence with: cluster_template->file->user_labels for the cluster create and cluster_labels->file->user_labels (im thinking on only allowing config file for cluster wide set-up tho)13:16
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ttsioutswe need to be backwards compatible and not break the API13:22
ttsioutsso labels should continue working as they were.13:23
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ttsioutsmeaning that labels will continue being a way to tottaly override what was set in the level above13:24
ttsioutsuser_labels should contain labels and values to be merged with the inherited labels13:24
ttsioutsdoes it make sense?13:25
ttsioutslet's continue in gerrit because I don't know if this is clear enough.13:27
ttsioutsI'll try to add all these in the spec so that we can comment on each part13:28
brtknrttsiouts: what happens if a user specifies both --labels and --user-labels at the cluster scope13:28
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brtknr--labels specified at the time get merged with --user-labels?13:29
ttsioutsthe api should throw an error13:37
brtknrttsiouts: ah cool :)13:39
brtknrthat solves that problem13:39
brtknrttsiouts: i am still not happy with any of the flags13:54
brtknr--labels-override seems the best to me13:55
brtknror --update-labels13:55
brtknrsince this is equivalent to a dict update in python13:56
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cosmicsoundreq-5c19c629-78c8-40ac-8ac6-568eec9fb3baattach_volume2 Apr 2020, 9:36 a.m.7096c304e64b4d5a87fa4d7cb8808042Error15:13
cosmicsoundIs anyone getting such errors on mater of volume attached on master0k8s15:13
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brtknrcosmicsound: no15:26
brtknrnot seen that before15:27
brtknrcan you explain the problem more?15:27
brtknrdid you get a working cluster/15:27
cosmicsoundbrtknr , this is the logs from a master vm and no i still did not managed to get magnum fully load a succesfull cluster15:33
cosmicsoundlike im cursed on this one15:33
cosmicsoundIt shows me this errors on machine view15:33
cosmicsoundyet there is nothing wrong with the disk on the machine, the disk is there on right size15:33
brtknrcosmicsound: some info about what version you are using would be good, also example of the cluster template/cluster as i requested the other day15:34
brtknrthere are so many configurations, it is hard to know what is wrong from 1 line error log message15:35
cosmicsoundbrtknr , true that, well we use kolla to deploy from source, so we have latest magnum 9.2.0 running15:40
cosmicsoundI am not sure why no one makes a default template guide to know it works on a major release15:41
cosmicsoundIts ridiculous that over 5 months not one cluster completed15:41
cosmicsoundall failed in various reassons15:41
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cosmicsoundbrtknr , i am confused on how tags are overwriten from template level to cluster level15:48
cosmicsoundwhats the main one to overrule the tags? for example in main template i gave heat_agent_tag = train-stable-215:48
cosmicsoundand the. cluster still runs ussuri-dev15:48
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cosmicsound here are the logs from nova, related to the attach_volume failed16:00
cosmicsoundno where the same reqs were found in logs16:01
cosmicsoundwe use ceph backend16:01
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cosmicsoundso etcd does not run on my master:sudo service etcd status -l shows its not even existing16:09
cosmicsoundfedora-atomic-29 here16:09
cosmicsoundbrtknr , this is my current template:
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brtknrYou have space in the labels16:48
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cosmicsoundbrtknr , seems also etcd is not running for some reasson inside the Fedora Atomic 2917:00
guilhermespcosmicsound: did you try  ( if you are running mangum 9.2.0 ) to use labels as use_podman=yes and etcd_tag=3.4.3? not sure if i missed in the pastes but which kube_tag are you using?17:03
cosmicsoundI did not set any. kube_tag17:04
cosmicsoundwas the default on 1.5.717:04
cosmicsoundthese labels needs to be on template or on cluster?17:05
guilhermespdepending on the k8s version you're willing to use with train 9.2.0 yeah, that's how it works for me to support v1.17/v1.1617:06
cosmicsoundWe have these tags on template now17:06
cosmicsoundsry. the long paste17:06
cosmicsoundissue is etcd service is not running at all17:07
cosmicsoundguilhermesp , what image you use?17:07
cosmicsoundfedora atomic or coreos17:07
guilhermespI've been using atomic, but we are planning to migrate our cloud to apply some fixes that allow us to use fedora-coreos17:07
guilhermespas fedora atomic is EOL17:08
cosmicsoundtrue that17:08
guilhermespi had some issues of etcd not running, but that has to do with which etcd_tag you are using for which kubernetes version17:08
guilhermespso yeah, in train 9.2.0 i was able to run 1.16 cleanly and v1.1717:08
cosmicsoundnice nice17:08
cosmicsoundcan you give me some peak on your template tags used?17:09
guilhermespbut v1.17 on that tag is not passing on conformance tests so, there is a fix but it that is still not backported i guess ( not sure if is going to be tbh )17:09
guilhermespcosmicsound: that's the v.1.16 that I use cleanly in train 9.2.0
guilhermespalso passes k8s conformance tests17:11
guilhermespi'm using that cloud-provider coz we has issues to attach cinder volumes with v1.14.017:11
guilhermespbut yeah, that will be the last template that I will use atomic images hopefully :)17:12
guilhermespand we are going to be providing support only for the two recent k8s versions so we are no longer going to use prior to v1.1617:13
guilhermespone thing I advice you is to follow the magnum team weekly meeting17:13
cosmicsoundguilhermesp , behind ceph?17:13
guilhermespyes we have all stuff behind ceph17:13
cosmicsoundguilhermesp , i am here in past 5 months :D17:14
cosmicsoundevery day17:14
cosmicsoundguilhermesp , use kolla by chance?17:14
guilhermespcosmicsound: lol17:14
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guilhermespwe use OSA17:14
guilhermespbut yeah, i think if you are sourcing the sha of train 9.2.0 to build your packages and stuff17:15
cosmicsoundso must I use also rbd17:15
cosmicsoundsince i use also ceph17:15
guilhermespi think those labels would make you able to run v1.1617:15
guilhermespyeah i'm not sure why heat does'nt complain, unless it has a default value that is equal for your cinder volume types17:16
cosmicsoundhow come you choose calico over flannel?17:16
cosmicsoundgot issues with flannel?17:16
guilhermespfor me v1.16 runs both calico and flannel ok17:16
guilhermespbut yeah so my journey now is to provide clean support to v1.17 and v1.18 so, I will be a bit more active around17:17
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brtknryour labels only shows this:18:14
brtknr  ' etcd_volume_size': '20'18:14
brtknr  ' heat_container_agent_tag': train-stable-218:14
brtknr  cloud_provider_enabled: 'true'18:15
brtknryou have not set etcd_tag18:15
brtknralso for some reason, your label is parsed as ' etcd_volume_size'18:15
brtknrthere should be no space before etcd_volume_size18:15
brtknri would check the script you are using to launch your cluster18:15
brtknrdo you have it on a public repository somewhere?18:15
cosmicsoundbrtknr , i set it on cluster level18:40
cosmicsoundand last when i set it on template level was not working18:40
cosmicsoundbrtknr , not sure how you mean check the script to launch the cluster.18:41
cosmicsoundI follow manual commands, create a image from atomic fedora, create the template manually via cli and run the cluster.18:41
cosmicsoundResource CREATE failed: Error: resources.kube_masters.resources[0].resources.master_config_deployment: Deployment to server failed: deploy_status_code: Deployment exited with non-zero status code: 119:01
brtknrcosmicsound: I need to see all the labels19:43
brtknrboth cluster template and cluster19:43
brtknrIf you set labels at cluster level, the cluster template labels have no effect19:44
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openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: WIP Support calico v3.3.6
openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: Support calico v3.3.6
openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: Support calico v3.3.6
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flwang1brtknr: ping20:45
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flwang1re the health status update patch20:45
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cosmicsoundbrtknr ,
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