Wednesday, 2019-11-20

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brtknrjakeyip: podman is already available on train08:26
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strigazijakeyip: flwang brtknr08:53
brtknrwhere are you flwang ?09:05
brtknrstrigazi: are you any closer to figuring out the loss of support for newer versions of kube_tag?09:06
brtknrlooks like the tokens do not get placed in the path mounted inside the container09:07
brtknrstrigazi: did flwang confirm he was attending?09:09
strigazibrtknr: I didn't have time to look into it. This was the reason I moved things to podman.09:10
strigazibrtknr: plus the fact that atomic doesn't exist in fedora coreos09:10
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strigazibrtknr: he hasn't confirmed09:11
brtknri think then we need to support podman in stein if we cannot figure out another fix09:11
brtknri spent quite a lot of time looking into this and havent worked out the cause yet09:11
strigazibrtknr: what we do with the meeting?09:12
brtknrI suppose there isn't enough topics on the agenda to warrant a full meeting09:14
brtknrIs there anything you'd like to discuss09:14
brtknrAlso anything you'd like to discuss jakeyip ?09:14
strigazipython2, is there an objection to it? it is an ussuri goal anyway09:15
jakeyipI am quite interested in namrata question on versions of kube that has the CVE fixed09:17
namrataLooking for answer if anybody has09:18
jakeyipI know 1.14.6 works on Stein. What's a good solution to get those fixed versions running? podman with Train?09:18
brtknrstrigazi: nno objection to python209:19
strigaziwhich CVE?09:19
brtknralthough flwang deosnt seem to think we should make it non-voting yet...09:19
brtknrstrigazi: billion laughs?09:19
jakeyipfor context
strigazimore ddos09:21
strigazias mentioned, train+podman addresses the issue09:21
strigaziI'll have a look today for stein09:22
namratastrigazi so rocky will not have this issue solved09:22
strigaziit will09:22
strigaziif we fix it for stein, it will be the same fix for rocky.09:22
jakeyipawesome, thanks strigazi09:24
namrataokay so stein also has same issue09:24
namratathanks for the information strigazi09:24
elenalindqstrigazi, thank you for looking into namrata's issue. Please let us know if we can help in anyway, it is easy for us to recreate the problem and we can provide more logs.09:28
jakeyiphi elenalindq namrata wondering where you are from? I'm from Nectar Research Cloud, Australia09:30
elenalindqjakeyip: I'm located in Stockholm, working for City Network09:30
namratajakeyip I am located in Mumbai, India working remotely for City Network09:31
jakeyipnice to meet you09:31
brtknrelenalindq: namrata: as mentioned before, it will be best if you upgrade magnum component of your openstack to train, rather than waiting for the backports because the fixes are already in the 9.1.0 release09:32
namratajakeyip likewise09:32
elenalindqjakeyip: dito :)09:32
namratabrtknr yeah but as rocky is maintained release and some of our regions are in rocky and we dont know yet when are we planning to upgrade so we need to find soution for this first09:34
namrataand obviously later we can plan to upgrade our regions09:34
namratathanks brtknr09:34
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dioguerraflwang: CERN is running 2 in prod10:31
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brtknrdioguerra: running 2?10:50
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brtknrstrigazi: is use_podman with atomic working for you?11:14
brtknrdioguerra: can you also test if you are there?11:17
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strigazibrtknr: I'll test12:27
strigazibrtknr flwang we didn't choose to run python2. We are using CentOS and the rpms from RDO. RDO is using python2. I imagine for ussuri RDO will switch to python3 if OpenStack drops python212:30
strigazibrtknr: flwang from RDO: 13:33 < strigazi> hello, for ussuri, will rdo support python3?12:38
strigazibrtknr: flwang from RDO again: 13:37 < amoralej> no, the plan is to release ussuri in centos8/python3 only12:38
strigazibrtknr: flwang
strigazibrtknr: flwang according to that discussion, we (CERN), for ussuri, will use centos8 and python3.12:40
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brtknrstrigazi: any joy?13:20
brtknrwith use_podman label?13:20
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openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum master: Use configured heat-container-agent tag
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum master: bug: Use configured heat-container-agent tag
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dim79strigazi - is there any other repository for openstackmagnum images dockerfiles? current dockerfiles in magnum do not look like were used for 1.15 at least14:42
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strigazidim79: openstack/magnum/dockerfiles14:45
strigazibrtknr: my devstack failed me misserably14:45
strigazibrtknr: I'm restacking14:45
brtknrstrigazi: thanks14:46
brtknrstrigazi: just discovered a bug that affects a few of our sites re Train:!/story/200691714:46
brtknrbecause we dont enable Cinder everywhere14:46
dim79strigazi: in openstack/magnum/dockerfiles kubelet has KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV command line argument, which is removed from binary starting from kubelet 1.1514:49
openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: WIP add containerd support
dim79I mean: dockerfiles/kubernetes-kubelet/, ARGS="... $KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV ...", KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV comes from /etc/kubernetes/config and has a value "--allow-privileged=...", which is removed:14:55
dim79sudo runc exec kubelet /hyperkube kubelet --allow-privileged=true14:56
dim79F1120 14:32:21.493933   11040 server.go:156] unknown flag: --allow-privileged14:56
dim79thus kubelet fails to start till I remove or comment out KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV in /etc/kubernetes/config14:57
dim79at the same time, I see some steps regarding KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV in 1.15 image at
dim79and wonder - where do they come from14:58
brtknrstrigazi: nice! containerd will let us swap runtimeclass15:00
dim79strigazi - found the answer, please disregard15:01
brtknrdim79: are you trying to debug why 1.15 is not running on atomic?15:01
brtknrdim79: are you trying to debug why 1.15.5 is not running on atomic?15:01
dim79brtknr: yep15:02
dim79just found that I need to update my dockerfiles and set ADD_KUBE_ALLOW_PRIV=false in 'docker build'15:03
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brtknrand does that work?15:19
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brtknrdim79: where do you work btw?15:20
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dim79brtknr: Virtuozzo15:21
dim79brtknr: so far - nodes are in ready state (after kubelet's args manual fix), system pods are running15:21
dim79brtknr: my plan is to rebuild images with cherry-picked strigazi commits and than go deeper15:24
brtknrwhich commit are you cherry-picking?15:25
dim79fe0f0efa7237 c9262419fd4 - to stein15:26
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openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum master: bug: Only query Cinder API if volume size > 0
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum master: bug: Only query Cinder API if volume size > 0
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum master: bug: Use configured heat-container-agent tag
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brtknrdim79 is that working for oyu17:03
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flwangbrtknr: around?22:48
brtknrflwang hi23:00
brtknrPlease review the bug fixes above23:01
brtknrDid you have anything to discuss23:02
brtknralso python2 is being a pain in the CI23:02
flwangbrtknr: sorry i missed yesterday meeting23:03
flwangI understand the py2 pain and I'm trying to fix it23:03
flwangi'm reluctant to totally drop the gate since i know some of the users are still using py223:04
flwangi prefer to make it non vote instead of dropping it23:04
flwangi ping you since i'd like to understand the current status of the v1.14.6/v1.15.4+ support23:04
flwangis there any progress on this?23:04
brtknrNot yet, dim79 above seemed to have made some progress, I can’t even get cluster to deploy with use_podman label atm on atomic23:07
brtknrI am not sure if dim79 actually checked the status of the nodes in kube system namespxe23:08
brtknrI’m happy with non voting for the time being but not sure if it is likely to pass again23:09
brtknrbut happy for you to have a go23:09
brtknrStatus of the pods*23:12
brtknrthe nodes will report Ready and cluster will report Healthy even when it’s not23:13
brtknrplease check use_podman label for me on master branch, it’s not working for me23:13
flwangthe use_podman label works for me23:41
flwangi mean i cherrypicked the necessary commits to stein and it works for me23:41
flwangi have to cherry pick 11 commits23:42
openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum master: DO NOT MERGE
flwangbrtknr: ^23:44
brtknrflwang: What about master?23:48
brtknrits not working for me on master. What params are you using for cluster and cluster template?23:49
brtknrand what’s the DNM above? Is that for python2 support?23:50
flwangthe above it for py223:53
flwangbrtknr: that my lables   {u'cloud_provider_enabled': u'true', u'kube_tag': u'v1.16.3', u'etcd_tag': u'3.2.26', u'use_podman': u'true', u'heat_container_agent_tag': u'stein-dev', u'etcd_volume_size': u'5'}23:54
flwangi guess you're not setting the etcd tag23:54
brtknrWhy is the etcd tag essential?23:57
brtknrShouldn’t we make it the default if that’s the cass23:59

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