Tuesday, 2019-10-08

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brtknrflwang: oh hey 0/05:39
brtknrAre there any other changes you’d like to backports to train?05:40
brtknrWould be could if you could cherry pick them so we can wave them through tomorrow05:41
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openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: Pass ssh public key as string  https://review.opendev.org/68698607:56
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openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: k8s_atomic: Run all syscontainer with podman  https://review.opendev.org/68574908:28
strigaziflwang: brtknr: fixed ^^08:43
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strigaziflwang: brtknr we have a problem with ignition again09:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum master: Pass ssh public key as string  https://review.opendev.org/68698610:07
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brtknrstrigazi: what problem with ignition?12:06
strigazibrtknr: the patch in heat is wrong12:51
brtknrstrigazi: Oh really? In what way?12:51
strigazibrtknr: we write this file12:53
strigazibut os-collect-config thinks this is a directory: https://github.com/openstack/os-collect-config/blob/master/os_collect_config/local.py#L7012:53
strigazinot thinks, expects12:53
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strigazithis is on problem12:53
strigazithis is one problem12:54
brtknrstrigazi: that is because of steve's comment here: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/683723/7/heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py@44612:55
strigaziyeap, but the code is clear /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data should be directory12:56
strigaziLOCAL_DEFAULT_PATHS = ['/var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data']12:56
strigazifor local_path in cfg.CONF.local.path:12:56
strigazifor data_file in os.listdir(local_path):12:56
brtknrstrigazi: i understand what you mean12:58
brtknrif we had instead written a file to /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data/ourfile, it would have been fine12:58
brtknrstrigazi: why almost?12:59
strigazibecause, our agent doesn't work still12:59
strigaziI try to figure out why13:00
brtknrCan we monkey patch the collector?13:00
strigaziI patched heat to test,13:01
strigaziit doesn't work. Not sure why13:02
brtknrstrigazi: probaby obvious but did you restart heat?13:04
brtknrstrigazi: also is this after starting?13:05
strigaziyes, I see the file in the ndoe13:06
strigaziwas it so bad if we had cfn-init-data?13:07
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strigazios-collect-config os-apply-config and os-refresh-config don't even have a docs dir13:08
strigaziI think nobody understands trully how they work13:08
brtknri think they were worried about using a "legacy" feature13:13
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strigaziI think I'll just copy that file to cfn-init-data and that's it13:30
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brtknrstrigazi: lol "workaround"13:38
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brtknrmay also want to delete it from /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data13:39
strigaziI don't know, I'll take  break because I'm extremely depressed with it13:43
strigaziit had taken me like two months to make it work properly.13:44
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brtknrstrigazi: don't worry, lets make it work with a workaround for now and work with the heat team to get to the root cause later14:03
brtknrstrigazi: it is an amazing piece of work nonetheless... basically a seamless transition from fedora atomic to fedora coreos...14:04
strigazibrtknr: :)14:11
strigazibrtknr: thoughts on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685749/14:11
strigaziI think it is ready14:11
brtknrstrigazi: just testing it now14:11
brtknrbut visually looks good to me14:12
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brtknrstrigazi: where is your fedora coreos deployment failing exactly?14:35
brtknrit looked like everything was working yesterday until reboot at least14:39
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strigaziwith the current patch it works, flannel fails cause selinux14:45
strigaziI don't want disable it, I'll give it one more go14:45
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strigazibrtknr: ^^14:46
strigazicalico is fine14:46
strigazibrtknr: does it break for you? not sure what you are asking14:47
brtknrstrigazi: I am trying to get as far as I did yesterday but not successfully14:48
strigazibrtknr: what breaks?14:48
brtknrNotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data'14:49
strigaziheat master?14:49
strigaziprobably you have another version of heat14:50
strigazibrtknr: one that was not using /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data14:50
strigazinow I'm trying to copy that file14:51
strigazibrtknr: makes sense?14:52
brtknrI am using heat master14:53
strigaziwhere do you see NotADirectoryError: ?14:53
brtknrin the heat-container-agent log14:54
strigazils /var/lib/cloud/data/cloud-init-data14:54
strigazils /var/lib/cloud/data/cfn-init-data14:54
strigazils /var/lib/heat-cfntools/cfn-init-data14:55
brtknrls: cannot access '/var/lib/cloud/data/cfn-init-data': No such file or directory14:56
brtknrAre you also using this PS: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678458/714:57
brtknrWould you mind pushing your local changes so we are on the same page?14:57
strigazibrtknr: I haven14:57
brtknrI rebase PS7 against the new podman changes14:58
strigazibrtknr: I haven't pushed :( I'm tired14:58
strigazibrtknr: this was with fcos right?14:59
openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: k8s_atomic: Run all syscontainer with podman  https://review.opendev.org/68574914:59
brtknrstrigazi: tahts right14:59
openstackgerritSpyros Trigazis proposed openstack/magnum master: [WIP] Support Fedora CoreOS 30  https://review.opendev.org/67845814:59
brtknrstrigazi: fedora-atomic is working with podman :)15:00
strigazibrtknr: the last PS for FCOS works for calico15:00
strigaziwith heat master15:01
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brtknrwhats the alternative to disabling selinux?15:01
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strigazirun as root15:02
strigazirun flannel as root15:02
strigazisame as calico15:02
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strigaziI'll ask in fedora-coreos, but I promised them to try something first15:03
brtknrstrigazi: sounds good15:10
brtknrstrigazi: hmm still both clusters in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS15:29
brtknrworker nodes aren't joining the master15:30
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brtknr+ ssh -F /srv/magnum/.ssh/config root@localhost openssl genrsa -out /etc/kubernetes/certs/kubelet.key16:13
brtknrssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused16:13
brtknrthe workers fail to join master after this16:13
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guilhermesphas anyone tested k8s magnum clusters with v1.16.018:23
guilhermespi see we only have images on docker hub for this tag ( no v1.16.1 and so forth )18:24
guilhermespkubelet seems to be failing to start, I think the only meaningful lines of logs for me is that one... I see a bunch of deprecation warnings too18:35
brtknrwe havent built containers for v1.16.1 yet...18:36
guilhermespbut for v1.16.0?18:37
guilhermespfor example https://hub.docker.com/r/openstackmagnum/kubernetes-proxy/tags18:38
openstackgerritBharat Kunwar proposed openstack/magnum master: Build k8s images v1.16.1  https://review.opendev.org/68738518:42
brtknrguilhermesp: yes, v1.16.0 is available18:42
guilhermespyeah, i have a failing cluster with part of the output above... seems that kubelet is constantly failing to start18:43
brtknrguilhermesp: which release are you using? master?18:43
guilhermespyep, master18:44
guilhermespv1.14.3, v1.15.1 works cleanly18:44
brtknrguilhermesp: latest master or few days old master?18:44
guilhermespops v1.15.318:44
guilhermesplet me give you the sha I'm using18:44
brtknrcommit has?18:44
guilhermespyou mean this ? https://github.com/openstack/magnum/commit/919bf541c811229aa7f024180bdf33f15172a68218:45
brtknrguilhermesp: im testing now18:47
brtknrguilhermesp: looks like thats part of the change18:48
guilhermespso maybe I'd need to pull up the latest commits ?18:48
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brtknrguilhermesp: hmm no you shouldnt need to19:14
brtknrim still checking19:14
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guilhermespcool brtknr thanks in advance19:20
brtknrguilhermesp: ah, i dont think it works19:34
brtknrguilhermesp: it will need to be deployed via podman: https://review.opendev.org/68574919:35
guilhermespoh, it makes sense accordingly to what I've seen brtknr19:38
guilhermespthanks for the clarification19:38
guilhermespso I think i might wait this to land and then I can push the latest commit to my deployment19:38
brtknrguilhermesp: thats right19:46
brtknrflwang needs to +2 +w it for it to land19:46
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guilhermespcool brtknr ! gonna be waiting for that then19:52
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brtknrguilhermesp: feel free to test the patch with v1.16.0 before it even gets merged, would be of real help in case you manage to find other issues21:40
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