Monday, 2019-05-20

jakeyipflwang: functional tests still broken :P01:40
jakeyipI see you've been re-trying. I have been trying to figure out why but didn't get anywhere. Do you know what's wrong?01:41
flwangjakeyip: i'm testing with this patch
flwangfrom the error, seems the job is running py3 job in a py3 environment01:46
flwangbut i don't understand what's root cause yet01:46
flwangjakeyip: it would be appreciated if you can take a look01:46
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jakeyipyeah I did take a look and the thing I found was it fails with `ImportError: No module named tempest.lib.common.utils`02:07
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jakeyipcan't figure out why it doesn't seemed to be installed02:15
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flwangjakeyip: actually, other tempest cases do run in py3.6, see
jakeyipthe line I'm looking at is it's a py27 thing02:47
jakeyiphm. there was a patch for sphinx being different in py2 and 302:48
flwangyep, that's the weird thing, seems only the funciton api testing running in the py27, seems we need to make sure the template magnum plugin is installed in py3.602:50
jakeyipI don't understand the last bit - do you think error is in py27 or py36?02:52
flwangjakeyip: why do we need the sphinx change in ?02:53
flwangi'm wondering if we need same change in the magnum-tempest-plugin02:53
jakeyiphm, AFAIK sphinx is deprecated for py202:55
jakeyiplet's try!02:55
openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Update json module to jsonutils
jakeyiprebased so if that fails we know we need the patch02:58
jakeyipzuul says ok03:03
flwangwe need to make depends on the one in magnum-tempest-plugin to make sure03:04
jakeyipwhy? that rebased change doesn't update any requirements?03:05
flwangdo you know 'Depends-On' keyword in commit message?03:06
flwangit can help verify cross-project patch03:07
flwanglike this03:07
jakeyipyeah I know but I don't think that matters?03:07
flwangwe're not on the same page i think03:07
flwangjakeyip: can you please help me understand why we need ?03:08
jakeyipthe rebase change made sure that magnum-tempest-plugin is not broken with upgrade libraries03:08
flwangwhy it's helpful for our current failure on magnum?03:08
jakeyip*not broken with new libraries in pip03:08
jakeyipyou were wondering if we needed to update magnum-tempest-plugin03:09
flwangas you can see, only pep8 job was run for that patch, i can't trust it03:09
flwangjakeyip: not update magnum-tempest-plugin, but we may need a bump in the test-requirements or the tox.ini03:10
jakeyipah yes. magnum-tempest-plugin only have pep8 tests.03:10
flwangbut not the code03:10
jakeyiphm, so I found that sphinx is in test-requirements.txt of magnum-tempest-plugin. maybe that needs an update03:11
jakeyipI'll send up the changes. Can I use your DNM patch with depends on ?03:11
flwangsure, go for it03:11
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openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Cap sphinx on py2
openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DO NOT MERGE
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openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Cap sphinx on py2
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zigoflwang: Hi there! Around?09:26
zigoLooks like I got Magnum "almost" working, ie, api and conductor can start, but when I do coe cluster list, I get a crash here:09:27
zigo  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/magnum/common/", line 110, in add_policy_attributes09:27
zigo    trustee_domain_id = admin_osc.keystone().trustee_domain_id09:27
zigoKeystone returns 404, and therefore, magnum-api returns 500.09:28
zigoWhat did I do wrong in my Keystone / magnum setup?09:28
flwang1zigo: can you pls show me your magnum.conf?09:28
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zigoHum ... pybasedir looks wrong to me... :P09:31
zigoThough it shouldn't be the issue.09:31
flwang1adding 'cluster_user_trust = True'  to trust section09:32
flwang1do you have the magnum domain in keystone?09:33
zigoflwang: Yep.09:33
zigoflwang1: Adding cluster_user_trust = True doesn't fix the issue.09:34
zigoShould I keep this always to true? The comment on the directive says its dangerous ...09:34
flwang1can you confirm you have the domain in keystone?09:38
zigoAlso, what's the goal of the [keystone_auth] section? Isn't it redundant with [keystone_authtoken]? Is it ok if I just set [keystone_auth]/auth_section => keystone_authtoken?09:38
flwang1you can drop the config option then09:38
zigoI do.09:38
flwang1how did you install your magnum?09:39
zigo# openstack role assignment list --user magnum_admin --names09:39
zigo| Role  | User                | Group | Project | Domain | System | Inherited |09:39
zigo| admin | magnum_admin@magnum |       |         | magnum |        | False     |09:39
zigoflwang1: I am using the Debian packages that I maintain in Debian (I'm the Debian OpenStack package maintainer since OpenStack started), and my own installer:
zigoThis installer uses puppet-openstack internally.09:40
zigoI also tried installing the Magnum package by hand, and I have the exact same problem.09:40
zigoMy goal is having Magnum fully integrated into OCI, once and for all, then you'll be 100% sure that it continues to work in Debian forever ... :P09:41
flwang1zigo: ah, i see09:43
flwang1let me think09:43
flwang1we do need keystone_auth and keystone_authtoken, i can't remember the reason now :(09:43
zigoI believe I have it written correctly already anywas.09:44
flwang1i would suggest add a break point at /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/magnum/common/policy.py09:45
flwang1to understand why 404 at trustee_domain_id = admin_osc.keystone().trustee_domain_id09:45
zigoflwang1: Is it ok to run magnum-api over UWSGI ?09:46
zigoI wrote this:
zigoit works well for me, but for a reason, the gate doesn't like it...09:47
zigoAnyway, I'll try debugging...09:47
flwang1the gate failure is not related to your patch i think09:48
jakeyipzigo: it's not you, functional tests is broken a.t.m.09:48
flwang1we're have a known issue with magnum-functional-api09:48
zigoOh, good to know.09:48
jakeyipflwang1: no luck still even with the magnum-test-plugin patch09:48
flwang1jakeyip: i saw that and i'm doing another testing09:48
flwang1if we still can't figure out it, then i'm going to change it as non-vote until we fix it09:49
zigoI very much would recommend running functional tests over UWSGI. The current setup with werkzeug isn't IMO for production.09:49
jakeyipI can't figure out how to run the functional tests on my desktop so I do more in-depth debugging09:49
jakeyip*to do more in-depth debugging09:50
jakeyipthe docs didn't work for me. if anyone has gotten functional tests working on their desktop please let me know.09:50
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jakeyipdesktop or in their own CI pipelines09:51
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flwang1ttsiouts: around?09:55
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flwang1jakeyip: i just compared the depedencies version in
flwang1with the current failed one10:16
flwang1seems a lot of libs changed their versions recently10:16
openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum master: DO NOT MERGE
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jakeyipflwang1: yeah I did compare the dependencies too. that's why I'm trying to build it locally so I can test versions easier10:25
flwang1i just pin the tox and stestr version to see if it's related10:41
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jakeyipstestr in a successful run is stestr==2.2.0
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zigoflwang1: When debugging a little bit, it looks like Magnum is trying to get a token using instead of :/11:47
zigoflwang1: Where should I fix this?11:47
flwang1zigo: let me check your conf again, wait a sec11:48
zigoflwang1: I did this: curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"auth": {"identity": {"methods": ["password"], "password": {"user": {"password": "XXXX", "name": "magnum_admin", "domain": {"name": "magnum"}}}}, "scope": {"domain": {"name": "magnum"}}}}'
zigoThis works.11:48
zigoBut with /v3, it doesn't.11:48
zigoAnd Magnum, apparently, is trying without /v3.11:48
flwang1zigo: follow this
flwang1zigo: your auth_url  should be added the /v311:50
zigoflwang1: IMO, this is a defect in Magnum, and this should be fixed.11:50
zigoflwang1: Now, I get a different issue ! :)11:51
zigoAh no, maybe not.11:51
zigoHang on.11:52
zigoRemoving my breakpoint ...11:52
zigoflwang1: Looks like working now ... :)11:52
zigoflwang1: If you guys don't fix it, I would suggest that YOU WRITE IN BOLD LETTERS that Magnum needs a versionned API URL.11:54
zigoBecause that's very uncommon.11:54
flwang1zigo: i'm happy to fix it, the only problem is, we don't have enough resource11:57
flwang1though there are many adopters of Magnum, but the contributors are not much,12:00
flwang1i have to go, it's 12:00am here12:00
nfakhirI've ran into the same problem. Same thing for the [keystone_auth] section which is not required in other services12:00
flwang1nfakhir: zigo: if you guys have time, pls feel free to file a bug and propose a patch, i'm happy to review it12:01
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack/magnum master: Add note about Keystone URLs must be versionned.
zigoflwang1: My time is very limited, so let's just get the job done and add just a quick note ... :P12:10
flwang1zigo: no problem12:11
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kplantis it possible for magnum to create instances using cinder volumes for the root disk instead of nova volumes?12:18
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flwang1kplant: i'm working on that
kplantthank you12:25
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openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: WIP: Blacklist bandit 1.6.0 and cap Sphinx on Python2
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openstackgerritzhulingjie proposed openstack/python-magnumclient master: Replace URLs with URLs
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openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: wip: do not use sitepackages for functional tests
openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Cap sphinx on py2
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openstackgerritFeilong Wang proposed openstack/magnum master: Blacklist bandit 1.6.0 and cap Sphinx on Python2
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jakeyipmorning flwang you around?23:30
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openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Do not use sitepackages for functional tests
jakeyipdon't set functional-api to non-voting yet, I think I've fixed it23:37
jakeyipgoing to fix up commit messages and send them up23:38
openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin master: Cap sphinx on py2
openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: Blacklist bandit 1.6.0 and cap Sphinx on Python2
openstackgerritJake Yip proposed openstack/magnum master: DO NOT MERGE
flwangjakeyip: cool23:43
flwanglet's see23:43
jakeyipthe change that fixed it is
flwangbut i'm a bit confused, using sitepackages=true means a virtual env will be created23:46
flwangi can't see what's the behaviour of the default value(False?)23:47
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jakeyipI think setting to true means the venv will try to use site packages too23:54
jakeyipYour DNM patch failure is something different - on py3 it was timing out23:55
jakeyipI've rebased it to check if my patch that fixes py2 helps in py323:57

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