Thursday, 2019-02-14

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brtknreveryone: what approaches are people taking for configuring minions with multiple flavors?08:17
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ricolinstrigazi, flwang guys what is the best way to delete a single node from Magnum cluster08:51
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strigaziricolin: apart from scale down by node?09:32
strigaziricolin: apart from scale down by one node?09:32
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Horrorcathi folks. I’m having trouble with spawning a k8s cluster using Magnum. I’m using the following temlate <>. Magnum and Heat are on the Rocky release, everything else is Pike. I observed the logs of both magnum and heat during cluster creation and was not able to spot any errors, except the occasional database reconnect.10:12
HorrorcatThe cluster spawns (CREATE_COMPLETE), but it is unusable, because the minions have the taint.10:12
Horrorcatfrom my research, this means that magnum failed to do a step during the initialisation, is that correct?10:12
Horrorcatif it is, where do I need to look to figure out *why* it didn’t do that step?10:13
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HorrorcatI also checked cloud-init logs on both master and minion, didn’t find anything suspicious there either.10:15
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HorrorcatI also get `No resources found.` from `kubectl get pods --all-namespaces`10:43
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imdigitaljimthat is a label that gets removed by the cloud-controller-manager when it comes online14:16
imdigitaljimmaybe check that this came up okay?14:16
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Horrorcatimdigitaljim, I’m not at work anymore, but thanks for your reply. So I was able to figure out that it works with CoreOS instead of Fedora 27 Atomic. How would I check if the cloud-controller-manager came up?14:46
imdigitaljimyou should be able to see with kubectl get all --all-namespaces=true14:47
imdigitaljimbut it likely would show up in -n kube-system14:47
imdigitaljimwith the all it might show up as a deployment or DS14:48
imdigitaljimi dont use either fedora or coreos so i dont know specifics sorry =|14:48
Horrorcatokay, yeah, that turns up empty, as I mentioned14:51
Horrorcatah, you said get all14:51
Horrorcatthat has some output which I don’t have with me14:51
strigaziimdigitaljim can you provide a reproducer for this comment: "the ro file-system doesnt protect you if you're root, you can just mount -o remount,rw /anything"? people from fedora think it does protect you.15:11
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strigaziprotects you from the exploit, not if you are root in general in the host.15:12
strigaziimdigitaljim: you would run mount -o remount,rw /(root) ?15:13
strigaziimdigitaljim: this doesn't work "mount -o remount,rw /"15:13
imdigitaljimyou can do15:15
imdigitaljimmount -o remount,rw /etc15:15
imdigitaljimmount -o remount,rw /usr15:15
imdigitaljimmaybe not on /15:15
imdigitaljimbut i in fact did it to overcome some on-host writing15:15
imdigitaljimi know fedora had like 2 rw paths15:16
imdigitaljimmaybe /var and /etc/?15:16
imdigitaljimi dont remember15:16
imdigitaljimbut you can remount most directories15:16
imdigitaljimim not sure in terms of this exploit fwiw, but if you do acquire root the ro wont save you =]15:18
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strigazithis cve doesn't give you root access. It allows you to touch the runc binary15:35
strigaziimdigitaljim: ^^15:35
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imdigitaljimif you can overwrite a binary you can get a root shell =) my comments were just in the event that runc for FA27/28 was able to be hit despite ro mount15:40
strigaziimdigitaljim Can it be hit from inside an unprivileged container?15:48
imdigitaljimi believe so15:49
strigaziimdigitaljim: with selinux disabled. With selinux enforcing you cannot15:49
strigaziimdigitaljim: reproducer?15:49
strigaziimdigitaljim: fyi,
strigaziimdigitaljim: the fun has started from people who want to sell their solution15:50
imdigitaljimthat accurate?15:51
imdigitaljimdo you run in permissive anyways?15:51
imdigitaljimsell who's solution15:51
imdigitaljimfor autoscaler? or exploit15:51
strigazifor the CVE: we run with selinux in persmissive. Do you have a reproducer for fedora atomic, with selinux in permissive?15:53
imdigitaljimno i havent tried for it15:53
imdigitaljimi believe in a few days they will release theirs15:53
imdigitaljimon the 20th15:53
imdigitaljimyou can try it then15:54
imdigitaljimwe dont use fedora at all now so ill probably not be able to test it out15:54
strigazifor the CVE: per redhat, with selinux enforcing you are safe.15:54
imdigitaljimbut i can try to pass along the publically avail exploit15:54
imdigitaljimif i see it15:54
imdigitaljimdo you run enforcing now?"15:54
imdigitaljimyour ^ master shows its disabled15:54
strigazi16:53 < strigazi> for the CVE: we run with selinux in persmissive.15:54
imdigitaljimoh ok yeah so its not enalbed15:55
imdigitaljimwell 'not enforcing'15:55
strigazithat is why i asked: Do you have a reproducer for fedora atomic, with selinux in permissive?15:55
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imdigitaljimoh yeah, i dont15:56
imdigitaljimnot much need to mess with atomic15:56
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imdigitaljimjust offering extra info15:56
strigaziI'm trying to understand if the exploit is possible. from a container, you can do: mount -o remount,rw /usr, you are in different namespace.15:58
strigaziI'm trying to understand if the exploit is possible. from a container, you can NOT do: mount -o remount,rw /usr, you are in different namespace.15:58
imdigitaljimand by the way thanks for the CAS pull link, we'll get some comments on there15:59
strigaziI'm trying to understand if the exploit is possible. from a container, you can NOT do: mount -o remount,rw /usr, you are in a different mount namespace.15:59
imdigitaljimto clarify: the mount -o comment can only happen after the exploit happens (if it can)15:59
imdigitaljimthe container breakout has to happen first16:00
imdigitaljimidk the steps for that and they said they provided 7 days of notice before releasing the exploit16:00
imdigitaljimwhich expires in a few days16:00
strigaziok, makes sense. I think the ro fs, protects from the expoit. I need an expert to confirm16:01
imdigitaljimso maybe after that you can see if you're affected16:01
imdigitaljimyeah it might16:01
imdigitaljimi just wanted to throw some extra info to help the analysis16:01
strigaziyou can run:
imdigitaljimdo you get like ro fails?16:02
strigaziin ubuntu with an unpatched docker, I was able to touch runc16:02
strigaziin atomi, I couldn't not16:02
imdigitaljimthen it might be safe from this16:02
strigazicode here:
imdigitaljimim sure FA would backport/publish a runc update too16:03
strigaziI think they have16:04
strigaziin fa2916:05
strigazidims: any comments? shall we push for upstreaming this?
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dimsstrigazi : looking16:15
dimsstrigazi : awesome! yes please16:15
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strigazidims: Thanks, we would like to have an implementaion for magnum. We don't want to block other implementaions of course.16:17
strigazidims: it would be nice if we can have it in the upstream repo16:17
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dimsstrigazi : right agree16:18
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ricolin_dims, strigazi, just post my wip in, I guess we can move following work on 169018:02
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brtknrthats peculiar... 2 PRs for similar things?20:51
brtknrI'm pretty excited about autoscaling20:51
brtknrAlso node groups20:52
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brtknrstrigazi: okay I can confirm that stable/queens branch is erroring when creating nodes... heat_container_agent is failing to notify heat because of missing region_name somehow...21:31
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Jobs are failing due to ssh host key mismatches caused by duplicate IPs in a test cloud region. We are disabling the region and will let you know when jobs can be rechecked.21:31
brtknr6.1.0 works fine21:38
brtknrthis is because iv.get('deploy_region_name') resolves to null21:38
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brtknror maybe for another reason21:57
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The test cloud region using duplicate IPs has been removed from nodepool. Jobs can be rechecked now.22:13
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