Wednesday, 2015-11-04

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bloganhey i'm from the lbaas team and hongbin came in earlier to let us know there are test failures on our end that is blocking magnum00:28
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vilobhmm111blogan : i think hongbin proposed a patch here
vilobhmm111please check : ^^00:30
Kennanblogan: so lbaas changed default setting for conf file?00:31
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bloganvilobhmm111: that is the one, and that fixes it, good00:32
bloganKennan: no that was a devstack change00:32
blogandevstack changed to use stevedore aliases, and the lbaas code doesn't use stevedore for that00:33
Kennanok blogan: is any target day for lbaas support that ?00:33
Kennanmaybe all same devstack conf is better instead of hack for that :000:34
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johnsomKennan This change is news to us.  I kind of wonder about the devstack global replace that led to this.00:53
johnsomThat said, if you would like to see lbaas add stevedore can you open an RFE for us?00:54
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eliqiaohello all, morning.01:02
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bloganKennan: what johnsom said01:07
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vilobhmm111yaunying : ping01:49
openstackgerritEgor Guz proposed openstack/magnum: Add -constraints sections for CI jobs
eliqiaohi eghobo01:53
eghobohi eliqiao, what's up?01:55
eghobofeel free to make necessary changes01:56
eliqiaoeghobo: any relation with split function testing?01:57
eliqiaoeghobo: I don't know them well01:57
eghoboI am not sure, but I think Tom told me that we need to do this first01:58
eghobobut I may misunderstood something01:58
eliqiaoeghobo: okay,01:59
eghoboalso I thought we agree to move all func test to tempest01:59
eghobois it still a case?01:59
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eliqiaoI totally missed. :(02:02
eliqiaoeghobo: do you mean we will delete this pipelin ?
eliqiaoeghobo: early this morning, I send a mail to mailing list to ask functional testing split , have you see that?02:05
Kennaneliqiao: I think tempest is long way to go, but right now, can not delete that pipeline.02:06
eliqiaoKennan: sure, I plan to slipt to multiple pipeline, each pipline will call and trigger tox (by passing different coe) to run different COE02:08
KennanI am ok with that. check my reply for your mail02:09
eliqiaoKennan: yeah, I saw it.02:09
eliqiaoKennan: but any doc on how we setup tempest on gate? you konw that ?02:09
Kennaneliqiao: if you want to setup tempest, maybe openstack qa or related channel is better place, I am not familar with02:10
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eliqiaoKennan:  get it, thanks.02:13
* eliqiao still don't get Tom's patch for tox.ini02:13
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Kennanhi eliqiao:02:15
eghoboeliqiao: I saw email, it make sense. I think we should have 3 jobs (common+kub, mesos and swarm)02:15
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eliqiaoeghobo: things are more complex, if you check magnum/tests/functional, you will find there are api testing ..02:16
eliqiaoeghobo: I have no idear how to construct this dir.02:17
Kennaneliqiao: do you still have working env?02:18
eliqiaoKennan: sure02:18
KennanI found tls-disable would not have issue, only enable tls can have slow response issue02:18
eghobohonestly me too ;), I am waiting for Tom but I think infra team should help02:18
Kennancould you try this on your master node ?02:18
Kennanstrace  -t   kubectl get nodes -s --certificate-authority=/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt --client-certificate=/srv/kubernetes/server.crt --client-key=/srv/kubernetes/server.key02:19
Kennancould you pate it for me ? Thanks02:19
eghobodimtruck told me that we can do tempest pretty easy02:19
eliqiaoeghobo: yeah, I talked with dimtruck while summit, he told me that we will still use these pipeline and will use my already submited code. only wrapp them with tempestlib.02:20
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eliqiaoKennan: wait 1 min02:20
eliqiaoKennan: master or minion?02:21
Kennanmaster eliqiao:02:24
eliqiaoKennan: what does stand for ? I need to chang it on my env02:25
Kennaneliqiao: it is vip address02:25
Kennaneliqiao: api_pool addr02:26
eliqiaoKennan: how can I get it ? bay-show only'02:26
Kennanneutron lb-vip-list02:27
eliqiao Kennan: I can not get response now.02:27
eliqiaoerror: couldn't read version from server: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout02:27
Kennanyou got same error ?02:28
Kennaneliqiao: try curl02:28
Kennanif can get response02:28
eliqiaoKennan:  what the curl command looks like ?02:28
Kennaneliqiao: try this02:29
Kennancurl  --key /srv/kubernetes/server.key   --cert /srv/kubernetes/server.crt --cacert  /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt02:29
eliqiaoKennan: I get not response .02:30
eliqiaoKennan: I get no response02:30
Kennandid you have 6443 port listening?02:30
eliqiao[minion@k8-zdwnndkszo-0-efraepmc6fqj-kube-master-vpmj3gsn3zl4 ~]$ netstat -an | grep 644302:30
eliqiaotcp6       0      0 :::6443                 :::*                    LISTEN02:30
eliqiaotcp6       0      0       ESTABLISHED02:30
eliqiaotcp6       0      0       ESTABLISHED02:30
eliqiaotcp6       0      0       ESTABLISHED02:30
eliqiaotcp6       0      0       ESTABLISHED02:30
eliqiaotcp6       0      0       ESTABLISHED02:30
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Kennanis it your proxy issue ? curl should work02:31
eliqiao Kennan: oh, you are right, I should set no_proxy02:33
eliqiao Kennan: curl works02:34
Kennaneliqiao: try kubectl02:35
eliqiao  ]02:35
eliqiao[minion@k8-zdwnndkszo-0-efraepmc6fqj-kube-master-vpmj3gsn3zl4 ~]$ kubectl get nodes -s --certificate-authority=/srv/kubernetes/ca.crt --client-certificate=/srv/kubernetes/server.crt --client-key=/srv/kubernetes/server.key02:35
eliqiaoNAME                                                    LABELS                                                                         STATUS02:35
eliqiaok8-jxmeogk7bh-0-whurumhg6dao-kube-minion-cpn4qtxo2dnz   Ready02:35
Kennanyes, I mean could you strace -t and paste it for me02:35
Kennaneliqiao: i need compare it, as I found tls-disabled in my env can work while enable not work02:35
Kennanso I think it seems not network connection issue, but something else02:36
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Kennanwhat os dist do you use for devstack?02:42
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KennanI found some syscalls not same for us02:46
Kennanbut I remeber you also used atomic image02:47
vilobhmm111Kennan : hi02:47
Kennanso vm should same for us02:47
Kennanhi vilobhmm111: what can help02:47
vilobhmm111i need some help with object from bay patches especially when i enable barbican and tls02:48
vilobhmm111i see failures in the api while talking to the barbican client02:48
vilobhmm111are you familar with that part of the code esp barbican interaction and tls02:50
Kennanvilobhmm111: not quite. since I hit tls env issue (still not reolved now) , I can only build env with tls-disabled02:50
Kennanif enable, the bay kubernetes can not work02:51
vilobhmm111ok when i was testing RC patch locally on devstack i ran into this issue02:51
Kennanvilobhmm111: I suggest you open related issue, and paste detailed error infor02:51
vilobhmm111yes for now i also disbaled tls02:51
Kennanand how to reproduce it02:51
vilobhmm111but hitting barbican related issues02:51
vilobhmm111will do02:51
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Kennaneliqiao: still there?03:08
eliqiaoKennan: yes03:09
eliqiaoKennan: devstack is using ubuntu 14.0403:09
eliqiaoKennan: image is using fedora atomic03:09
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Kennaneliqiao: this is mine03:14
Kennanbut seems not very same with your system calls03:14
Kennaneliqiao: could help show your uname -a03:14
Kennanand cat /etc/issue ?03:14
eliqiao[minion@k8-zdwnndkszo-0-efraepmc6fqj-kube-master-vpmj3gsn3zl4 ~]$ cat /etc/issue03:15
eliqiaoFedora release 21 (Twenty One)03:15
eliqiaoKernel \r on an \m (\l)03:15
eliqiaoKennan: ^^03:15
Kennaneliqiao: what about uname -a03:16
eliqiao[minion@k8-zdwnndkszo-0-efraepmc6fqj-kube-master-vpmj3gsn3zl4 ~]$ uname -a03:16
eliqiaoLinux k8-zdwnndkszo-0-efraepmc6fqj-kube-master-vpmj3gsn3zl4.novalocal 3.17.4-301.fc21.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 27 19:09:10 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:16
Kennanand also could you help paste host outputs for uname -a and cat ?03:16
eliqiaotaget@taget-ThinkStation-P300:~/magnum$ uname -a03:17
eliqiaoLinux taget-ThinkStation-P300 3.13.0-55-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 00:27:10 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:17
eliqiaotaget@taget-ThinkStation-P300:~/magnum$ cat /etc/issue03:17
eliqiaoUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l03:17
eliqiaoKennan: ^^03:17
Kennanok eliqiao: it seems not same, and what about uname -a ?03:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum: Improve tox.ini to easy developer's life
eliqiaoLinux taget-ThinkStation-P300 3.13.0-55-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 00:27:10 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:19
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openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/magnum: Fix the neutron-lbaas agent config
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openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/magnum: Fix the neutron-lbaas agent config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum: Raise exception when adding an existed attribute while update bay
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/magnum: Imported Translations from Zanata
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Kennanhi yuanying:07:02
yuanyinghi Kennan07:03
Kennandid you have any tls material related about kubernetes ? you did some work on that, but I could find much from google07:03
Kennancould not07:03
yuanyingetcd also should use tls07:04
Kennanyuanying: I was debuggig tls one issue, right now, my issue07:05
yuanyingfrom google ? what do you mean?07:05
Kennanis when bay creation finish07:05
Kennanlogin to bay07:05
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Kennanand run curl https://api-server:port --tls parameters07:05
Kennanit can get response quickly07:05
Kennanwhen run kubectl related commands07:05
Kennanit wouldn need 20~40 seconds07:06
KennanI knew you did some reach about kubernetes tls related07:06
Kennanso any good material can refer ?07:06
yuanyingNo, I don't have any material. I don't know about deference between kube-ctl and curl07:07
Kennanok yuanying:07:08
yuanyingit seems golang library specific issue07:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum: Fix the neutron-lbaas agent config
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Kennanyuanying: the journalctl not show much useful logs07:16
openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack/magnum: [WIP]Functional: Add testcase of tls_enabled bay creation case.
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eliqiaoyuanying: thanks for updating the patch :)07:23
yuanyingeliqiao: Actually, I have no idea about failing tls07:24
eliqiaoyuanying:  me neither. so strange failing...07:25
eliqiaoyuanying: gate is testing in a VM (nested vm), maybe it's better to test as same as gate.07:26
yuanyingeliqiao: yes07:26
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openstackgerritEli Qiao proposed openstack/magnum: WIP: split out k8s function
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openstackgerritEgor Guz proposed openstack/magnum: Add -constraints sections for CI jobs
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eliqiaoping Kennan09:21
Kennanhi eliqiao:09:21
eliqiaoKennan: could you tell what the channel of openstack-ci ?09:21
Kennaneliqiao: check this09:22
eliqiaoKennan:  thanks09:24
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eliqiaohi  Kennan:09:39
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AJaegerHi magnum-ui cores, could you +2A a change to get translations working properly, please? The infra side of this change is in already...09:41
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Kennanhi eliqiao10:19
Kennansorry just come10:19
KennanHi AJaeger:10:19
Kennansure let me check10:19
eliqiaoKennan:  do you konw if this local rc will have internet access ?
eliqiaoKennan: it's different with my local setup.10:21
Kennanhi eliqiao:10:21
Kennanit depends on if instance eth0 have public interface10:22
Kennanif eth0 have public ip10:22
Kennanor can access internet10:22
Kennanit should work for internet10:22
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Kennaneliqiao: i think for infra instances have public ip ?10:22
eliqiaoKennan: check this
eliqiaoI print out ifconfig10:24
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eliqiaoit's , would that be a public ip?10:24
eliqiaothat host is an VM10:24
Kennaneliqiao: I think it maybe nat for that VM10:26
Kennaneliqiao: I checked you use ip route get
Kennaneasy way is just curl related internet address10:26
Kennanto check if work or not10:26
eliqiaois this rule right ?   sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o br-ex -j MASQUERADE10:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum-ui: Proper translation integration
eliqiaogood idea. try curl
Kennanyes eliqiao: can do that http://**10:28
Kennanalso, eliqiao: if you write swarm test, could you test tls-disabled case, that can may easy10:29
Kennanif tls-disabled work, then enable tls10:29
eliqiaoKennan: yes, I am testing tls-disabled swarm, but bay creation failed , I doubt no network to pull image for swarm10:30
Kennanthen it is easy to test eliqiao: try above case if you double internet issue10:31
eliqiaoKennan: okay , will resping a patch to do curl10:31
openstackgerritEli Qiao proposed openstack/magnum: [WIP]Add functional test cases for swarm baymodel/bay/dockerAPI testing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum: Added CORS support to Magnum
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openstackgerritDane LeBlanc proposed openstack/magnum: Add support for allowable network drivers configuration
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vilobhmm11hongbin : i was running into issues related to barbican etc yesterday ; thanks for the comments on the RC patch will debug further. I will first try to test without barbican and tls so that bare minimum is working18:18
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hongbinvilobhmm11: ack18:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/magnum: Use _assert_has_(no)_errors() in hacking tests
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vilobhmm11hongbin : ping20:33
hongbinvilobhmm11: sup20:33
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vilobhmm11list/get operation were failing because at controller layer bay_uuid was coming null…fixed that..but now from cli - controller i can see a valid request from client to curl -i -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: c4361f46eb454807a5050524b50411b1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'User-Agent: python-magnumclient'
vilobhmm11but the api or controller doesn't seem to understand it "2015-11-04 20:32:28.537 DEBUG wsme.api [req-3629ab8b-bb59-4be5-ba25-5642437860b4 admin admin] Client-side error: Missing argument: "bay_ident" from (pid=25954) format_exception /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wsme/"20:34
vilobhmm11hongbin : are there any changes needed to be done at the controller layer so that understand additional option being passed from client side20:36
hongbinNo idea20:36
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hongbinI think you can look at other APIs to see how they understand the options20:37
vilobhmm11yes..looking at them…something wsme expects which i am missing..checking it20:38
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