Friday, 2014-04-18

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DinaBelovascroiset, f_rossigneux, bauzas o/09:26
DinaBelovaToday I can't attend the meeting :(09:27
DinaBelovaso we need to decide if you'll have it without me09:27
DinaBelovabauzas, may you hold it?09:27
bauzaswell, I also have a time issue09:40
DinaBelovabauzas, heh. possibly we should reject it today...09:41
DinaBelovaI'll write the letter to the DEV ML09:41
bauzasDinaBelova: yup, sorry about that :(09:42
bauzasI'm sorry, I really have issues when trying to get time on Climate :(09:44
bauzasthat's frustrating09:44
bauzasnova is spending lots of my time09:45
DinaBelovascroiset, f_rossigneux, bauzas - btw I got answer about the new name :)09:45
DinaBelovaBlazar is ok)09:45
bauzascongrats !09:46
* DinaBelova is happy09:46
scroisetcool .. well done !10:43
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cmartAre we going to have the meeting today?14:02
cmartI'm asking because it's holiday here in Arg, and we were wondering about this..14:03
DinaBelovacmart, I've wrote letter to the ML about it)))14:07
DinaBelovabauzas and I also have no opportunity to attend14:07
cmartOK! great14:10
cmartguess we'll talk next week then14:10
cmartsee you!14:12
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