Thursday, 2014-03-13

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openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Devstack : create the freepool used by reservation host plugin
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Use nova client mixin in all plugins modules
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openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Devstack : create the freepool used by reservation host plugin
DinaBelovascroiset, I wanted to approve your 2nd patch, but suddenly approved your 3rd :)09:26
DinaBelovawhy are you moving create_aggregate from configuring if branch?09:26
DinaBelovaI though that should  be done in that part09:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Change API v1 path to explicit module
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scroisetDinaBelova: yeah, I though too, but nova don't seems to be started at this step ..09:49
scroisetI got an error  .. looking for logs09:50
scroiset2014-03-13 09:13:42.689 | ERROR: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8774): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/1de5e616a1874c9abeca206a3111d9e2/os-aggregates (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 111] Connection refused)09:51
scroisetonly horizon and keystone are UP according to logs ..
DinaBelovawell, will it work on rejoin?09:57
DinaBelovaI mean won't it try to create many-many freepools?09:58
scroisethum .. don't think so... I'm checking10:00
scroisetno .. since the rejoin script only launch screen, every things are already launch only once10:02
scroisetso I'm thing it's good :)10:02
DinaBelovawell, I guess you're right10:03
DinaBelovaone moment, some final checks10:03
scroisetYou should be sure before giving +2 ;)10:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Start moving Climate docs from wiki to Sphinx docs
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Add installation guides to docs
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Fix REST API docs
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DinaBelovabauzas, you here?11:44
DinaBelovaI was reviewing
DinaBelovaso I've checkouted that change and changed endpoints for climate in keystone11:44
DinaBelovabut when typing climate lease-list I've got error in API - it looks like it's somehow connected to acl ...11:45
DinaBelovahave you any ideas?11:45
DinaBelovabauzas, ^^12:08
bauzasDinaBelova: sorry, was out to lunch12:23
bauzasDinaBelova: could you please explain your problem ?12:23
bauzasthe python client is not yet delivered for API v212:24
bauzasso you have to request the API directly -thanks to Postman for instance -12:24
DinaBelovawell, it looks like I've done smth wrong here even if I was curling12:25
DinaBelovalet me check one more time12:25
bauzasI'm doing unittesting, so I have time for helping :D12:31
bauzasdear, I L-O-V-E unittest12:31
DinaBelovabauzas, btw, it seems to me that lease-list should work with current client12:37
DinaBelovaas climate endpoint is got there via keystone12:38
DinaBelovausing service type12:38
DinaBelovaam I wrong?12:38
bauzasyup, provided it can deal with the output change12:38
bauzasI mean not having a dict, but rather either a dict or a list12:39
DinaBelovaI've got error in climate-api12:39
DinaBelovaso request came there12:39
DinaBelovabut there was error12:39
bauzasok, was it the error ?12:39
bauzaswhat is ?12:39
DinaBelovait came from acl12:39
DinaBelovaas keystone middleware was used there12:40
bauzaslemme look12:40
DinaBelovayes, quite12:42
bauzasthat's a pure keystone issue12:42
DinaBelovaBut keystone says NOTHING 0_o12:42
bauzaspretty strange12:42
bauzasif you look at the API code12:42
bauzasyou'll see I'm basically wrapping the app using the middleware auth12:42
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bauzasthe main difference is that I'm not using the same factory12:43
bauzasas for V112:43
DinaBelovawell, I'll continue investigating12:43
DinaBelovareally strange, I quite agree with u12:44
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bauzasoh gotcha !12:44
bauzasit's due to the fact the API v1 auth middleware was too lazy12:44
bauzasyou need to add some keystone conf params12:44
bauzasin the climate.conf file12:45
bauzaslemme give you these12:45
bauzasat least, try it12:45
DinaBelovaok, thanks12:45
bauzaswarning, paste bomb12:45
bauzasauth_uri =
bauzasauth_strategy = keystone12:45
DinaBelovaok, I'll try it now12:45
bauzasthere was a warning with API v1 if you don't fill in them12:46
bauzasso the middleware auth was probably working12:46
bauzasbut not that way it should12:47
DinaBelovawell, it did not help12:49
DinaBelovaprobably there is some more reason12:49
DinaBelovawill continue checking12:49
bauzasanyway, keep these values12:52
bauzasthat's worth having them12:52
bauzasbut I'm proud to say I unittested the ACL side :D12:52
bauzasso that should/must work :p12:52
bauzasand btw. thanks to unittests I spotted one bug and fixed it12:53
bauzasso, the lesson is that unittests are useful. Awesome. :D12:53
cmartHello guys!13:01
bauzascmart: hi13:02
cmartI have some news regarding the Do you remember that bp?13:03
DinaBelovayes, we remember :)13:03
DinaBelovawhat news?13:03
cmartI switched to Keystone in order to have one of the things that we need for our bp.. about the project's creation with start and end date..13:04
DinaBelovagreat :)13:04
DinaBelovaHave you discussed that only with Adam or with other Keystone guys too?13:05
cmartbut... after talking with the keystone guys.. there are not so sure about putting those new columns and the associated functionality on their module13:05
cmarttheir argument is that Keystone is a general purpose service, and lots of people have proposed storing stuff in there that doesn't belong13:06
cmartand they told me to see if other projects have a need for the same feature, and build the case for it13:06
DinaBelovaI've got smth terrible with internet connection... hate that :( As for Keystone guys argument, they are quite right really... That's overall discussion about Climate and other services13:07
DinaBelovaas discussed on TC meeting13:07
DinaBelovaso here are probplems, yes13:07
bauzasDinaBelova: cmart: indeed, maybe this usecase is a bit early13:08
DinaBelovathat's why I was quite surprised when Adam suggested his solution13:08
DinaBelovacmart, sorry, but we can say for sure only after summit :(13:08
bauzascmart: I mean, if you have chance to go at the Summit, that's something we should/could discuss with Keystone folks13:08
DinaBelovawhen Climate future will be decided13:08
cmartohhh :(13:09
cmartI think that I should start adding that stuff in Reserva (I really like that name! :()13:09
bauzasalso, keep in mind Keystone is under FF13:09
bauzasnah, say hello to Blazar13:09
DinaBelovabecause now we've got direct phrase "we'll discuss that on summit. As this feature is interesting but we dunno where and how it should be imlemented"13:09
cmartReserva, Reserva .. :) :)13:09
bauzasBlazar is the winner :)13:09
DinaBelovaBlazar ;)13:09
bauzaswell, until it got validated13:10
DinaBelovaI've sent email to OS foundation asking for help13:10
DinaBelovano answer yet13:10
bauzasno worries13:10
DinaBelovabut they can be not really fast :)13:10
bauzasthey are lawyers :p13:10
bauzasoh, interesting, got a 404 when looking at13:11
cmartDinaBelova, sent email asking for help.. on what subject?13:11
cmartnot about the bp I mentioned, right?13:11
bauzascmart: Keystone is under FF until Juno13:12
bauzascmart: so, anyway, this bp shouldn't be merged until mid-May13:12
DinaBelovacmart, you may prepare change concept and leave it as draft13:13
DinaBelovaif it'll be needed later13:13
DinaBelovabut also we should think here about other variants13:13
DinaBelovaif that won't work13:13
cmartso next steps (for that bp) will be....Not to code it ? :)13:15
DinaBelovawell, as said, you may have drafts... but that's the most logical thing we may do in such situation13:16
bauzaseven if providing drafts, there is hard chance that it will get reviewed13:17
bauzasas core devs are focusing on bug fixing13:17
bauzasunless you got a sponsor on that BP13:17
DinaBelovato show on summit that Climate is a good idea we should 1/ modify lease-create process to have one more step "resource allocation" and 2/ provide not only compute resources reservation13:18
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DinaBelovathat will give us more chances to win, really13:18
DinaBelovaand to persuade than other community13:18
bauzasand we should potentially review how we schedule the resources in regards to quotas13:18
DinaBelovabauzas, yes +113:19
DinaBelovaso that are main priorities before summit13:19
bauzasand do resilience on plugins13:19
bauzasI mean, think about scalability and recovery13:19
DinaBelovaso really if there are people wanting to work i'd love to ask them working on volume reservation:)13:20
bauzasonce I'm finishing the Pecan move (should be a matter of days), I'll begin focusing on Climate workflows13:20
DinaBelovabauzas, what do you mean excatly?13:21
bauzasin order to see how we can take in account TC and community feedbacks13:21
bauzasthat's currently a bit trouble in my mind13:21
DinaBelovaI'd love to work on
bauzasbut I mean, focus on delivering a global identical workflow for all plugins13:21
DinaBelovait'll be cool13:21
bauzasmissed that one :)13:22
DinaBelovanew one13:22
DinaBelovathat'll be the first step13:22
DinaBelovaas it seems to me13:22
bauzasyup :)13:22
bauzasyou have to ramp up on PR usecase13:23
bauzasin order to correctly understand what we did, and what bits of code can be reused13:23
bauzasI can help you13:23
casanch1hi guys13:23
bauzasmeanwhile, I think I can provide some help on PR and VR usecase by hardening the way we deal with errors13:24
DinaBelovathat'll be my main focus next week13:24
DinaBelovacasanch1, \o13:24
DinaBelovabauzas, well, not bad :)13:24
bauzasDinaBelova: we definitely need a state model13:24
bauzasDinaBelova: as we previously discussed13:25
bauzasDinaBelova: that's huge work as well13:25
bauzasDinaBelova: is there any BP about it btw. ?13:25
bauzasDinaBelova: I can take that one13:25
DinaBelova - I've assigned that to me, but I'm ready to share it:)13:25
DinaBelovait was a while ago13:25
bauzasgot it
bauzasyup, please do13:27
bauzasassign it to me13:27
bauzasthat doesn't mean we can mutually help ourselves13:27
DinaBelovawell, it looks as assigned :?13:27
DinaBelovaprobably because I've done it already somewhen13:27
scroisetpcargnel: hi, what is composition relation ?13:27
pcargnelHi!, I mean set the nova client wrapper as a property of the class. Better if is received in the init method.13:30
DinaBelovapcargnel, no, not better :) that's lazy nova client13:30
DinaBelovaand it's needed not to call to nova on the __init__ step13:31
DinaBelovaas there will be call to keystone13:31
scroisetDinaBelova: as Dina said .. need a lazy client13:31
DinaBelovaand nobody guarantees there will be working keystone at the moment of climate manager start13:32
DinaBelovaand we'll have nice devstack errors due to that13:32
DinaBelovalike manager init -> create nova client -> go to keystone -> no keystone started -> ooooops13:33
DinaBelovaso that property is our help to avoid that :)13:33
pcargnelUnderstood, as I say in the bug, my concern was just readability. I'm new at python and climate, if that is the better way to achieve this I will believe you guys :)13:34
DinaBelovapcargnel, np :)13:34
scroisetconcerning the term 'mixin' .. it should provide a method, here it's a special case with a method becoming a property ... didn't find a good term for that13:36
scroisetMixin seems to me a good name event so ..13:37
DinaBelovascroiset, I'm ok with it :)13:38
scroisetso .. looking for some core reviewer to +2ed this one
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DinaBelovasorry, I'm testing iy13:44
DinaBelovanot earlier :)13:44
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bauzasscroiset: about Mixin name13:48
scroisetnp :D13:48
scroisetbauzas: yes?13:48
bauzasscroiset: I'm fine with delivering it now, but maybe we could rename it as NovaClientWrapper13:48
bauzasor Singleton13:48
bauzasbut there is not need to say which design pattern it is13:49
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bauzasso I would vote for Wrapper13:49
scroisetnot a singleton : no static stuff .. IMHO13:49
bauzashe he13:49
scroisetand for wrapper .. why not13:49
bauzasyou challenge me on design patterns :p13:49
scroisetyep ;)13:50
bauzasthis *is* a singleton, but also a Facade :p13:50
scroisetdo you mean a ProxyObject ?13:50
scroisetinterresting link thanks13:52
DinaBelova++ for NovaClientWrapper13:52
pcargnelJust for my education, how you read the class declaration? xxxPlugin is built by BasePlugin and NovaClientWrapper? Something like that?14:02
DinaBelovawell, for plugins using Nova  -yes14:04
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pcargnelok, thanks :)14:05
bauzasthat's just multiple inheritance :)14:05
DinaBelovabut while implementing for example volume plugin - we'll use smth like that for Cinder14:05
DinaBelovayes :)14:05
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openstackgerritDiego Pamio proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Unit tests for the ClimateFilter class
DinaBelovabauzas, I'm about
DinaBelovaDiego sent new patch set14:11
DinaBelovaso he listened to you and moved oslo.config back to the place it was in14:11
DinaBelovabut really that's incorrect14:11
DinaBelovaso I'd love to fix it here14:11
DinaBelovaI've posted comment to change, but it looks like Diego moved it back anyway14:12
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openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Use nova client wrapper in all plugins modules
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openstackgerritDiego Pamio proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Unit tests for the ClimateFilter class
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pafuentHi. I added trusts to physical host reservations and I need to test it (besides unit test). Which is the best way to do it?17:57
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DinaBelovapafuent, well, the simple thing is that physical reservations will work18:15
pafuentDinaBelova: But, If I did it wrong?18:16
DinaBelovaso you need to test 1/ moving host to freepool by admin 2/ asking to reserve some hosts by user 3/ check VMs will be started on these hosts when lease starts18:16
DinaBelovapafuent, that simply won't work, to be honest18:17
DinaBelovaif you did it wring18:17
DinaBelovaalso please share that change - as a draft if you wish - we all take a look on it18:17
DinaBelovaif you'll use trusts correctly - keystone will work, if not - not18:17
DinaBelovatrusts are like so :)18:17
pafuentDinaBelova: Yep, but I run only tox, and I would like to test at least once using the climate client18:18
DinaBelovathat'll be great18:19
pafuentDinaBelova: So, to do the steps that you mention, I could use climate client?18:19
DinaBelovayes, sure18:19
DinaBelovaI think that'll be the best testing here18:19
DinaBelovaas trusts will be created/used/used... while this process18:20
DinaBelovaso if somehow there will be errors - it's bad sign18:20
pafuentDinaBelova: I just realize that and are dependant18:56
pafuentDinaBelova: I did the same changes than Swann plus remove the admin config options18:57
pafuentDinaBelova: I think I need to depend on this change19:01
DinaBelova++, sorry, I thought you did so...19:04
DinaBelovaand frankly speaking they are not really dependent, that's why I suppose we got this situation19:14
pafuentDinaBelova: Are dependent. In order to remove the admin I need to use trusts, and they are used by the NovaWrapper19:27
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pafuentDinaBelova: Right?19:27
DinaBelovait's quite late here...19:31
DinaBelovai'm going crazy :(19:31
DinaBelovait was a long-long day for me, sorry :(19:32
DinaBelovajust one moment19:32
DinaBelovayou should use create_ctx_from trust to get novaclient needed creds19:33
DinaBelovabut I guess you know that :)19:33
DinaBelovabut that's really interesting moment here: NovaWrapper creates long-running clieny19:35
DinaBelovaI'm afraid that if we want to commit some actions using token get from trust19:36
DinaBelovawe need to go away from this idea :?19:36
DinaBelovacurrently Swann's change works ok, because we create ctx from trust and I've checked only one request19:37
DinaBelovabut it looks that probably it should be not long-running, but new for every request to nova client - not to keep old creds got from trust19:38
DinaBelovascroiset, ^^19:38
DinaBelovascroiset, I'm interested if your wrapper will work when Pablo will move to trusts evrywhere19:39
DinaBelovaI'm not sure, as I'm tired and sleepy, but it looks like that it might not work - as it's long-running client, so if there will be leases to start, for example, from different users with different token and client will be the same19:40
DinaBelovawe will get unauthorised error19:40
DinaBelovascroiset, may you check this?19:40
DinaBelovapafuent, well, it looks like it's quite late for scroiset too :)19:42
DinaBelovawe need to check this moment19:42
pafuentDinaBelova: Seems to be19:42
pafuentDinaBelova: I'll digest all this, and tomorrow talk with you and Swann19:43
DinaBelovapafuent, we'll check that tomorrow, but you may do that yourself - by adding your change above Swann's change19:43
DinaBelovagood idea19:43
pafuentDinaBelova: Just one more question19:43
pafuentDinaBelova: Is NovaWrapper handling trust without changes, or I misunderstood something?19:44
DinaBelovanow nova wrapper does not use trusts19:45
DinaBelovaand it won't really19:45
DinaBelovain direct way19:45
DinaBelovathe thing is to use trusts get from user who send request first time19:45
DinaBelovato commit actions on behalf of them19:46
pafuentDinaBelova: But If I don't pass a context, nova wrapper do a context.current()19:46
pafuentDinaBelova: Yes, so the current could be of other user19:46
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DinaBelovaso now there is specialadmin user19:46
DinaBelovaclimate_user in conf19:46
DinaBelovathat does admin things with hosts19:47
DinaBelovabut it should not be really19:47
pafuentDinaBelova: I missed the current thing in my first implementation19:47
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DinaBelovathere should be trust from admin user who placed host to freepool19:47
DinaBelovato be used for host-related ops19:47
DinaBelovathat are done later now using climateuser19:47
pafuentDinaBelova: Ok. I'll recheck my patch and tomorrow I will check with you and Swann. Thanks for your comments.19:48
DinaBelovaI'm not sure we're really speaking now about the same things... So it'll be better for you to publish first drafts above Swann's change when we'll understand how that'll work together, and we'll all take a look on it19:49
DinaBelovabecause now I guess we are speaking almost about the same, but I'm afraid not completely19:49
DinaBelovaso now idea overall idea looks like following in little words: "remove climate_user, etc. and use admin trust for hosts related ops"19:50
DinaBelovaand that's it19:50
pafuentDinaBelova: Yes19:50
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