Friday, 2014-02-07

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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Support not-json error responses
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pafuentGood morning (at least for me)12:34
SergeyLukjanovpafuent, o/12:35
pafuentDinaBelova: Are you around? I need to ask something about your comment regarding the date format12:38
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pafuentbauzas: Yes?12:45
bauzaspafuent: indeed, that's something we need to discuss12:45
bauzaspafuent: I think that should be configurable12:45
bauzaspafuent: I saw Dina's comment12:45
pafuentbauzas: Sorry I didn't read your last name12:45
bauzaspafuent: no pb12:46
bauzaspafuent: I was ooo these last days12:46
bauzaspafuent: so, regarding your patch, that needs to be discussed with DinaBelova_12:46
pafuentbauzas: If the client has a config file, I could add the same option to that file12:47
bauzaspafuent: I would even propose to translate the datetime into something less readable in the API12:48
bauzaspafuent: so that would only be something clear on the CLI side12:48
pafuentbauzas: Why? (Here is too early, my brain is still sleep)12:49
pafuentbauzas: BTW, I think that the sync between client and API would be easy, because the API exception contains the date format. So if a climate client user don't have access to the climate API server, he/she could config the format correctly reading the exception text12:53
bauzaspafuent: sorry, was still focusing on my other patch12:53
pafuentbauzas: NP12:54
bauzaspafuent: let's wait DinaBelova_ to come back12:54
bauzaspafuent: because I agree with you12:54
bauzaspafuent: but the main issue is the sync in between API and CLI conf options12:54
pafuentbauzas: Ok12:55
bauzaspafuent: so, that's why I'm proposing to expose thru the API a pure datestring12:55
bauzaspafuent: not formatted12:55
bauzaspafuent: and build it on a clear way only by the CLI12:55
bauzasso, that would only require a confflag on the CLI side12:55
bauzaspafuent: I'm currently focusing on the API side because I'm delivering the Pecan/WSME port12:56
bauzaspafuent: and that's why I think the API should not be that verbose12:56
bauzaspafuent: only the CLI should do the changes12:56
pafuentbauzas: So, the idea is to use the standard date format of python in API (without an specific format) and put something more human in the client12:57
bauzaspafuent: exactly12:57
bauzaspafuent: but that requires a change on the client side12:57
bauzaspafuent: so we just need to ensure it would be backwards compatible12:58
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DinaBelovaI'm here13:12
DinaBelovabauzas, pafuent, hello :)13:12
DinaBelovaI was having late dinner :)13:12
DinaBelovareally I'm ok with standard '2014-02-07 17:14:16.558204' passing through REST API13:15
DinaBelovaand some more human friendly client version13:15
bauzasDinaBelova: that involves that dates are passed to the API on a Python version13:17
bauzaswhen creating or updating a lease13:17
DinaBelovacan't get pi\oint13:17
bauzasDinaBelova: we could still keep the old format for backwards compatibility13:17
bauzas(14:15:26) DinaBelova: really I'm ok with standard '2014-02-07 17:14:16.558204' passing through REST API13:18
bauzasthat's not only for showing dates13:18
DinaBelovayep, sure13:18
bauzasthat should also impact how dates are sent to the API13:18
bauzasthe change should manage both formats13:18
DinaBelovaI mean use standard str(datetime.datetime) via all rest13:18
bauzasDinaBelova: I'm just thinking of the upgrade path :)13:19
DinaBelovaor backword compatibility is ok too13:19
bauzasas we delivered our first release :)13:19
DinaBelovaI think that old format is quite nice speaking about lease creation13:19
DinaBelovafor user not to be worried about all these little values13:20
bauzasthe thing is, we need both if we decide the standard output is standard datetime in Python :)13:20
bauzasDinaBelova: yes, but there is non sense to produce a readable API13:20
bauzasthe API should just be able to handle both formats, that's it :)13:21
bauzasbut for printing, it should print the standard format13:21
DinaBelovaas I said I'm ok with that :)13:21
bauzasbut that requires a patch to the client and a patch to climate: )13:21
DinaBelovaokay :)13:21
DinaBelovawhy not :)13:21
bauzasseems like the client needs to be updated first13:22
bauzasDinaBelova: you got my idea ?13:22
bauzasbecause if we update the API, it will break the client13:22
DinaBelovasure, I got it13:22
bauzaswelcome to the loving world of production :)13:23
DinaBelovabauzas, I got it quite time ago :D I think we were speaking about same thing for a while :D13:23
DinaBelovaI've got big problems with climate devstack, btw13:24
DinaBelovaI was testing it today, but it's not about climate problems now13:24
DinaBelovaI still could not install keystone deps13:24
DinaBelovawith devstack13:25
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: I'm back13:55
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: To recap, first I should make a patch in the client adding a config file with the date format13:56
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: Then, I should modify the actual API patch to support standard python date format and the actual date format13:56
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: Ok?13:57
bauzaspafuent: not only the patch should have a confflag, but should also be able to receive values as datestring13:57
bauzaspafuent:but from now on , it should post using the previous date format13:58
pafuentbauzas: Ok, the API will sent responses with the standard date format13:58
bauzaspafuent: lemme explain you the scenario :13:58
bauzas1. upgrade client with 2 confflags :13:58
DinaBelovabauzas, please, explain your idea13:58
bauzashold on14:00
bauzasI'm suddently having a meeting14:00
bauzasso, the idea is :14:00
pafuentbauzas: Ok14:00
DinaBelovathe only thing I can't get is if other openstack clients use any config options14:00
bauzasDinaBelova: well, you're right14:00
DinaBelovaas far as I remember that's not a common practice14:01
bauzasso the client should be able to manage both formats14:03
bauzasand a new release of client should then send new format14:03
bauzasonce the API is upgraded14:03
bauzasI'm leaving, meeting :/14:04
pafuentbauzas: Bye14:04
DinaBelovamaybe it'll be better to add standard datetime support for climate itself (both with old variant)? and then rewrite client to use it? and new version of client will send new format, as old one won't14:05
DinaBelovaI just mean that config option for client is strange14:05
pafuentDinaBelova: I'm  feeling a little dizzy :)14:06
DinaBelovame too14:06
DinaBelovathat's argument without real need14:06
DinaBelovaflag is useless thing - it should be one format rest api knows about14:06
DinaBelovaand client will support it14:06
pafuentDinaBelova: 1-Update API to support both format (backward compatibility)14:06
DinaBelovait was a good idea for the first look14:07
DinaBelovabut now it seems strange for me14:07
pafuentDinaBelova: 2-Update client to sent to the API the standard format, but use the old one to show dates and for the parameters14:07
pafuentDinaBelova: Are you ok with this two steps?14:08
DinaBelovapafuent, I'm just going crazy trying to understand how that backward compatibility will look here14:08
DinaBelovait's useful if it'll be old client?14:08
DinaBelovaif so - yes, it's needed14:08
DinaBelovaand that's good idea14:09
DinaBelovaand in this case these steps are ok14:09
DinaBelovaif I messed you - I'm ok with these steps :)14:10
DinaBelovai'm just thinking and writing my thoughts, sorry :)14:10
pafuentDinaBelova: Yeah, the code to support the two formats will be ugly14:10
DinaBelovamaybe, that might be done as new API version for Climate with new format14:11
DinaBelovaand in this case it'll be about endpoints14:11
DinaBelovalike v1 - use old vormat14:11
DinaBelovav2 - use new14:11
DinaBelovaif so, it''s looking ok14:12
pafuentDinaBelova: That's true14:12
pafuentDinaBelova: There is some bp for that? Someone is working on that?14:12
DinaBelovaSylvain is doing api v2 for climate using pecan+wsme14:12
pafuentDinaBelova: Ahhh14:13
DinaBelovaI think we may ask him to integrate new date format to it too14:13
DinaBelovawhen he'll come back14:13
DinaBelovain this case it's ok for me - the only moment here is that date transforming will be done on api level14:13
DinaBelovaso manager will get standard view of datetime14:13
DinaBelovaI think that'll be nice14:14
DinaBelovaand with backward compatibility14:14
pafuentDinaBelova: Yeap14:14
DinaBelovapafuent, ok, agreed  :) let's wait Sylvain :)14:14
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pafuentDinaBelova: BTW, I'll fix some of your comments in the patch, and upload a new one. At least to clean up a little the patch.14:16
DinaBelovaok, great!14:16
pafuentDinaBelova: Another thing. I think you added some reviewers to
pafuentDinaBelova: Are core reviewers?14:17
DinaBelovaI've added infra guys to review14:17
DinaBelovaI mean infra core team14:17
DinaBelovaBut they are quite busy14:17
DinaBelovaso review process may take time14:17
pafuentDinaBelova: Ok, thanks. I think OS will make me more patient.14:18
DinaBelovaWe may try to find mordred in IRC14:18
DinaBelovaBut I dunno if it will help much14:18
DinaBelovathey have mu-u-uch to do :)14:18
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to stackforge/climate: lease_create now raises InvalidDate exception
DinaBelovagood :)14:20
DinaBelovapafuent, I'm going crazy with that devstack patch14:25
DinaBelovawas it working good on your env?14:25
pafuentDinaBelova: Yeap14:26
casanch1DinaBelova: I tried that patch in my clean devstack installation and worked ok14:26
DinaBelovamy new clean VM + this patch to devstack14:26
DinaBelovadon't want to collaborate14:26
DinaBelovaI'll recreate all env I think14:26
pafuentDinaBelova: Why? Which is the error?14:27
DinaBelovaalthough I dunno what might go wrong now :(14:27
DinaBelovaI've posted some comments to that patch14:27
DinaBelovabut the idea is - keystone is not starting'14:27
DinaBelovaI had no chance to see if climate is working14:27
DinaBelovacause I have no keystone :(14:27
DinaBelovacause all its reqs were not installed14:28
DinaBelovaand so far and so on14:28
DinaBelovawothout clear reasons14:28
pafuentDinaBelova: Yes, it's strange14:29
DinaBelovaok, I'll create new VM - let's see what's it about14:30
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DinaBelovameeting in 5 mins on #openstack-meeting :)14:56
DinaBelovacasanch1, bauzas, swann, f_rossigneux, SergeyLukjanov, pafuent ^^^14:57
DinaBelovafooooolks :)15:02
DinaBelovawhy I see only Cristian on meeting? :)15:02
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f_rossigneuxSorry Dina but I am busy this afternoon.15:11
bauzasDinaBelova: sorry, I'm currently in an unattended meeting15:22
DinaBelovabauzas, ok, this meeting will be like some state one15:23
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DinaBelovawow, exactly needed time :)16:00
DinaBelovanah, guys16:06
DinaBelovadevstack is not working for me16:06
DinaBelovaclean Ubuntu server 12.04 + devstack + climate_devstack != smth working for me now16:07
DinaBelovaI dunno if it's somehow my local stuff16:07
DinaBelovaor not16:07
DinaBelovabauzas, btw, please read our with pafuent discussion about new date format16:07
DinaBelovait was after you went to your first meeting16:08
bauzassorry, it was a totally unexpected meeting16:08
bauzas(15:13:05) DinaBelova: I think we may ask him to integrate new date format to it too16:09
bauzasthat's the point ?16:09
bauzasI'm OK with it16:10
bauzasthat's only matter of patching16:10
bauzasI'll publish tonight a public version of the patch16:10
bauzasI'm putting this point as TODO16:10
bauzaslet's be clear, I will remove use of strptime16:11
bauzasand print direct datetime16:11
bauzasI'll only accept both strftime using the previous syntax or a native datetime as input16:11
bauzasyou all agree ?16:12
pafuentIIRC we talk with DinaBelova about to support only the standard datetime for v2 and use v1 as backward compatibility, right DinaBelova?16:13
DinaBelovapafuent, yep16:14
DinaBelovaI suppose that will look much nices16:14
pafuentbauzas: Are you ok with this?16:14
DinaBelovapafuent, I found reason for non workingdevstack, btw16:14
DinaBelovanew version of WSME has been released16:14
DinaBelovaand everything stops working16:14
DinaBelovaCould not install requirement ipaddr (from WSME>=0.5b6->keystone==2014.1.dev173.g1923a3f) because of HTTP error HTTP Error 403: Forbidden for URL (from
bauzasyey, there was a thread on it16:15
DinaBelovawhat the is that google drive url?????\16:15
DinaBelovaso no dependencies were downloaded16:15
DinaBelovaand nothing to install16:15
bauzasDinaBelova: pafuent: IIRC, you ask me to only accept native datetime for v2 as input and ouptut ?16:15
bauzasDinaBelova: pafuent: ok, will do16:16
DinaBelovabauzas, yep16:16
bauzasDinaBelova: pafuent: will remove all code related to strptime/strftime16:16
DinaBelovacause that will look more native16:16
DinaBelovaso it should look like16:16
DinaBelovav1 -> transform in API v1 od format to new one and continue to code without strptime/strftime16:17
DinaBelovav2 -> just pass to code without strptime/strftime16:17
DinaBelovasmth like that16:17
bauzasok with it16:17
DinaBelovain this case that will look in OS style - like new args format in new API version16:17
bauzasAPI v2 will change a little bit16:19
bauzasI tried to stick things as much as possible16:19
DinaBelovaI think it's ok16:19
bauzasbut that's really hard to keep same outputs16:19
DinaBelovaand quite normal16:20
DinaBelovato go further16:20
bauzasthe main difference is that the result of a call won't be a dict of dict16:20
bauzasbut only a dict16:20
bauzasie. not { 'lease': {} } but only {}16:20
bauzasthe error management also changed16:21
DinaBelovabauzas, please be aware here to pass everything to client back as it wants to parse16:21
DinaBelovaI mean that dicts16:21
bauzasthat's the issue :)16:21
bauzasI can't :(16:21
bauzasclient needs to be patched for V216:21
bauzasthat's WSME awesomeness16:22
DinaBelovaI'm not sure if it was before dict of dict16:23
DinaBelovawas it?16:23
DinaBelovaas I remember now we have just dict returned to client16:23
DinaBelovacause somewhere deep in climate we return dict['lease']16:23
DinaBelovaam I wrong?16:23
DinaBelovaI just remember I firstly used in client smth like format(data[lease])16:25
DinaBelovaand then it turned out16:25
DinaBelovathat data is already with lease info16:26
pafuentDinaBelova: bauzas: Ok, I'll modify the actual patch: 1) move the date parsing to API v1, 2) remove the use of strptime/strftime in manager16:26
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DinaBelovapafuent, as I understood  he'll do that himself:16:27
DinaBelova[20:16:22]  <bauzas> DinaBelova: pafuent: will remove all code related to strptime/strftime16:27
pafuentDinaBelova: Sorry I'm lost16:27
DinaBelovaPlease don't worry16:27
DinaBelovaas for your change request16:28
DinaBelovaI think we'll merge it as is16:28
DinaBelovaand then Sylvain will rebase on it16:28
DinaBelovaand just use16:28
DinaBelovawe'll ask him when he'll come back16:28
pafuentDinaBelova: Ok16:29
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pafuentI think isn't okay to raise a NotAuthorized (HTTP 403) exception if the start_date of a lease is before the current time. IMHO an HTTP 400 is more appropriate. Should I report a bug?16:41
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pafuentMy bad, the HTTP 403 is ok, the name of the exception is misleading16:57
pafuentFrom RFC261616:57
pafuentI'll ask for help to Tolkien16:57
pafuent10.4.4 403 Forbidden     The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.    Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.    If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make    public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the    reason for the refusal in the entity.  If the server does not wish to    make this information available to the client, the status16:58
DinaBelovapafuent, ;)17:01
DinaBelovaok, if 403 is ok - great :)17:02
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pafuentDinaBelova: I'll change the exception and the message, but I'll use the same status code17:04
DinaBelovapafuent, ok17:04
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bauzassorry, had to go17:28
bauzasthe best way is for you to compare the APIs once I will release the patch17:29
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