Thursday, 2014-01-30

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Nikolay_Stguys, we need final review for vm-plugin07:59
Nikolay_Stscroiset: are you here?08:10
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Nikolay_Stbauzas: hi08:26
bauzasNikolay_St: hi08:26
Nikolay_Stbauzas: can you review latest patchset of vm_plugin?08:26
bauzassure, I'm on it08:27
bauzasat the first glance, I'm OK with the change08:29
bauzasgiving +108:29
bauzaswill give +2 once I'll test it08:29
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bauzasDinaBelova_: sorry, had issues with my devstack09:09
bauzasnow, testing again09:09
bauzasFYI, I'm settuping a devstack using docker09:09
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DinaBelovabauzas, please, don't worry :)09:40
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DinaBelovaafter everything will be merged, I insist on testing with OS services tarballs from (to be sure about releases, etc.) and our stable(?) code09:42
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bauzasDinaBelova: I just spotted a bug when deleting a lease that already started11:23
bauzasthe Manager is raising an Exception but the API says 202 :)11:24
DinaBelovasometimes it happens11:24
bauzasfixing it, so the client would be notified of it11:24
DinaBelovaok, great11:24
DinaBelovahow's your testingVM plugin?11:24
bauzasthat's when testing I saw that :)11:24
bauzasas said yesterday, I have an issue when unshelving11:25
bauzasbut that's neutron stuff11:25
DinaBelovaI understood that))  I only mean status of your research :D11:25
bauzasI can see Climate sending the request up to Nova11:25
bauzaswell, the good news is that the latest patch reproduces the bug without regressing :D11:25
DinaBelovaAlso I've implemented yesterday unit tests for extensions11:26
bauzasso, I'll give 2 hours for testing the end of lease, and then give +211:26
bauzasoho k11:26
bauzasoh ok11:26
bauzasgood news11:26
DinaBelovaAnd spmehow found infound bug in it :D11:26
bauzasoh ok11:26
bauzasmy main concern is about this review11:26
bauzasit takes a while for testing the VM plugin11:26
bauzasI had devstack issues this morning11:26
DinaBelovabauzas, don't worry, please11:27
DinaBelovawe should be oriented on features for 0.111:27
DinaBelovanot date, really...11:27
bauzasso, I'm also taking an action to setup new devstack on top of docker containers11:27
DinaBelovabauzas, gotcha11:27
bauzasbecause I'm only having 4GB of RAM11:27
bauzasand two KVMs are far too high for my laptop :)11:28
bauzasplus the fact it's taking >1min to fetch one patch thanks to the excellent Internet connection11:28
DinaBelovaI completely understand that, we all have such issues...11:28
bauzas(not kidding)11:28
bauzaswe are behind a proxy11:29
DinaBelovathat's amazing.... if you understand me :D11:29
bauzasand this proxy totally s...11:29
bauzasI understand you11:29
bauzasI think we should definitely do a kickoff meeting in Grenoble in the next couple of months :p11:30
bauzasyou would see my world :)11:30
bauzasthat said, that would be awesome11:30
DinaBelovawe all are doing now really useful things, Nick will be testing, I'm writing docs, you're reviewing.. I dunno ow abour Swann and Francois, but I believe they do smth great now too11:31
DinaBelovawe don't spend time on nothing11:31
DinaBelovaand that's great :)11:31
DinaBelovaas it should be11:31
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: however my environment failed to start11:31
DinaBelovaalso I found some problems with release, because o them we won't have climate tarball on pypi.openstack.org11:32
DinaBelovawe'll have that on launchpad only11:32
DinaBelovathere are two reasons - we have no jobs for releasing, but I already proposed change for them11:33
DinaBelovathat's not the biggest problem11:33
DinaBelovathe main one is that there is climate in pypi.python.org11:33
bauzasoh dear11:34
DinaBelovaand on the rtfd the same thing - but there we may name climate as openstack-climate11:34
DinaBelovaand everything is ok11:34
DinaBelovabut on pypi it's problem11:34
DinaBelovaand without solving it any releasing job is useless really11:35
DinaBelovathat's why I thought about tarball on launchpad only for 0.111:35
DinaBelovathen we should solve this problem somehow11:35
bauzaswell, that makes sense11:36
bauzasoh dear, found the bug for the delete11:37
bauzasreturn self.cast('delete_lease', lease_id=lease_id)11:37
bauzascast does return None11:37
bauzasso everything is always happy for him :)11:38
DinaBelovamm, as I remember we use cast for deleting... Or am I wrong?11:38
DinaBelovait should be solved in some different way :?11:38
bauzasinstead of using cast, we have to use call :)11:41
bauzasas for the others :)11:41
bauzasthat will need to be backported to the oslo.messaging patch11:42
bauzasand the magic happens11:42
bauzas(just tested it)11:42
bauzascreating the patch11:43
DinaBelovaok :)11:50
DinaBelovaI'll fix it in oslo.messaging11:51
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix API status when Manager raises Exceptions
Nikolay_Stguys, I plan to visit Nova meeting today12:01
Nikolay_StI want to discuss new novaclient release12:01
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, great idea12:04
DinaBelovabauzas, that's not our climate on pypi:)12:05
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DinaBelovaI suppose, that potentionally we need to rename our nice climate to smth else12:08
DinaBelovait would be impossible to be two climates on pypi12:08
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Fix API status when Manager raises Exceptions
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Fix API status when Manager raises Exceptions
bauzasDinaBelova: one remark about VM plugin14:09
bauzasDinaBelova: if the resource can't be found, the lease is still OK14:09
DinaBelovabauzas, in what case?14:09
bauzasI'm OK for leaving this behavious with 0.1, but that kind of error should be handled14:09
bauzasI just shelved an instance14:10
bauzasand created a lease with a certain resource_id14:10
bauzasthis resource_id is incorrect14:10
bauzasso there is an exception at lease start14:10
bauzasbut the lease is started14:10
DinaBelovammmmm, yep, gotcha14:10
DinaBelovamaybe in this case we should somehow send notification, for example14:11
bauzasor change the status of the lease14:11
bauzasor both :)14:11
DinaBelovaI just dunno how to process this - we have to think about lease14:11
DinaBelovayes, smth like that14:11
bauzaslike a LEASE_ERROR state14:11
DinaBelovagood idea, thanks14:11
DinaBelovathat would be nice and good enough14:11
bauzasI think we will have the same concern with PRs14:11
bauzasany Exceptions captured while processing actions should lead to a LEASE_ERROR state14:12
bauzasand btw, we should introduce state of the lease14:13
bauzas[started, stopped, error, todo]14:13
bauzasthat kind of cycle14:13
bauzasI let you write a BP on it ?14:13
bauzasI'm still testing your plugin14:13
DinaBelovaok, I'll do that14:14
bauzascool thanks14:15
bauzasa bug + a BP14:15
bauzasgood for your karma :p14:15
bauzasI can handle the BP14:16
bauzaswe just need to define the lifecycle of a lease14:16
bauzasthat's not big deal :)14:16
DinaBelovasure, let's discuss it, e.g. on our meeting14:17
DinaBelovaalso I'm wodrering14:17
DinaBelovaif you could take part on tomorrow meeting14:17
bauzasoh no :(14:17
DinaBelovawon't you be travelling to FOSDEM?14:17
bauzastotally forgot it14:17
bauzasmy bad14:18
DinaBelovaok, we may have meeting without you or move it some other day14:18
DinaBelovawhat variant do you prefer?14:18
bauzassince we moved the timeline, I'm having hard times remembering it14:18
bauzasswann will also be on travel14:18
DinaBelovaSwann also going to FOSDEM? :)14:18
DinaBelovaI'd love I could be there too14:18
bauzasnext time14:19
DinaBelovaok, so I believe I'll better to move out meeting to some other day14:19
DinaBelovawill you be available on Monday?14:19
DinaBelovaas I remember fosdem is 2 days lond14:20
DinaBelovalong, sorry14:20
bauzasyep, can attend it14:29
bauzasbut scroiset not14:29
bauzashe'll at the ConfMgmt bootcamp in Gant14:30
bauzashe'll ^be14:30
DinaBelovaok, I'll sent letter to dev ml14:31
DinaBelovalet's see everybody's preferences14:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
DinaBelovawe're close :)15:06
DinaBelovato 0.1 i mean)))15:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Fix exception rendering for client
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