Friday, 2014-01-17

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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
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CROW_CafeHi guys05:56
DinaBelovawe have several minutes left :)05:56
DinaBelovalet's wait Sylvain :)05:56
CROW_Cafesure :)05:56
CROW_Cafewe are waiting for one more on our side too.05:56
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CROW_Cafecurrently we have Ryan and Alan here .. we will be "3 heads" sharing 1 account05:57
DinaBelovaok, that's normal :)05:57
bauzasfolks, I'll be having 10mins late05:57
DinaBelovabauzas, we'll wait you05:58
bauzasyou can start tho05:58
DinaBelovaas you wish05:58
bauzasor start in 5 mins05:58
bauzasso I'll only have 5 mins to get back :)05:58
bauzasok we can star06:02
bauzassorry about the delay06:02
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, you here?06:03
DinaBelovabauzas, never mind06:03
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, everybody here?06:03
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: yeap06:03
CROW_Cafeyup we are all here06:03
DinaBelovanice :)06:03
bauzasf_rossigneux and scroiset won't be there06:03
bauzasI'm representing them06:03
DinaBelovaYep, it's really early for you, guys :)06:04
bauzasnot so :)06:04
CROW_Cafethanks everyone for catering to the time06:04
bauzasok, do we start ?06:04
DinaBelovathis meeting is about possible collaboration of Climate and Cafe teams =)06:04
DinaBelovaI'm just thinking about how that should look like - this meeting06:05
DinaBelovaok, CROW_Cafe, as I understand06:05
bauzasCROW_Cafe: do you have all the necessary pointers around Climate ?06:05
DinaBelovayou guys are implementing (have already implemented?) system of resource time management for OpenStack06:05
DinaBelovafor your own cases06:06
DinaBelovaMay you say some words about it?06:06
DinaBelovabecause I've seen your wiki06:06
DinaBelovaand letter06:06
CROW_Cafehmm we looked through roughly but we would like to know more about your work06:06
DinaBelovaBut I had no opportunity to look at code, for example)))06:06
DinaBelovaAs for Climate06:06
CROW_CafePerhaps we can share about the context. we wanted to start an openstack cloud and let students use it for education and research06:07
CROW_Cafebut for security and limited resources reasons, we needed a time based system to manage the reservations06:07
bauzaswhich kind of reservations do you plan to scope ?06:08
bauzasany kind ?06:08
CROW_Cafehence, cafe was proposed... it is mostly relevant for private clouds06:08
bauzasdo you have any source code we could glance at it ?06:08
CROW_Cafecurrently we are focusing on only cpu and ram06:08
DinaBelovaOk, we're working on providing so-called 'reservation' opportunity. That means that OpenStack user (that's already created, btw, we don't create him ourselves) gets opportunity to reserve potentially any kind of OS resource (now - VM and compute hosts)06:09
DinaBelovaso that means you're working exactly with CPU, RAM, physical characteristics06:09
CROW_Cafeour implementation currently focus only on interacting with nova (resource) and keystone (user management)06:09
bauzasI think I got your point06:09
bauzasuser asks for flavors06:10
bauzaswith CPU and RAM06:10
bauzasand them, you schedule the request06:10
CROW_Cafeyes we are working with cpu and ram now06:10
DinaBelovaok - and also you are working with keystone to create users... mmm... on demand?06:10
bauzasonce your scheduler rings the bell, Cafe will call nova with the user specs for booting the VMs06:11
CROW_Cafewe are working on uploading the code to launch yes we can share the code in near future06:11
CROW_Cafecurrently user creation is done via user requesting an account and then the admin will approve the account. The account is created when the admin approves the account.06:12
CROW_Cafe(created using Keystone)06:12
bauzasbut you implemented quotas, AIUI06:12
DinaBelovaok, got it06:12
bauzasor is it WIP ?06:12
CROW_CafeQuotas are currently implemented at the project level.06:13
CROW_CafeWhat is AIUI?06:13
bauzasok, so you rely on Keystone quotas06:13
bauzasAs I Understand It :)06:14
CROW_CafeWe have completed a basic prototype of the system written in python06:14
bauzasI think you should port your code to your own GitHub so we could review it06:15
SergeyLukjanovit looks for me that cafe is something like specific climate usecase + quotas + user approval/management in keystone06:15
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: +106:15
DinaBelovaok, guys.. you've done great work, really. But currently I see certain intersections with Climate...06:15
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Nikolay_St SergeyLukjanov: +106:15
bauzasDinaBelova: maybe could you please explain the project, his history, the tenants ?06:15
bauzas(by tenants, I mean stackholders)06:16
DinaBelovaas for Climate06:16
DinaBelovait is build now around two companies/projects06:16
DinaBelovaand its use cases06:16
DinaBelova1/ Physical reservations (by XLcloud) - we need to support physical reservations like getting compute host from common pool06:17
DinaBelovaand then use its capabilities06:17
CROW_CafeOn uploading: No issue. The lab is new (lauched 3 dec) so we are creating a central github account before we can load it up. should be completed by jan06:18
DinaBelovawhen lease (like contract between user and Climate) will start06:18
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, ok06:18
DinaBelova2/ Virtual use case06:18
DinaBelovait's developed by Mirantis guys (and me too)06:18
DinaBelovaand is about reserving virtual OS objects - VMs, volumes, Heat stacks, anything06:19
bauzasbut we all review our code mutually ;) :D06:19
DinaBelovanow we'll have next week our first release06:19
bauzasthe idea is to have a flexible framework for reservations resources06:19
bauzasusing plugins06:19
bauzasand core components06:20
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, so, you'd like to grant to some users after approval ability to create VMs (and probably volumes, IPs, etc.) with the specific resources limitations (currently vCPU and RAM) and keep users using this resource pool until user terminated06:20
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, please correct me if I'm wrong06:20
DinaBelovaso for every resource type ('physical:host', 'virtual:instance', etc) we are having plugins telling Climate what should be done and might be done with these resources06:21
CROW_CafeYes until the user's booked session has ended (like an internet cafe hence the name 'Cafe').06:21
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, heh, some kind of benevolent reservations framework for all things in the world ;)06:21
DinaBelovalike actions on lease start, lease end06:21
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, what's the expected session life time?06:21
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, I mean day or year?06:21
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, yep, what's average student's session time is?06:22
CROW_CafeSessions booked are in multiples of hours06:22
CROW_CafeUsers can book multiple sessions and they can use the same set of VMs over the multiple booked sessions06:22
bauzascould the sessions be postponed to start in 2 days ?06:23
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, ok, now it looks much more like the climate usecase for booking vms06:23
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: that's what I understood at the beginning :)06:23
bauzasimmediation lease creation for booting VMs and ensuring isolation06:23
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, CROW_Cafe not really VMs, but flavors - because of need in any kind of CPU/RAM characteristics06:24
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, firstly it was looked for me more like just tenant with quotas per user creation with short life time06:24
CROW_CafeYes they can be "postponed" to start in 2 days as the user chooses whatever time they would like to use the resources (pending admin approval after booking request has been made).06:24
bauzasok, how do you manage them the capacity planning for making sure you can handle the request ?06:24
bauzasmaybe that's not a real contract06:24
CROW_CafeDina is closer06:24
CROW_CafeDina's explanation/ understanding is closer to our implementation..06:25
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, yup, I see06:25
SergeyLukjanovCROW_Cafe, do you have any work done on stuff except reservation? like approval management, etc06:25
CROW_CafeIt's more from the user point of view than the admin point of view06:25
DinaBelovabauzas, CROW_Cafe it's really interesting question bout capacity planning?06:25
CROW_Cafethere is, in the form of quota06:25
bauzasok, so you ensure all your cloud is dedicated to Cafe06:26
CROW_Cafewhat we give users is .. a set quota of resources that they can freely use within their booked sessions06:26
CROW_Cafee.g. user 1 book 10cpus for 1 hr...06:26
bauzasusers can't boot VMs on the normal way, only by doing a Cafe reservation ?06:27
CROW_Cafeso during the 1hr, user1 can provision 10 vms each with 1 vcpu or 1 vm with 10vcpu06:27
CROW_Cafebauzas: yes06:27
DinaBelovabauzas, as i undertsand user is created itself at the moment of reservation :)06:27
bauzasbut the cloud is dedicated... :)06:27
DinaBelovaso that's the only way to go to OS for students06:28
bauzasor at least, I needs to be a region06:28
CROW_Cafeuser is not created at the moment of reservation06:28
bauzasCROW_Cafe: did you have time for reviewing our code ?06:29
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, I mean user asks before going to OS admin to allow that. First time user is created06:29
bauzasand the Gerrit changes ?06:29
CROW_Cafeit is created like signing up for google mail (user goes to the login page, click create new account, request is routed to admins for approval)06:29
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe. ok, gotcha06:29
CROW_Cafeuser account creation is separate from resource reservation06:29
CROW_Cafeno we have not review climate's code yet06:30
DinaBelovain 0.1 release we'll provide opportunity to reserve one VM for any time slot. Just after that we'll implement multiple VMs reservation (won't be able to do that in that 2 days we really have before release)06:31
DinaBelovawe are working with already created flavors06:31
DinaBelovabut also we thinking about that 'managable' way of its creating06:32
DinaBelovausing customised flavors06:32
bauzaswhat's interesting with CROW_Cafe is that they create the VM on lease start06:33
bauzasthat's another usecase we don't have06:33
bauzaswe shelve the VM06:33
CROW_Cafeso can i say climate's virtual reservation is focused on vm reservation?06:33
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, for now - yes06:34
DinaBelovabut in next release we were planning to include volumes, Neutron's resources06:34
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DinaBelovathat's needed for reserving custom and complicated resources like Heat stacks and Savanna clusters, for example06:35
DinaBelovabauzas, we've done that because for our first use cases we wanted to guarantee usrs that there will be enough resources for them06:35
DinaBelovain future when they want to use them06:35
bauzasDinaBelova: yup, I know06:35
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DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe's use case is about our thoughts on postponed reservation, when we do not guarantee user that there will be enough resources06:36
bauzasDinaBelova: I'm not saying both workflows are concurrent, they're complementing :)06:36
CROW_Cafefrom what we see, cafe and climate are complementary to each other... climate is working more at the system resource side whereas cafe tends towards managing user access to resources..06:37
DinaBelovaI only want to say06:37
bauzasok, I really think CROW_Cafe needs to review our code :)06:37
DinaBelovathat Cafe's use case is a part of virtual use case we were always thinking about for Climate06:37
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe need not only VMs actual reserving, they need system like Climate(Vm/flavor reservation) + non-reservation stuff06:38
bauzasthe thing is, until everybody knows what others do, that's hard time for discussing around integration :)06:39
DinaBelovaI mean that CROW_Cafe's reservation just needs one more plugin in climate06:39
CROW_Cafewe agree with dina ...plugin is a straightforward way to go06:40
bauzasthere are also some bits of code that are interesting, as per I read your wikipage06:41
DinaBelovabauzas, that's always when community tries to create smth good :)06:41
bauzasHorizon tabs, notifications06:41
bauzasand User-managed quotas06:41
DinaBelovawe have blueprint for Climate about user notifications mechanism06:42
DinaBelovathat was implemented as PoC one time06:42
bauzasand CROW_Cafe is relying on 'wall' for this06:42
bauzasok, forget about notifications06:42
bauzasCROW_Cafe: could you maybe create a single GitHub account for sharing the code ?06:44
bauzasand just add a git remote06:44
CROW_Cafeyes we are working on that06:44
CROW_Cafewe were about to suggest this:06:44
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DinaBelovabauzas, don't agree about notifications. I believe that code should be in Climate because it's definitely a part of Reservation service06:45
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, yes?06:45
bauzasI'm talking about doing notifications using 'wall' :)06:45
CROW_Cafehow about we meet again after we have uploaded our code onto github and after reviewing the code?06:45
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bauzasCROW_Cafe: that's common sense, I agree =)06:46
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, I believe that's good idea06:46
bauzasI'm only worried about the dates you give us06:46
DinaBelovaafter taking a look on our projects we may say for sure what stuff should be placed where06:46
bauzasuh, sorry06:46
bauzasbad French/English translation, ooops :)06:46
DinaBelovamaybe you meant time slots?06:46
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bauzasoh, btw., do you have unittests and tox compliancy ?06:47
DinaBelovabauzas, I really did not get your point about timelines06:48
DinaBelovamay you explain?06:48
bauzasI was referring to :06:49
bauzas(07:18:07) CROW_Cafe: On uploading: No issue. The lab is new (lauched 3 dec) so we are creating a central github account before we can load it up. should be completed by jan06:49
bauzasthe sooner is the better, although we don't currently have extra time for this until 0.1 release :)06:50
DinaBelovaoh, yep. But I believe we may continue our work on 0.106:50
bauzasDinaBelova: I'm not saying the contrary, nevermind ;)06:50
CROW_Cafewe meant that we will try to complete uploading the codes by end of jan06:50
DinaBelovawe'll have some time on the berrining of i2 to take a look on Cafe06:50
DinaBelovaand we'll do that06:51
DinaBelovaI believe that's ok06:51
bauzasCROW_Cafe: will you have time for reviewing our code ?06:51
CROW_Cafecurrently we are held up by other commitments until after mid feb..06:52
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, so we'll be able to continue this discussion really after that06:53
CROW_Cafewe will notify you once the link is up06:53
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, thanks06:53
bauzasCROW_Cafe: makes sense06:53
CROW_Cafeits great to be able to talk to you guys06:54
CROW_Cafelooking forward to working closer with you06:54
DinaBelovaCROW_Cafe, bye :)06:55
DinaBelovaThanks for coming and discussing :)06:55
CROW_Cafethank you all too06:55
CROW_Cafe=) have a good weekend06:55
DinaBelovayou too06:55
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DinaBelovaI'm playing with ZNC bouncer :)06:57
DinaBelovasorry :)06:57
bauzasok I have kid to go to school06:57
DinaBelovabauzas, have a nice day :)06:57
bauzassee you in around 1 hour or so06:58
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bauzasback, folks08:19
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DinaBelovabauzas, may you provide mw a simple example of how do you manage hosts via CLI? As I understand, first of all I need to use 'climate host-create' command08:26
DinaBelovaMay u give me that test example u use?08:27
bauzashave you tried the CLI help ? :D08:30
bauzasclimate host-create --extra key=value name08:31
bauzasso, as an example08:31
bauzasclimate host-create --extra fruits=bananas --extra vgpus=2 climate-devstack-compute108:31
bauzaswhere climate-devstack-compute1 is the hostname08:32
bauzasthe goal of extra capabilities is to provide some way to filter the hosts with non-existent Nova capabilities08:33
bauzaslike gpus or fruits08:34
DinaBelovayep, I just was interested how that extra-stuff may look like in your testing :)08:34
bauzasthat's basically a keypair value08:34
bauzassorry, a keyvalue pair08:34
bauzasfor the native Nova capabilies, we request nova to get them08:35
bauzasthat's not ideal08:35
DinaBelovajust one question08:35
DinaBelovaas I see08:35
DinaBelovausing CLI for host-create08:35
DinaBelovathere is table returned08:36
DinaBelovawhere cpu_info is quite big08:36
DinaBelovaas I see08:36
DinaBelovaof dict08:36
DinaBelovamay you make it look prettier like I did for lease-show?08:36
bauzaswould be cool, yes08:37
bauzasdo you have any code I could take example of ?08:37
DinaBelovabecause it's not really readable08:37
bauzaslease-show ?08:37
DinaBelovaone moment08:37
bauzasI have to admit I'm using less -S :)08:37
bauzasfor readability08:37
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, Dina said that you're planning to attend FOSDEM08:38
SergeyLukjanovcool ;_08:38
bauzasheard that you too :)08:38
bauzasdon't miss Friday BeerEvent ;)08:38
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, yup, it's very important event I think :)08:39
bauzasI'll be staying at the Best Western Hotel downtown08:39
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, do you have any options for cell phone operator in Belgium/Brussels?08:39
bauzaswell, I wish I would have08:39
DinaBelovabauzas, try
bauzasbecause I paid 200 EUR for phone when I was in HK08:40
DinaBelovaI'm setting indent here08:40
bauzasDinaBelova: will take a look and patch today08:40
DinaBelovafor show-command08:40
DinaBelovathat't one line08:40
bauzasDinaBelova: that's smart :)08:40
DinaBelovait might work like 'ok, let's do it'08:40
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: I think I will use a SIP softphone app08:41
bauzaswith a SIP account08:41
bauzasprovided there is Wifi...08:41
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, bah, 200 EUR08:41
DinaBelovathat's not cheap :)08:42
bauzasI don't know how much it is in your currency08:42
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, I've payed about $150 for 3 weeks in california08:42
bauzasbut around 280 USD08:42
bauzasfor 1 week...08:42
bauzasand 50 mins of call08:42
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, me and Dina used local 3g (4g?) sim cards08:43
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: be sure I will do that next time :D08:43
bauzasf_rossigneux did that, lucky he08:43
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, Mirantis buy them for all attendees and cost was about $10 for a week of calls and about 1GB traffic08:43
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, I'm looking now for some local operator in Brussels08:44
SergeyLukjanovto make the same ;)08:44
bauzaswell, I'm French, not Belgian unfortunately08:44
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, I know, just curious maybe you're already prepared ;)08:44
bauzasI don't know much Belgium, although I know pretty good jokes with Belgians... :D08:44
SergeyLukjanovbah, my Russian operator takes $2.5 per min in Belgiun08:45
bauzasI know that Belgacom is quite of the biggest one08:45
* SergeyLukjanov trying to find t-mobile sim08:45
bauzashow long will you stay ?08:46
SergeyLukjanovfor about 4 days / 5 nights08:46
SergeyLukjanovwe're going with colleagues to the sprint that'll be before the FOSDEM08:46
SergeyLukjanov+ beer party08:46
SergeyLukjanovand no plans to attend FOSDEM itself atm ;)08:47
bauzasoh ok08:48
bauzasso you will leave on Sunday ?08:48
SergeyLukjanovMonday morning I think08:48
SergeyLukjanovand will arrive Wed evening08:49
bauzasI'll arrive on Friday08:49
bauzasT. Carrez sprint sounds cool08:49
bauzasbut I don't exactly where the project is08:50
bauzasin terms of existing code et al.08:50
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, we're pushing a lot already :)09:07
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SergeyLukjanovbauzas, heh, looks like cell internet is quite expensive in EU09:12
bauzasthat depends on the country :)09:21
bauzaswe have a good carrier provider in France, called 'Free Mobile'09:21
bauzas2€ for 2h of calls plus 500MB data09:21
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DinaBelovabauzas, I've written some some comments on how to change client to look beautiful with hosts operations :)09:38
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, and it provides emails
bauzasDinaBelova: will see09:45
bauzasDinaBelova: we're currently having horrible Internet connection here09:45
bauzasSergeyLukjanov: indeed :)09:45
bauzasFree is a well known operator in France09:45
bauzasthanks to it, we're paying around 40USD/month for DSL access with TV and phone09:46
bauzassince 2 years, they arrived in the mobile ecosystem09:46
bauzasand they cut cost by 209:46
bauzasor more09:46
bauzaswhile the quality remained the same09:47
bauzashere is why I'm having :)09:47
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, yup, I saw it and that's why I've asked you:)09:47
bauzasand indeed the name sounds pretty cool for people working with open-source :)09:48
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, I'm paying about $25 for tv and fibre up to 75MB/s09:48
bauzasoh cool !09:48
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, exactly, we have no, so, I'm using instead :)09:49
SergeyLukjanovbauzas, speed peaks are very high, but it sometimes works not very well with servers/sites with a long trace, heh09:49
bauzasDinaBelova: some time for discussing of your comments ?09:59
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bauzasDinaBelova: ping ?10:40
DinaBelovabauzas, I'm here now10:53
DinaBelovabauzas, pong :)10:54
bauzasso, I'm about rewriting the cpu_info stuff10:54
DinaBelovacool :)10:55
bauzasthe best way is to add some conditional things to format_output_data()10:55
bauzasbasically, we get a string10:55
bauzasso we need to evaluate it10:55
DinaBelovaI think that's nice :)10:56
DinaBelovajson.loads or smth10:56
DinaBelovaor utils.loads, as I remember it's available in that file :)10:56
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
bauzasok, you'll see my change10:58
bauzaswe need to eval() it10:58
bauzasthe safiest way10:58
bauzasso I'm using ast.literal_eval()10:58
DinaBelovabauzas, ok, agreed10:59
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Nikolay_Stsorry guys :)11:02
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bauzasI have one last question11:11
bauzas created_at          | 2014-01-17 11:09:51.31808711:11
bauzassounds like the creation date is having msecs11:11
bauzasDinaBelova:  are you OK if I'm converting the date string into YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM ?11:13
bauzason the client side11:13
bauzasonly for readability11:13
bauzaswe keep the data unchanged11:14
bauzasneeds to be updated :)11:15
DinaBelovabauzas, sure :)11:18
bauzasDinaBelova: sure for what ?11:20
DinaBelovafor both :D11:20
bauzasDinaBelova: ok, another patch then for the date ouptut11:20
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Implement support for provisioning hosts to ClimateClient
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Implement support for provisioning hosts to ClimateClient
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add Physical Host Config to climate.conf.example
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DinaBelovabauzas, you here?13:38
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DinaBelovaI just wanted to ask you about Nick's patches :) utils, trusts - have you looked at them?13:39
bauzasDinaBelova: sorry, was afk13:42
bauzasI'm currently fetching'm13:42
bauzasbut the throughput is quite high :)13:42
bauzasI'm just seeing another patchset :(13:42
bauzasthat's why I'm first testing utils13:43
DinaBelovasure :)13:43
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DinaBelovaI've broken my PR use case lab :(14:11
DinaBelovanow I have errors :(14:11
bauzasuh, which kind14:20
bauzasI'm currently helping Swann to deploy his own14:21
DinaBelova :)14:22
DinaBelovaI catch that while climate host-create stuff :)14:22
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DinaBelovaNova client may not authorise14:23
DinaBelovaalthough i do everything as admin now :D14:23
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DinaBelovasrry, not Nova14:24
DinaBelovaand just later I have this error with client
DinaBelovaalthough it worked before :D14:25
bauzasthat's Nova client which gives you a 40114:35
bauzassounds like your creds are wrong14:35
bauzasI'm sorry, I mean the creds used by Climate14:35
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DinaBelovabauzas, may you share your conf file?14:51
DinaBelovabecause i did not change it :?14:51
bauzasI'm currently testing Nikolay_St utils patch14:51
bauzaspretty worried about it :(14:51
bauzasI'm sending a first review14:52
Nikolay_Stbauzas: what's wrong with it?14:55
bauzasI'm testing out of Climate14:56
bauzasso, no context14:56
bauzasI have hard time for making this work14:56
Nikolay_Stbauzas: you can emulate context if you need it14:57
Nikolay_Stsend it in **kwargs14:57
bauzasyep, that's what I saw14:57
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bauzasoh, we have meeting in 3 mins14:58
DinaBelovayep :)14:58
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DinaBelovaI'm writing letter to dev ml, moment15:33
bauzasDinaBelova: have you tried to change your climate.conf15:33
bauzasokay, Nikolay_St thne15:33
bauzasthen :)15:33
bauzasI'm getting a 404 when testing your patch without context15:34
DinaBelovabauzas, I've tried to list hosts now. First time I tried it it gave me AttributeError: No such RPC function 'physical:host:list_computehosts', next time (without any changes or restarting) - ok15:36
DinaBelovaI suppose that's quite strange...15:36
bauzasoh, I know your problem15:36
DinaBelovabauzas, help meeee :)15:36
bauzascheck how many Manager processess are running :)15:36
Nikolay_Stbauzas: and I also know your problem15:36
DinaBelovaone sed15:37
bauzasps -ef | grep climate15:37
bauzasNikolay_St: I would be glad to hear the solution :)15:37
DinaBelovaI've got soooo many managers...15:37
DinaBelovayou just won't believe me15:37
DinaBelovauno momento15:38
Nikolay_Stbauzas: token='password' then you create ClimateNovaClient ;)15:38
bauzaswhen you kill your screens, it doesn't kill the managers (incl. nova ones etC.)15:38
Nikolay_StDinaBelova: remember we got 2 managers when test our vm plugin last time :D15:38
DinaBelovayep, yep15:38
DinaBelovaI've forgot about that completely15:38
Nikolay_Stand don't specify api_key15:39
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I'll fix it in next patch :D novaclient was changed from token to api_key, but I forgot to fix it in some parts of Climate :D15:40
Nikolay_Stbauzas: please notify me as soon as you test it15:40
bauzasI'm on it :)15:40
bauzasstill doesn't work15:40
bauzasbut I probably made a mistake :)15:40
bauzaslatest run15:42
bauzasctx is a fake object15:42
bauzasonly having auth_token as attribute15:42
Nikolay_Stbauzas: it looks quite strange15:44
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I'll try to fix it, and test new patchsets on weekend15:45
bauzassorry about that15:45
bauzasI made some comments about the need of a ctx15:45
bauzasis it mandatory ?15:45
bauzasI was using the nova cli just by setting version, username, api_key, auth_url and project_id15:46
bauzasno need for more15:46
bauzasfrom my pov, I think the wrapper should only provide this and that's it15:46
bauzasunless there is a need somewhere else15:46
bauzasNikolay_St: what do you think of it ?15:46
Nikolay_Stwell, I answer your comments. just take a look on it15:46
Nikolay_Stit's for future15:47
Nikolay_Stmay be one day we need it. don't really know15:47
Nikolay_Stbut I will rewrite some things15:47
bauzasgood for it15:47
bauzasit shows the normal novaclient working15:49
DinaBelovabauzas, I'm so happy :P15:49
DinaBelovaeverything works15:49
bauzasDinaBelova: =)15:49
DinaBelovajust nice to see that :D15:49
bauzasI still have to rewrite the filter15:49
bauzasthanks to scroiset... :p15:49
Nikolay_Stone moment15:50
DinaBelovabauzas, I've checked just process of connection lease+hosts, etc.15:50
DinaBelovanot actual VM running on it15:50
DinaBelovathat's next :)15:50
bauzasyou can try a boot with a hint :)15:50
bauzasand without :)15:50
scroisetbauzas: just answer to my comments :)15:50
Nikolay_Stcan anyone say me what exception we will have when we call contex.current() in place we don't have context?15:51
bauzasscroiset: yeah, yeah I will :p15:51
bauzasI can :)15:51
Nikolay_Stplease show me :)15:51
bauzasRuntimeError: Context isn't available here15:51
bauzaspretty easy for knowing it15:51
bauzas>>> from climate import context15:51
bauzas>>> context.current()15:51
bauzasTraceback (most recent call last):15:51
bauzas  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>15:51
bauzas  File "/opt/climate/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/climate/", line 94, in current15:51
bauzas    return ClimateContext.current()15:51
bauzas  File "/opt/climate/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/climate/", line 64, in current15:51
bauzas    raise RuntimeError("Context isn't available here")15:51
bauzasRuntimeError: Context isn't available here15:51
bauzasdifferent approaches for the resolution15:52
bauzasI prefer experimenting p15:52
DinaBelovaI just remembered line where it is :D15:52
DinaBelovabauzas, what Nova config options are you using to get filters from climatenova?16:02
DinaBelovafor extensions I use osapi_compute_extension = climatenova.api.extensions.default_reservation.Default_reservation16:02
DinaBelovafor filters we should define both scheduler_available_filters and scheduler_default_filters?16:03
DinaBelovabauzas, I suppose I need to fix it now :D
bauzasI made a quick etc/nova.conf.example for this16:05
bauzasyou have to install/develop climatenova16:05
bauzasand then tell to Nova to load the filter and use it16:06
DinaBelovayep, I got it16:06
DinaBelovaI just try to find valid syntax :D16:06
bauzasand yes, that's bad for oslo.messaging :)16:06
bauzas-2 from the gate :(16:07
DinaBelovaI was thinking it won't pass, but I thought we may try :D16:07
bauzasthat's probably a merging conflict :)16:07
DinaBelovaI'll test new messaging version immediately16:07
bauzasare you sure16:07
bauzasas per Jenkins, that's a merge problem16:08
DinaBelovammm, it might be, yes...16:08
DinaBelovaok, let's try it :)16:08
bauzasjust take your change and rebase with the master16:08
bauzasyou should get some conflicts16:08
bauzasthe patch is pretty old16:08
bauzasand btw. I extended the ServiceManager with getattr16:09
bauzasmaybe that's why16:09
DinaBelovaaaaaand yep, I've got 'em16:09
bauzasgit mergetool is your friend :)16:13
DinaBelovabauzas, running tests on rebased one :)16:17
DinaBelovalet's wait :)16:17
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
Nikolay_Stbauzas: new patchset for utils is here16:18
bauzascool thanks16:19
DinaBelovaNikolay_St, comment for
DinaBelovaSylvain was thinking about docstring params16:20
DinaBelovalike :param kwargs: ...16:20
bauzasDinaBelova: +116:21
bauzasmy concern was to put the bullets into docstring params16:22
bauzasinstead of saying 1., 2., 3. etc.16:22
DinaBelovawow, that's awful :( now I've got non working tox16:23
DinaBelovathat CR hates me16:23
Nikolay_Stbauzas: sorry, I miss this16:24
bauzasno pb16:24
Nikolay_StI'll fix it16:24
bauzasDinaBelova: :)16:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Implement Lease creation for Physical reservations
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-climateclient: Implement support for provisioning hosts to ClimateClient
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Implement Nova filter for Host Reservation Pools
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
bauzasfolks I have to go16:37
bauzasdaughter to get back from school/nanny16:38
bauzasNikolay_St: will test your patch this weekend16:38
DinaBelovabauzas, have a good evening :)16:40
bauzasthanks folks, bye16:41
DinaBelovait seems like everyone will be somehow working this weekend :)16:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate: Add Physical Host Config to climate.conf.example
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