Wednesday, 2014-01-15

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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
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DinaBelovaguys, I remind you we have small meating today :)09:51
DinaBelovameeting :)09:51
DinaBelovaI suppose we'll have it in this channel :)09:52
DinaBelovabauzas, are you here?10:00
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, f_rossigneux :)10:01
bauzassorry, was beating with regexps10:01
bauzasI finally won10:01
DinaBelovaguys, I'm glad you're here :)10:01
DinaBelovabauzas, congrats!10:01
DinaBelovaso me, Nick, Sylvain and Francois are here10:02
DinaBelovascroiset, hello! :)10:02
scroisetHi Dina10:02
DinaBelovaNice to hear from you :)10:02
DinaBelovaok :)10:02
DinaBelovaI think we may start :)10:02
bauzasSergeyLukjanov around ?10:03
SergeyLukjanovhi folks10:03
DinaBelovagreat :)10:03
bauzasok, up to you, DinaBelova10:03
DinaBelovaok, so for our first release10:03
DinaBelovathese are things we were planning to deliver10:03
DinaBelovaI remind you, that next Tuesday we have code freeze10:04
DinaBelovaSo this small discussion should have a result - what things we will deliver10:04
DinaBelovaand what not10:04
DinaBelovalet's start with BPs10:04
DinaBelovaAs you might see, all essential BPs are either implemented or waiting for review10:05
DinaBelovaas for essential ones we have 4 needing code review10:05
bauzasamending for client10:06
DinaBelovabauzas, sorry?10:06
bauzas(Launchpad is not considering python-climateclient)10:06
bauzasso the whiteboard is incorrect10:06
DinaBelovaI've fixed it10:06
bauzasthere will be 3 patches for this BP, not only one10:06
DinaBelovayep, I added my one10:07
DinaBelovaI'll ask you to add yours10:07
bauzasa 3rd one goes to the whiteboard by 1 hour10:07
scroisetFYI i'll start to review today or tomorrow10:07
DinaBelovagreat, guys10:07
DinaBelovawe are testing virtual use case with Nick10:08
bauzason our side, we are ready for being reviewed10:08
bauzaswe hardly tested the PR usecase10:08
DinaBelovasure :)10:08
bauzasthere is only the last patch for creating a lease using the client to be sent10:08
DinaBelovaAnd I think almost everything is nice with your changes10:08
DinaBelovabauzas, I'm really glad to read that10:09
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DinaBelovaalso we have two high priority BPs on review now10:09
bauzasok, then let's consider these patches are mandatory for 0.110:09
DinaBelovaI think so10:09
bauzaskeystone trust is reading for reviewing ?10:10
bauzasI saw last patches by yesterday10:10
bauzasNikolay_St ?10:10
Nikolay_Stbauzas: are you using client from climate/utils/openstack?10:10
DinaBelovabauzas, yes it is10:10
Nikolay_Stbauzas: yeap10:10
DinaBelovawe have only some questions with full workflow and we are testing that10:10
DinaBelovautils and trusts are ready for review10:11
bauzasNikolay_St: when I'm speaking about client, I'm speaking about python-climateclient for creating a lease: )10:11
bauzassorry if I misunderstood, what was the question ?10:12
DinaBelovaNick is typing right now :)10:12
Nikolay_Stbauzas: one minute10:12
Nikolay_Stbauzas: we've merged a patch that import nova(keystone)client directly10:12
Nikolay_Stbauzas: not from climate/utils/openstack10:13
Nikolay_Stbauzas: I think it will be better to fix it10:13
Nikolay_Stthat's what I mean10:13
bauzasI'm sorry, from which BP are we talking about ?10:13
bauzasor which review ?10:13
bauzasI'm lost :)10:14
DinaBelovawe merged PR use case path10:14
scroisetI'm lost too10:14
Nikolay_Stone minute10:14
Nikolay_StI try to find it10:14
DinaBelovathat contained working with OS clients directly10:14
bauzasah, you mean about the reservation pools ?10:14
bauzasindeed, as the review for your client was not yet ready10:15
DinaBelovaso I think we need to fix that after utils got ready10:15
bauzasI think that would be a risk for delivering to 0.110:15
bauzaswe could log a bug tho10:15
DinaBelovawe may just have a bug10:15
bauzasand tag it for 0.1.110:15
DinaBelovaWe also have Replace oslo-incubator/rpc usage with oslo-messaging and Implements API Policies... I think I'll test policies after VR use case and try to fix that to 0.110:16
DinaBelovaas for messaging it's ready and waiting for your review :)10:16
bauzasNikolay_St: could you please open the bug once your patch got merged ?10:16
DinaBelovabauzas, are you ready to review messaging? :)10:17
bauzasyou could address the change in your PR, but that's risky for 0.1.1, here is why I propose you create the bug :)10:17
bauzasDinaBelova: I already began to review it :)10:17
bauzascould we stick to the miletstone dashboard ?10:17
DinaBelovabauzas, i think I lost you10:18
bauzasis High10:18
bauzasI mean, we began discussing about Medium BPs, while High BPs were not yet discussed :)10:18
bauzaswe agreed on Essential BPs10:18
DinaBelovasorry, missed that BP :)10:18
bauzasoh ok10:19
bauzasno worries10:19
bauzasok, so please consider it for 0.110:19
DinaBelovaI marked it as essential now for 0.1 :)10:19
bauzascool thanks10:20
bauzasthe first one Medium I have is
bauzasI propose to descope it10:20
bauzasto 0.1.110:20
bauzasDinaBelova: could you please tag it for 0.1.1 then ?10:20
DinaBelovayes, I'll add it today10:20
DinaBelovanow I'll mark it as next10:20
bauzaswe need to create the milestone indeed :)10:21
SergeyLukjanovhow are you planning to schedule 0.1.1 release?10:21
bauzasnot yet10:21
bauzaswe need to review the scope of it10:21
SergeyLukjanovwhen everithing will be ready or some specific date10:21
SergeyLukjanovI mean which approach10:21
SergeyLukjanovmake a scope to fit date or set the right date10:22
DinaBelovaI think we should discuss that next week10:22
DinaBelovaand create scope, date, etc.10:22
bauzasDinaBelova: +110:22
bauzaswe also need to set our roadmap10:22
DinaBelovanext one BP i see is :)10:22
DinaBelovabauzas, sure10:22
bauzasPolicies already have 2 +210:23
DinaBelovaAs I said I need test that, although I've added my +210:23
bauzasshould have been approved since a while ;)10:23
DinaBelovaso I think we'll have that in 0.110:23
DinaBelovaas for messaging10:23
bauzasplease do it for policies10:23
bauzasthis review is waiting for so long10:23
bauzaswith 2x +2 ;)10:23
DinaBelovasure :)10:24
DinaBelovaas for messaging change10:24
DinaBelovait's also waiting a while10:24
bauzasindeed, but younger than policies :p10:24
DinaBelovaat least I added you my +2 :D10:25
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DinaBelovayou - not :D:D:D10:25
bauzasuh uh10:25
bauzasI'm a busy man :p10:25
bauzasand French... :D10:25
bauzasok, will do asap10:25
DinaBelovaare you ok with having this feature in 0.1?10:25
bauzasbtw. we also need to consider balancing in between giving -1 or putting to trunk and raise bug10:26
bauzasDinaBelova: :)10:26
DinaBelovabauzas, I think that -1 and bugs stuff depends on every CR in separate10:26
bauzasyeah, I'm just saying10:27
DinaBelovathat depends, really10:27
bauzasregarding the delivery date for 0.1 which is close10:27
bauzasregarding the things to change10:27
bauzasif the delta is little, I would have a preference for raising a bug rather than asking for a new PR10:27
DinaBelovaI think we should merge as much as possible here, if bugs are not show stoppers10:28
bauzasprovided it doesn't break anything10:28
DinaBelovalet's move on10:28
DinaBelovalow priority Bp that was forgot :)10:28
bauzasyou missed i18n10:28
DinaBelovalet's descope it :)10:28
DinaBelovait's merged10:28
DinaBelovaalready to trunk10:28
DinaBelovaso I think we'll have it :)10:28
bauzasoh dear !10:28
bauzasok for descoping pylint BP10:29
bauzastag it as next10:29
bauzas2 only BPs descoped, not high rate :)10:29
bauzasso, for the bugs10:29
bauzasfilter per tenant10:29
bauzasalthough it's high10:29
DinaBelovaI think i may change my mind here10:30
bauzasI won't have bandwidth for addressing it10:30
bauzasDinaBelova: what are your thoughts ?10:30
bauzasthat's matter of priority10:30
DinaBelovaI think I may give it +2, but we have BP regarding to tenant -> project change10:31
DinaBelovaso that will be done separately10:31
DinaBelovanow let's just fix this moment10:31
SergeyLukjanovtenant->project rename sounds like low prio10:31
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, yes10:31
SergeyLukjanovbug/issue, not bp10:32
DinaBelovathat's Climate next10:32
DinaBelovalow one thing10:32
bauzasthe thing is10:32
DinaBelovabut now we have bug Currently, DB queries don't filter on project_id, so any user can request all DB entries.10:32
bauzasI was having a -1 because of the non-use of Oslo lib10:32
bauzasas far as I remember10:33
DinaBelovaas i remember, I set -1 because of "Please use everywhere project_id, not tenant_id."10:33
DinaBelovaand that's low priority thing now10:33
DinaBelovaso let's just fix bug and that's it10:33
DinaBelova*giving my +2*10:34
DinaBelovaAnd the last unimplemented bug10:34
DinaBelovathat occurred while client fixing10:35
DinaBelovaas you remember our discussions about prolong-for stuff10:35
DinaBelovait needs code review now to work with client correctly10:36
DinaBelovabauzas, Nikolay_St, may you review that?10:36
bauzasok, will try :)10:37
DinaBelovathat is almost about date string format, nothing more10:37
bauzaswe also have potentially a bug with updating the lease for PR10:37
DinaBelovabauzas, what is it about?10:38
bauzasFrancois will provide a patch for it by eob today10:38
bauzasif we have time for reviewing it, that goes to 0.110:38
bauzasif not, we will descope to 0.1.1 and change it as bug10:38
DinaBelovaSo that's it :)10:38
bauzasthanks buddies10:39
DinaBelovaI think we may do all described on for our 1st release :)10:39
DinaBelovamuch work done10:39
DinaBelovathanks :)10:39
DinaBelovaso let's do it :)10:39
DinaBelova#end_of_meeting :)10:39
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Implement Lease creation for Physical reservations
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/python-climateclient: Implement Lease creation for Physical reservations
SergeyLukjanovfolks, which rtfd id are you planning to use for docs?11:50
SergeyLukjanovNikolay_St, AFAIK you've worked on it11:51
Nikolay_Stwe have space on readthedocs11:52
SergeyLukjanovNikolay_St, could you please post a link?11:54
SergeyLukjanovoh, I find it -
SergeyLukjanovlooks like build is still failing11:56
SergeyLukjanovif you'll add me to the project admins, I can take a look on why it happens11:56
SergeyLukjanovmy username is slukjanov11:56
bauzasI would prefer having all docs referring to
bauzasreadthedocs is cool, but for projects planning to be incubated, that's better to be in wiki13:01
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SergeyLukjanovbauzas, all links should be to the wiki where some list of useful links should provided13:26
SergeyLukjanovbut all your docs should be in sphinx (at rtfd for example) and docbook13:27
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement basic plugin for VM management
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Nikolay_Stwe finish with testing vm_plugin and related changes15:25
Nikolay_Stso you can take a look on it15:25
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Reservation extensions to Nova API
DinaBelovawow, final version of extensions :)15:36
Nikolay_Stbauzas: yo, we end with vm_plugin15:37
Nikolay_Stbauzas: please take a look at it asap15:37
bauzasI'm currently rebasing the Nova Filter15:37
bauzaswith the renaming from Dina15:37
bauzasonce it's done, I'll review again15:38
bauzasDinaBelova: fyi, scroiset and I gave +2/A to the renaming of climate to climatenova15:38
DinaBelovayep, I saw that :)15:38
DinaBelovagreat :)15:38
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bauzasJenkins is having a long delay for gating15:39
bauzasmy sources are telling me around 24h to get merged a patch15:39
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DinaBelovawe'll wait :D15:43
DinaBelovathat's nothing we can do here :)15:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/climate-nova: Fix packages naming
bauzasmy sources were wrong :D15:49
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate-nova: Implement Nova filter for Host Reservation Pools
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bauzasfolks, leaving now17:04
bauzasI'll review this evening17:04
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