Monday, 2013-12-16

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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Implement keystone trust support
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openstackgerritNikolay Starodubtsev proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add utils to work with openstack components
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DinaBelovaguys, today, afair I hold meeting :)09:33
DinaBelovaalso I have exam at my university09:33
DinaBelovado I ask all of us to fit 40mins09:33
DinaBelovabecause I need to go then09:33
bauzassorry, can't get the point09:36
bauzasdo you ask us to fit the meeting for 40mins ?09:36
bauzasif so, yes we can09:36
DinaBelovawe have hour-long meeting09:37
DinaBelovabut I may be there only 40mins09:37
DinaBelovabecause I have exams :)09:37
bauzasbut if you feel more comfortable, let's postpone it until tomorrow09:37
bauzassame time09:37
DinaBelovabauzas, it would be great!09:37
DinaBelovaif everybody here is ok with that09:37
bauzasask by email please09:37
DinaBelovaI really like the idea to move it tommorow09:37
bauzasbut you get my +109:38
bauzasplus an extra "break a leg"09:38
bauzasfor your exam09:38
bauzasf_rossigneux_: jd__: Nikolay_St: ok for postponing meeting tomorrow same time ?09:40
bauzas#openstack-meeting should be free09:41
bauzasno regular meetings on Tuesdays 1000 UTC09:41
DinaBelovaNick is away now..09:42
DinaBelovaI'll try to catch him by phone09:42
DinaBelovaNick is ok with that09:46
DinaBelovaI could find him:)09:46
DinaBelovabauzas, thanks for understanding of situation :)09:49
bauzasno pb09:49
bauzaswe all are one day or another facing same kind of issues09:49
bauzasand I learnt that life needs priorities09:50
bauzasso, again, merde !09:50
DinaBelovaI'll do my best :)09:50
bauzasempty your mind and you'll rock :)09:50
f_rossigneux_It's ok for me (postponing meeting tomorrow same time).09:54
DinaBelovaf_rossigneux_, thanks09:55
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add Host Reservation Admin Manager
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bauzasuh, just checked if we can pass the py33 gate and eventlet is not compatible :(15:14
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DinaBelovayes, that's known issue15:19
DinaBelovathat's why eventlet is not used in Marconi, as I rememeber15:20
DinaBelovato be python33 compatible as is15:20
DinaBelovathere is one more problem here15:20
DinaBelovaremove eventlet usage is quite simple from our code15:20
DinaBelovathat's not a problem - I've researched that15:21
DinaBelovabut it is used in oslo.messaging15:21
DinaBelovaso now I'm working on removing eventlet from it :)15:21
DinaBelovainvestigating problem, etc.15:21
bauzasok good to know15:22
bauzasshall we log it as bug ?15:22
DinaBelovathere is a bp15:23
DinaBelovaon becoming py33 compatible15:23
DinaBelovaon Climate Launchpad registered by Swann, as I remember15:23
bauzasuh, missed it then15:23
DinaBelovaso keep working on it :)15:24
bauzasoh gotcha15:24
bauzasI was using a few iterators in my code, was checking when six was needed15:24
bauzasdunno if mydict.items() is py33 compatible15:25
bauzasafaik, yes15:25
DinaBelovaas  I remember, not really15:25
DinaBelovaI remember Yuriy's comments15:25
DinaBelovaon one my change request15:25
bauzasdict((key, host_values[key]) for key in extra_capabilities_keys15:25
bauzaswell, I will check this by hand then15:26
DinaBelovawhere he asked be to use six.items not any other variant15:26
DinaBelovaor something about that15:26
bauzasbecause I want to prevent any -1 on my Manager code because of that :)15:26
bauzaswell, that's hard to check code sanity15:29
DinaBelovaonly after running at least all tests on py33 environment :)15:30
bauzasI only know in my mind the main differences in between Py2 and Py3, but I don't have kinda cheatsheet shouting "don't do that !"15:30
DinaBelovathat may let us know at least about most of things15:30
bauzasand I know that iterators and bound methods have changed  - a lot -15:30
DinaBelovabauzas, the same15:30
DinaBelovaAnd I forgot to say :) I've got best mark on my exam15:31
bauzaswoooowoooo !15:31
bauzascongrats !15:31
bauzasso, have you ended up your courses ?15:31
bauzaswas this the final exam ?15:31
DinaBelovaI have the last one :)15:31
DinaBelovathe final is the next :)15:32
DinaBelovait's 28th Dec, but I hope to pass it this week - if there will be such possibility15:32
bauzaslet me know15:33
bauzasoh, btw.
bauzasworth it15:33
DinaBelovawow, nice!15:33
bauzas(and so, yes, this snippet of code is not working with py33)15:48
bauzasI have to use iterators15:48
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bauzasI'm self'-1 to me15:49
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openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed a change to stackforge/climate: Add Host Reservation Admin Manager
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