Friday, 2025-03-07

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:50
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/cinder master: HPE Nimble: Report thin provisioning correctly
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: Generic NFS: Use admin_metadata format in initialize_connection
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: [WIP] Generic NFS: Fix volume create fails with Glance Cinder/NFS store
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: Generic NFS: Fail to check size on resize if volume has snapshots
opendevreviewFernando Ferraz proposed openstack/cinder master: Generic NFS: Set volume format for snapshot operations
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/cinder master: [HPE Nimble] walk over own volumes during startup
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder master: RBD: Correct DEBUG logging in QoS
opendevreviewMerged openstack/cinder master: [Pure Storage] Enhance reported performance characteristics
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/cinder master: [HPE Nimble] walk over own volumes during startup
whoami-rajat_jbernard, simondodsley IIUC, Pure storage has some issues due to which it's not reporting on the patches right? If you can assure that these patches are properly tested with CI then i can go ahead and merge them, I'm reviewing the patches and the only concern i have is regarding the CI14:20
jbernardwhoami-rajat_: only simondodsley can confirm for sure, but that is my understanding14:31
jbernardwhoami-rajat_: thanks for looking at those14:31
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-brick stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-brick stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/os-brick master: Update master for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-brick-cinderclient-ext stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-brick-cinderclient-ext stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-brick-cinderclient-ext master: Update master for stable/2025.1
whoami-rajat_jbernard, np, it was high time i do some upstream reviews14:58
*** whoami-rajat_ is now known as whoami-rajat15:04
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: Enable iscsid service after Cinder installation to support volume attachments
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: Enable iscsid service after Cinder installation to support volume attachments
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: Enable and start iscsid service after Cinder installation to support volume attachments
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: Enable and start iscsid service after Cinder installation to support volume attachments
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: docs: starting iscsid
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: docs: improve key-pair description
simondodsleywhoami-rajat: our CI is having some infra issues, but all the patches we have up have been tested in-house20:14
*** winicius is now known as wncslln21:39
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: docs: starting iscsid
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: docs: starting iscsid
opendevreviewDmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/cinder master: docs: starting iscsid
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, thanks for confirming!22:49

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