Monday, 2025-03-03

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:55
tobias-urdinos-reserve (reserve volume) cannot be called on in-use volumes, is there any other locking mechanism that could be used from for example nova to prevent racing with cinder? (cinder backing sets volume in backing-up and attachment operations fail), the only other alternative i see is keeping tracks of volume attachments and when if multiple and one fails, rollback all09:12
tobias-urdinattachment and fail the operation in nova09:12
tobias-urdinthis might be cinder that is handling backing-up status incorrectly, updated info in lp bug
whoami-rajattobias-urdin, seems like you are looking for this
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/cinder master: Cleanup volume_update calls and use fields
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/cinder master: wip: Allow create volume attachment during backup
tobias-urdinwhoami-rajat: thanks! that sure is the longterm real solution indeed13:09
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opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/cinder master: [Pure Storage] Remove SafeMode PGs from Replication Pods

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