Wednesday, 2025-01-22

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:15
opendevreviewNilesh Thathagar proposed openstack/cinder master: Dell PowerMax Driver: Added Support for NVMe/TCP
*** geguileo is now known as Guest664409:31
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/os-brick master: StorPool: Add the iSCSI configuration API
felipeafvjoin #openstack-meeting-alt12:36
felipeafvHi, could you help me with a question about the hashing algorithm in Cinder Backup? I noticed that is using MD5 to calculate the hash for chunks. This algorithm isn’t the most efficient, and I found that xxhash is much faster. I’ve been testing xxhash with the S3 and NFS backup drivers and was able to successfully perform backups and restores without any issues, improving operation times by approximately 10x13:10
felipeafv. However, I don’t fully understand how the calculated hash is being used. I don’t see any validation logic for the hash in either or the backup drivers (S3 and NFS).13:10
*** jbernard_ is now known as jbernard14:01
jbernardalmost there, sorry for the delay14:02
jbernardjungleboyj rosmaita smcginnis tosky whoami-rajat m5z e0ne geguileo eharney jbernard hemna fabiooliveira yuval tobias-urdin adiare happystacker dosaboy hillpd msaravan sp-bmilanov Luzi sfernand: meeting in openstack-meeting-alt14:02
flelainfelipeafv: interesting in discussion about that. On our end we just deployed a new version of backup driver, that parallelizes uploads, making the whole backup way faster.14:03
flelainHello everyone btw :) Hope you guys are doing well!14:04
opendevreviewFelipe Figueroa Vergara proposed openstack/os-brick master: Reference device map solely by ID to prevent `multipath -f` from hanging
toskyfelipeafv, flelain: if you want to talk about improvements before submitting an official spec, you may want to propose a point for the midcycle discussion next week14:14
opendevreviewFelipe Figueroa Vergara proposed openstack/os-brick master: Reference device map solely by ID to prevent `multipath -f` from hanging
felipeafvtosky: Is there a place where I can propose a topic to be reviewed before the meeting?14:39
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/os-brick master: StorPool: Add the iSCSI configuration API
opendevreviewBiser Milanov proposed openstack/os-brick master: StorPool: Add the iSCSI configuration API
sp-bmilanovrosmaita: ^ I added a release note14:45
rosmaitathanks, will take a look14:46
sp-bmilanovyou too14:46
toskyfelipeafv: well, this channel, or the weekly cinder meeting that was going on a different channel until 15 minutes ago14:46
toskyjbernard: maybe you can help felipeafv ^^14:46
jbernardfelipeafv: here is where we keep track of meeting topics:
jbernardfelipeafv: you're free to add a topic there and we'll discuss it in the next meeting15:02
jbernardnext week is a midcycle, which is basically our weekly meeting with video and more time for depth of topic15:03
jbernardfelipeafv: that would be a good place to raise the os-brick issue, and also the hashing backup performance issue as well15:04
jbernard(if it doesn't get traction or feedback before then)15:04
jbernardfelipeafv: is this helpful? 15:05
felipeafvThank you jbernard, I will propose these topics15:59
opendevreviewAshley Rodriguez proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: Remove standalone nfs-ganesha
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/os-brick master: Fix: Search fc_remote_ports even if grep in fc_transport path returns error
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes22:53

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