Friday, 2025-01-17

opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/cinder master: VAST Data Volume Driver
fricklerjbernard: rosmaita: still seeing this unstable cinder unit test from time to time in reqs cross job
frickleractually there's a new one, too, might be related to latest eventlet updates
opendevreviewNilesh Thathagar proposed openstack/cinder master: Dell PowerMax: Enhanced the retry mechanism to verify the active snapshots.
*** geguileo is now known as Guest616009:51
rosmaitareminder: Cinder Festival of Reviews today, 1400-1600 UTC14:03
rosmaitajoin us in Google meet:
rosmaitaor go directly to the etherpad:
rosmaitajungleboyj rosmaita tosky whoami-rajat m5z e0ne geguileo eharney  jbernard sfernand hemna fabiooliveira happystacker sfv880 bryanneumann ^^14:03
opendevreviewEric Harney proposed openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph master: DNM: get feedback on 939127
raghavendrathi, request for review on below patch14:38
raghavendratHPE 3par: Update the calculation of free_capacity14:38
raghavendratZuul and HPE Storage CI have passed14:39
opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/cinder master: VAST Data Volume Driver
VolodymyrBoiko[m]Hi. What is purpose of san_ip, san_login and san_password. Is it aligned with simple credentials for REST API? Should I use them or I can specify custom driver oprtions?15:32
opendevreviewVolodymyr Boiko proposed openstack/cinder master: VAST Data Volume Driver

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