Wednesday, 2023-07-26

opendevreviewYosi Ben Shimon proposed openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin master: [srbac] Testing Volume Actions
senriquejungleboyj, thank you!!! hope we can see you again! 08:42
lpiwowarHi, does somebody please know whether this behavior is expected when cinder uses swift as a back up driver? .... Once the backup is deleted the container is not removed. I'm asking because it breaks one tempest job12:02
rosmaitalpiwowar: AFAIK, cinder has never deleted the container when deleting a backup.  container name is a config opt, and cinder will create the container if it doesn't exist, but cinder doesn't delete it (even if you just deleted the last backup in it, you might want to put another one into it)13:23
lpiwowarrosmaita: That's what I thought. Thank you for confirming it. I just wanted to be sure before we fix the test.13:56
whoami-rajatCinder meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt at 1400 UTC14:00
rosmaitalpiwowar: np14:00
whoami-rajatjungleboyj rosmaita smcginnis tosky whoami-rajat m5z e0ne geguileo eharney walshh_ jbernard sfernand enriquetaso hemna fabiooliveira yuval tobias-urdin adiare happystacker dosaboy hillpd14:00
jungleboyjWon't be able to join the video meeting.  :-(14:01
*** msaravan_ is now known as msaravan14:09
opendevreviewSimon Dodsley proposed openstack/cinder stable/2023.1: [Pure Storage] Fix failure in replication failover
opendevreviewLucas Morais de oliveira proposed openstack/cinder master: api-ref fix manageable_volumes request and response
opendevreviewTony Saad proposed openstack/os-brick master: Dell PowerFlex: Unnecessary login happen
opendevreviewTony Saad proposed openstack/os-brick master: WIP Dell PowerFlex password appears in plain text when creating a volume from an image
opendevreviewMerged openstack/cinder stable/zed: [Pure Storage] Add check for new error message
opendevreviewMerged openstack/cinder stable/yoga: Fix NetApp NFS driver to never spawn a native thread again
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline briefly for a minor upgrade at 21:00 utc, approximately an hour from now20:02
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline briefly for a minor upgrade, but should return shortly21:01

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