Monday, 2015-07-20

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elmikohey all, i'm reviewing a spec in sahara and we are talking about using PUT for an update. i gathered from previous conversations that doing a PUT with a partial resource can be controversial, but in cases where most of the fields are read-only it could be acceptable. is this accurate?20:15
cdentelmiko: generally speaking, yeah, PUT is supposed to be a representation of the full resource20:17
cdentbut it sounds like you have a sort of asymmetric representation20:17
cdentwhere what you GET is much different from what it makes sense to PUT20:17
elmikoyea totally20:18
cdentI think it has become fairly common to PUT the entre collection of writable stuff20:18
elmikoour GET is crazy, filled with info that the user won't be able to change20:18
elmikoand we are now opening up the possibility to update 1 field20:18
cdentthat would seem weird20:18
cdent(to me)20:18
cdentwhy not do a PATCH?20:18
elmikothat might make sense20:23
elmikoi didn't want to descend down the PATCH rabbit hole20:24
cdentelmiko: you don't have to use a PATCH language to patch, it's okay to send a partial representation and just be done with it20:25
elmikointeresting, this seems like a philosophical point though, no?20:26
sigmavirus24elmiko: how do you mean?20:27
elmikonot trying to be pedantic, i just read a blog post admonishing people for using patch like that20:27
elmikoisn't patch literally supposed to be like a diff-ish patch that you send20:27
cdentelmiko: reference?20:27
elmikoinstructing the server how to change the resource, but not the actual updated resource20:27
cdent_some_ people think that but I think that's crazy20:27
cdentincredibly limiting20:27
elmikoright, that's why i said philosophical point ;)20:27
cdentit will just make people use PUT incorrectly20:28
cdentI guess it depends a lot on representations20:28
sigmavirus24== cdent20:28
cdentsigmavirus24: ?20:29
sigmavirus24I've seen patches where you send {"field_to_update": "updated_value"}20:29
sigmavirus24that seems very limiting and will push people to use PUT incorrectly20:29
ryansbsigmavirus24: yeah, the only time that falls flat is list/set ops20:29
sigmavirus24ryansb: sure20:29
sigmavirus24I'm saying, in some cases, it works. And from the bits I've seen elmiko talk about, it sounds like it'll work in this case20:30
ryansbanyways, I'd rather you do the diff-style PATCH than do partial PUTs20:30
ryansbthat is, of course, just my opinion20:30
elmikoyea, i don't have a strong opinion on this, just trying to collate a bunch of other folks thoughts20:31
elmikoi mean, PATCH with partial resource seems ok to me. but this post i read went on about how that "bad wrong(TM)"20:31
elmikowell, i shouldn't have quoted20:31
sigmavirus24elmiko: link?20:32
* cdent releases a new gabbi20:32
sigmavirus24no don't do that20:32
sigmavirus24Link alone is enough for me to want to disregard this20:33
elmikohaha, i knew you would love it!20:33
elmikosigmavirus24: given your penchant for RFCs i thought you would love the verbal pedantry20:34
ryansbcdent: got release notes for that?20:34
sigmavirus24The other core dev on requests just authored a draft20:34
sigmavirus24And I feel obligated to read it20:34
sigmavirus24(Using HTTP/2 for p2p)20:35
cdentryansb: release notes on gabbi? nothing more than the changelog in the pypi package. something more formal is probably a good idea now that it is >1.020:36
ryansbcdent: no worries, I just instead20:36
* cdent totally forgot he'd been tagging the repo20:37
ryansbyou sorta have to if you use pbr20:37
cdentI'm not sure of the terminology, but I guess I "pre-version" which is the way to make sure that pbr doesn't behave in that utterly insane way that it does20:38
ryansbOh, that works too20:38
elmikoryansb: so, given your update to the put guidelines, i'm guessing you are cool with allowing partial resource updates through PATCH?20:39
cdentI do the tagging via makefile targets which drive the release process20:39
cdentI wanted pbr for the easy handing of stuff in setup.cfg but not for the release automation20:39
cdentryansb: are you using gabbi, or just tracking it for fun and profit?20:40
ryansbYes, I'm totally cool with partial PATCH20:43
ryansbas long as you don't need set/list operations20:44
ryansbcdent: tracking & playing with for personal projects20:44
ryansbI have a couple pyramid apps that I've done the basic gabbi-hello-world type tests on20:44
ryansbhoping to cover them all the way, when I have time.20:45
elmikoi'm just trying to figure out the best way to advise on this review. i mean we have an obscenely long record with mostly read-only attributes and we want to update 1 thing.20:45
elmikothink i'll mention both styles20:45
ryansbfor that case, patch is (imo) totally the way to go. How you implement patch is up for other debate20:46
sigmavirus24== ryansb20:46
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elmikoyea, gonna note that in my comments20:48
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elmikoryansb: so, on a PATCH to a resource that may involve an async action, we send back a 202, but what body with that?21:01
elmikomaybe send back the resource in its current state, assuming no errors?21:02
elmikoryansb, cdent, if you guys have time i would definitely appreciate your thoughts on
cdentI've marked it to look at it tomorrow morning, I'm sort of out of brain now21:08
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elmikocdent: totally understandable, and thanks =)21:11
elmikoit's like what, 10pm there?21:11
* cdent nods21:15
elmikodefinitely time for a pint ;)21:19
elmikoway past actually21:19
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ryansbelmiko: also marked for tomorrow, gotta head out21:22
elmikoryansb: thanks!21:22
cdentelmiko: instead of a pint I got some cake21:25
cdentand with my cake I'm going to retire to reading vague drivel on the interwebs21:26
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