Thursday, 2015-03-12

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etoews_just realize the meeting is an hour later for me because dst.14:55
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annegentleso is it in an hour from now?15:01
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annegentleetoews: so it's at 11 Central?15:02
etoewsannegentle: ^15:04
sigmavirus24It's so disorienting15:05
sigmavirus24but this is why I have calendar meetings set up in utc15:05
* katco detests dst15:05
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etoewssigmavirus24: i just updated the meeting agenda. please double check to make sure i didn't clobber anything still relevant from the last meeting.15:12
sigmavirus24will do etoews15:12
sigmavirus24MY TOPIC HAS FAILED ME15:12
sigmavirus24The meeting agenda link should be there too15:13
etoewstopic needs more links15:14
sigmavirus24Also, versioning: I never got around to writing the spec for that again15:19
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-sigmavirus24- Meeting in 14 minutes in #openstack-meeting-315:47
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sigmavirus24Woo more people17:00
rosmaitaetoews: this channel is logged, right?  so if we continue, it will be logged for posterity?17:01
sigmavirus24rosmaita: yes17:01
etoewsif the conversation is continuing here from the api_wg meeting here's the history.
sigmavirus24also the conclusion should be brought to the ML anyway17:01
cdentwe should be versioning media types not endpoints17:01
rosmaitaok, so as far as advice for our particular case ...17:01
rosmaitaso far, we've got:17:01
rosmaitaok to be experimental ... but mark it clearly in the docs as such17:02
rosmaitaand state more clearly what experimental means17:02
elmikocdent: not sure i follow, could you elaborate about versioing media types?17:02
rosmaitaexperimental == a breaking change may be introduced17:03
cdentgithub's api is one place I've seen it done, elmiko17:03
elmikocdent: ack, i'll take a look at their docs17:03
cdentbasically you make a request with an Accept header that declares the media type you want the reqponse to be in: application/vnd.github+json or some such (I can't remember)17:03
rosmaitato be consistent with current openstack though, we will need to include a version in the url? like /x1/whatever17:04
cdentand the version is built into the media type, sometimes in the vnd.github part, sometime as a param17:04
* cdent is in another meeting now, so has partial attentio17:04
cdentGenerally speaking I think we should be using content negotiation _far_ more.17:05
stevellecdent: that does work pretty well, and covers most of what is being attempted with API microversions, but some changes still wont fit.17:05
cdentit's no panacea, that's for sure17:05
stevellethe microversions solution we are seeing in OpenStack could largely be covered through that though17:05
etoewsstevelle: are you saying there is content negotiation in nova microversions?17:07
etoewsi don't see anything related to that here
etoewsam i missing something?17:08
stevelleetoews: not nova specifically17:08
stevelleI'm less familiar with that one particularly17:08
etoewsstevelle: oh were you talking about an industry attempt at API microversions?17:09
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TravTSo for new endpoints, the /x1/ or /x/ in the url still seemed like a nice way to at least see that in the registry.17:09
stevelleI'm making my point poorly while distracted by another conversation etoews, sorry17:10
etoewsstevelle: no worries17:10
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etoewsTravT: that would certainly elevated the visibility but requiring a version in some header would too.17:11
etoewsin that you reject the request if it does have the version in the header17:11
etoewsand the error message says, put x1 in the such and such header. by using this header you acknowledge that you are using an experimental api!17:12
miguelgrinbergcdent: the problems I see with versioning media types are (1) not user friendly, since you have to use these weird content-types (2) promotes the use of a single endpoint handler function for all versions, which leads to harder to maintain code17:12
etoewsin fact, that might be a better way to do it because you can actually get a human readable message to the user17:12
etoewsi'm just brainstorming here though17:13
stevelleetoews: with regards to additive changes to resources that can be dealt with through content negotiation instead. I am still a believer in major version numbers but I'm in a minority there I suspect17:14
etoewswell...i've got to head out. thanks all.17:18
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cdentmiguelgrinberg: I agree there are challenges, especially with pre-existing apis, howver I reckon 1 could be overcome with a reasonable default (if you send application/json instead of the special media type you get the default) and 2 is made harder by the mostly dreadful frameworks that exist17:21
cdent(dreadful in the sense that the routing and dispatch models don't map well)17:22
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miguelgrinbergcdent: and the problem with allowing the client to not specify the version to get the latest, is that when you bump the version that client might break17:23
miguelgrinbergit's a hard problem to solve, I don't think there is a satisfactory solution17:23
* cdent likes to think of things breaking as a way of ensuring that people pay attention ;)17:24
miguelgrinbergI personally prefer versions in URLs, accompanied by careful design to try to minimize the need to require new versions except for truly major changes17:25
cdentI think you're probably right that that is the far more pragmatic way17:26
stevelleI'm mostly with miguelgrinberg on this, but I don't expect to see that working as well in this context.  OpenStack changes more than any set of APIs I can compare to.17:33
miguelgrinbergstevelle: unfortunate, but true17:34
stevelleand a lot of the getting-there-from-here challenges for the existing APIs makes this particularly difficult17:34
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etoewsrosmaita: TravT: did you notice the "experimental" tag (for lack of a better term) in nova microversions?
etoewsX-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version: version_number, experimental22:21
etoewsThe first header specifies the version number of the API which was executed. Experimental is only returned if the operator has made a modification to the API behaviour that is non standard. This is only intended to be a transitional mechanism while some functionality used by cloud operators is upstreamed and it will be removed within a small number of22:21
etoewsi'm not sure if that would work with your requirements or not22:22
TravTetoews: that actually really interesting.  I'm down in the weeds on something at the moment.  You might want to reply to the [openstack-dev] [Glance] Experimental API thread with that info22:23
rosmaitaetoews: had not seen that, thanks for the ref22:23
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