Monday, 2025-03-03

opendevreviewJonathan Heathcote proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Workaround rabbitmq-server issue #3369
noonedeadpunkif somebody working on rabbitmq upgrade - can you please check on adding this command as pre-upgrade step?
noonedeadpunkideally - we need to check on possibility to trigger rabbitmq-queues rebalance or rabbitmq-queues grow10:28
noonedeadpunkthis is smth in my todo list, but can't get down to it for a month or so :(10:29
jrossernoonedeadpunk: is tht any upgrade, or specifically moving to quorum queues?10:35
noonedeadpunkSo it's mostly important during OS upgrade10:38
noonedeadpunkas quorum queues are not automatically split over cluster members10:38
noonedeadpunkthey are originally, but if you re-setup OS, you at the end left up with pretty much broken cluster10:38
noonedeadpunkso each time you finish controller upgrade - you'd need to execute `rabbitmq-queues grow/add_member` 10:39
noonedeadpunkbut I didn't do very deep dive into that...10:40
noonedeadpunkand, same with stream actually10:40
noonedeadpunkand we're missing all that tracking so far...10:41
noonedeadpunkso 22.04 -> 24.04 is now /o\10:42
noonedeadpunk(as second thing is OVN)10:42
jrosserah right so we did upgrade to quorum queues on one deployment but did not yet do 22.04->24.0410:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-hardening master: Auto-fix yaml rules
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-hardening master: Auto-fix usage of modules via FQCN
noonedeadpunkwe also didn't do upgrade yet in production, but I've spotted that issue in my personal sandbox, thus - in backlog and ENOTIME....10:55
noonedeadpunkand that work is smth we'd need for 2024.2 as well10:58

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