Friday, 2025-03-14

mossblasernewbie question: is there a straight-forward way to run the tests for the openstack-ansible-plugins repo locally? ( seems to generally not work -- though perhaps this is due to being on Ubuntu Noble?)09:00
noonedeadpunkmossblaser: no, not really today09:02
noonedeadpunkthere's an ongoing work for adding molecule support09:02
noonedeadpunkbut it's still on the way kinda09:02
mossblaserah, OK, no worries -- I'll feel a little less bad about spending zuul time on silly mistakes :)09:03
noonedeadpunkrun_tests is the old method we;re trying to get rid of/replace for years...09:03
mossblaserah; nice09:07
mossblaserI notice in the sample test you're attempting to test SSH connectivity from the test runner to the container (which seems to be blowing up on centos for whatever reason?) -- have you considered running the test connections between nodes created by molecule? (this is what I've been doing for testing network-connected things and it seems to avoid networking quirks between "inside" and "outside"09:12
noonedeadpunkso in this specific case the issue seems to be in apparmor somewhere when sshd inside of the centos container tries to use PAM09:17
noonedeadpunkand then also this test worked on jammy, but is broken on noble09:17
noonedeadpunkand then another lead is that root user gets somehow disabled inside of the docker09:18
noonedeadpunkand most nasty part - is that locally it works - but not in zuul09:18
noonedeadpunkso it has to do with set of apparmor rules used in the zuul image I'd imagine09:18
mossblaser(I recall jrosser banging his head against a wall about PAM the other day... this must have been it :))09:18
noonedeadpunkit was it I bet :D09:20
jrossermossblaser: it’s to do with wanting to test ssh and the connection plugin in the plugins repo, the tests fail on things that don’t use the native docker connection method09:24
jrosseryou’ll likely run into the same for centos-container-on-noble-host with any kind of ssh09:25
jrosserif we weren’t trying to make the centos tests work the molecule patches for the plugins repo would have merged weeks ago09:26
mossblaserhmm; I did run into a mysterious PAM related issue when running a Rocky9 container on Noble the other day which I didn't dig into further but I imagine that might be the same thing then09:30
noonedeadpunkbtw funny thing that rocky seem to pass in ci?10:31
mossblaserthis was in an entirely local molecule environment fwiw10:33
mossblaser(which I rather grossly worked-around at the time with UsePAM no since it was just a test environment...)10:34
mossblaser(but I can see why you might not want to do that in OSA!)10:35
noonedeadpunkI'd say it might be good as well in this usecase, as very unlikely we expect anyone to use docker containers as hosts tbh10:36
noonedeadpunkand then using centos inside docker on noble hosts...10:36
noonedeadpunkso that test is completely artifical just to test the plugin general functionality10:36
noonedeadpunkotherwise we indeed can use CentOS hosts to run molecule on, to avoid apparmor things... But then we need to maintain running molecule on different distros10:37
noonedeadpunkso yeah, dunno10:38
mossblaserthe RedHat flavoured OpenSSH does spit out warnings if you use that option which might slightly confuse future debugging as my other non-realism-related concern10:38
noonedeadpunkit doesn't if you comment it out :)10:49
noonedeadpunkwith same effect based on L6610:50
mossblaseroh; so its only the combination of UsePAM no followed by UsePAM yes that produces the warning?10:51
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: [DNM] Check if we can workaround centos issue
noonedeadpunkI think you get warning only when you explicitly set `UsePAM no`, but it's not 100%10:54
mossblaserah -- and RHEL isn't patching the default to be yes or something like that are they?10:55
noonedeadpunkit seems they are not...10:56
noonedeadpunkat least, without UsePAM at all we get auth error, and when it's set to `UsePAM yes` - connection dropped10:56
mossblaserthe other thing I encountered was that if the dummy accounts I was SSHing into didn't have a password set they appeared to be treated as disabled and SSH wouldn't try and use them -- though that might be an entirely unrelated issue10:59
noonedeadpunkI think it's related11:09
noonedeadpunkas in this specific case root seems to appear disabled11:09
noonedeadpunkeven though in any test VM I used - it was never disabled11:09
noonedeadpunkand no issues with PAM11:10
noonedeadpunkso I think it's a completely related things and specific to noble11:10
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: [DNM] Check if we can workaround centos issue
mossblaserI also had to add a password to my dummy user to make it work on Rocky 9, if that was what you were trying out above?13:05
noonedeadpunkyeah, but so far `passwd not found`13:34
mossblaserI set the password using the ansible user module with password: "{{ 'insecure' | password_hash('sha512', 'insecure') }}"13:35
noonedeadpunkah, right, that could be enough13:40
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: [DNM] Check if we can workaround centos issue
noonedeadpunk(I wanna check with passwd still :D)13:42
noonedeadpunkok, so a passsword is not really needed. Just an account is locked...13:57
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: [DNM] Check if we can workaround centos issue
mossblaserugh; I'm getting towards the end of day three of not being able to come up with a solution I'm happy with for having OSA and non-OSA managed CA user/principals mappings coexist :( Each solution inevitably ends up with the non-OSA thing having to be intimately tied to OSA implementation details14:41
mossblaserI think I'm going to put off further thought until next week and hope inspiration strikes over the weekend... If anyone has any good ideas I'd be very keen to know!14:42
opendevreviewVincent Legoll proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: [NOMERGE] Dummy commit to test for bug 2096936
noonedeadpunkmossblaser: totally worth having some rest :) so have a good weekend!16:29
opendevreviewDamian Dąbrowski proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Support more arguments
mossblaserty; and you!16:41
majotorresHi, does anyone know if is it possible for OpenStack to automatically generate hostnames for instances with a specific domain?17:04
noonedeadpunkmajotorres: um, I think it is? do you need it to be generally resolvable or only inside of openstack?18:53
majotorresonly inside openstack18:56

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