Friday, 2025-01-24

noonedeadpunkto be absolutely frank - I wouldn't spend time on fixing functional ones...07:50
jrosseryeah i think i changed my mind on this now - i spent most of yesterday on it and just got deeper and deeper into problems in the tests repo07:54
noonedeadpunkwe collected depts there for 4 years at least07:55
jrosserso what i wanted to show you was this
noonedeadpunkYeah, I looked at it once you've pushed and it was extremely neat07:56
noonedeadpunkWas also thinking if smth like that needs to be done with config_template, but then once looked at the module - got unsure about it07:57
noonedeadpunkas we're taking regular `ansible.builtin.template` as a base there iirc07:57
jrosser939957 is passing the old functional tests on jammy07:57
noonedeadpunkand they fail differently for centos/jammy07:58
jrosseras i've got a depends-on somewhere down the chain to fix some stuff, that shows that all those changes to the ssh plugin are basically ok07:58
noonedeadpunkthere're quite some integrated jobs in there07:59
jrosserbut really what needs to happen is porting the functional test now to molecule rather than spend more time on the tests repo07:59
noonedeadpunkand iirc plugins works nice in terms of dependency now07:59
noonedeadpunkso yes07:59
jrosseri'm happy enough that i've not broken the ssh plugin with those changes07:59
noonedeadpunkyeah, totally07:59
noonedeadpunkI didn't manage to pull in changes locally though.08:00
jrossercentos molecule is still wierdly broken and will need a held node08:00
noonedeadpunkbut I'd expect it either to just work or break badly to be frank08:00
jrosseri'm away for the whole of next week so won't be able to look at this all for a while08:01
noonedeadpunkI can try to check on functional replacements in plugins I guess08:02
noonedeadpunkalso with held node would be really nice to test - as that is weird08:02
jrosserthats quite repeatable isnt it08:02
jrosserbut super oddly, only in the gate job?08:03
noonedeadpunkonly in gates?08:03
noonedeadpunkand sometimes rocky, sometimes centos08:03
noonedeadpunkso means it is kinda intermittent08:03
noonedeadpunkI wonder if we can somehow ignore cleanup errors08:03
jrosserwe dont really need to destroy the container in CI08:04
jrosserbut that kind of feels like cheating when the debuntu ones just work ok08:04
noonedeadpunkit would be nice to fix it though... but overall...08:04
jrosserso if you had any time to look at the plugins repo tests that would be super cool08:05
jrosseri think all the needed parts are in my patches for plugins and lxc_container_create roles08:05
noonedeadpunkI'll try to have a look next week, sure08:07
noonedeadpunkI was also planning to pick up on rabbitmq and galera clean-ups once we have molecule for them08:08
jrosserits all really good - revealing some hidden bugs too which is kind of the point08:09
noonedeadpunkand extending things there a little bit08:09
noonedeadpunkone annoying thing - is that verify doesn't have role variables, which is annoying08:09
noonedeadpunkI wanted to test installed versions and realized I don't have vars08:09
jrosseri wondered if we could somehow move the log collection script to be somthing in the plugins collection08:10
jrosseropenstack.osa.collect_logs <- handwaving08:10
jrosserbecasue then we could reuse it in the molecule stuff, and only have a single copy to worry about08:10
noonedeadpunkbut our collect logs is kind of basjh script today?08:11
jrosseroh sure yes08:11
jrosserit could be an action plugin quite easily08:11
noonedeadpunkbut can we load an action plugin into zuul native executor?08:12
noonedeadpunkas it doesn't supprot collection installation anyway08:12
noonedeadpunk(maybe they've implemented that recently though)08:12
jrosserthat was a problem before for sure08:13
noonedeadpunkas we collect logs in post tasks kinda08:13
noonedeadpunkeventually. for molecule - we need to configure molecule to log docker somewhere08:13
noonedeadpunkand then collect these08:13
noonedeadpunkand likely our current implementation can just work, as job is defined in integrated repo08:14
jrosserthats what got me thinking about the existing script08:14
jrosserthat it already understands how to reach into lxc's to grab logs08:14
jrosserand perhaps there is an extension to it to make it know how to reach into docker to grab exactly the same things08:15
jrosserwe have just switched the container tech, everything else is the same really, systemd, the log locations and things we want etc08:16
noonedeadpunkI assume that logs are even collected somewhere:
noonedeadpunkoh, you mean that....08:16
noonedeadpunkI think question would be - how much scenarios are we planning to have, outside of connection plugin and 2 lxc roles, to spawn lxc inside docker08:17
jrosserwell aside from that, we want the rabbitmq and mariadb logs?08:17
jrosserwhich right now we cant see from molecule08:18
noonedeadpunkso, if we can get logs from docker natively - that should be fine?08:18
jrossermaybe i miss something, but is that the whole journal for all the services?08:19
jrosseras we kind of abuse docker here by running systemd inside it08:19
jrosserso normally docker log will be the log of the one process you run in the container08:19
noonedeadpunkyeah, you can be right here08:20
noonedeadpunkwhat if we use volume for docker?08:21
noonedeadpunkas iirc our log script can iterate over systemd folders08:21
jrosserperhaps - i'm not sure that the binary format of the journal is portable though08:22
jrosserlike noble host parsing centos journal file might not go well08:22
noonedeadpunkdepends on systemd version, yes08:25
jrosserwell actually this is interesting
jrosserthe claim there is that the journal file format is part of the stable interface08:27
jrosserso that would be an interesting experiment08:27
noonedeadpunkso bind mount /var/log/systemd into docker...08:29
noonedeadpunkor well, journald, anyway08:30
jrosserhah well even /var/log too08:31
jrosserthen the whole existing log collection script would kind of do the right thing, if we give it some alternative path08:32
noonedeadpunkyeah, potentially08:40
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky08:53
noonedeadpunkok, so now same failure for noble:
noonedeadpunkfor systemd_mount08:54
*** tosky is now known as Guest686313:19
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky13:19
birbilakoshello everyone! I would like to extend my br-storage network to be accessible via an openstack network definition to VMs. I'm using OVS. My current definition of this network is as follows:
birbilakoswould simply adding - neutron_openvswitch_agent to the group binds of this nework do the trick? How would be the provider network type to use then? flat? 18:46
jrosserthat is an unusual thing to do18:50
jrosserthe storage network is privileged and not really intended to be accessed by guests18:50
birbilakoswell ,I need to do some NFS sharing over my ceph cluster - which is on the storage network18:58
birbilakosis there some more elegant way?18:59
birbilakostechnically I can create a new ext network and veth pair it to the br-storage network and it would work (done it in the past)19:00
birbilakosmy question is more in the context of just exposing the br-storage to neutron_openvswitch_agent19:01
jrosseri don;t know tbh19:01
birbilakosI don't care about the security implications really :)19:01
jrosserbecasue if you give the storage interface to OVS i'm not sure what the means for the compute host itself accessing the storage19:02
jrosserwhich is the purpose of the storage networ19:02
birbilakoshmmm how do people normally expose NFS on ceph to their VMS?19:04
jrosserwell there is the manila service, can be complicated though19:05
jrosseror you can mount a volume in a vm and run the nfs server in there19:05
jrosserbut it depends what you want really19:05
jrosseri think for what you describe, it's cleaner to access the ceph cluster through the external network19:06
jrosseror you need to do $something on the compute nodes so that there is an interface you can give to ovs on the storage network19:07
jrosserbut also one on the host for kvm/rbd19:07
jrosser^ i've never done any of this tbh so am kind of guessing19:07
birbilakosyeah second approach is what I did in the past19:16
birbilakosand then use 'flat2' as a flat type Physical Network 19:17
birbilakosi'll try that again, is the os-neutron playbook enough in this case?19:18
jrossershould be yes19:23
jrosseryou should be able to use `--tags neutron_config` to skip all the installation parts19:24
birbilakoswill tst this19:26
birbilakosdidnt seem to do any changes :(19:31
birbilakosjust running the playbook worked. And I'm able to nfs mount via the new neutron network in the VMs :)19:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/2024.2: Fix inventory adjustment for legacy container naming

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