Wednesday, 2024-12-04

opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/2024.2: Switch plugins repo to 2024.2 branch
mgariepylet's try the forum :
mgariepynoonedeadpunk, kleini ^^ 13:39
kleini*thumps up*14:10
mgariepyit's annoying :D haha14:10
majotorresmHello, does anyone deployed succesfully OSA on Rocky9? how do you override the OVS and kernel bridges configuration15:01
noonedeadpunkwell, we mainky use ubuntu here, but I think it should not matter much unless there could be issue with ceph-ansible15:13
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: can you give a little bit more details about what specifically you mean?15:13
majotorresmthe issue is that ovs tries to create a bridge port using the interface name. In my case, i defined a bond named bond01. And ovs complies because the name is already taken by the kernel15:16
noonedeadpunkand you're trying to use bond0 as vlan network?15:17
majotorresmthis is the final playbook, ovs_config.yml15:17
noonedeadpunkyeah, but it does what's being defined in config15:17
majotorresmnope, I am deploying this case:
majotorresmI think this has to be with the user_variables definition, but I still don't get it15:19
noonedeadpunksry, right on the meeting now... 15:24
noonedeadpunkso first thing - doc you're reffering is super old, it's 9yo :)15:25
mgariepywe should try to fix google caching stuff. it seems like google is always reffering to old release..15:26
mgariepyit's true for all openstack doc tho. not just ours.15:26
noonedeadpunkso what playbooks do, wrt to bridging, out of the box is in openstack_user_config15:27
derekokeeffe85Hi all, it's been a while since I was here. Quick question. I had an OSA deploy host that deployed a 1 controller 2 compute cluster. I need to add a compute but the deploy host was repurposed without my knowledge so I have nothing from the original deploy. Is it much work to add a compute manually to an OSA cluster with LXC containers and if mot is there any docs? Thanks in advance15:38
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky15:40
mgariepyderekokeeffe85, what version of the deployment are you using ?15:40
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: can I also ask why you decided to go with ovs rather then ovn these days? It doesn't matter setup much... but wondering15:41
majotorresm@noonedeadpunk it is a requirement that comes from the clien15:43
noonedeadpunkwould it be possible for you to share `provider_networks` defenition out of openstack_user_config?15:44
noonedeadpunkuness you've defined `neutron_provider_networks` in user_variables15:44
noonedeadpunkderekokeeffe85: well. you can add UCA repo and just do `apt install nova-compute` and `apt install neutron-openvswitch-agent` (or what you're running)15:45
noonedeadpunkthen you'd need to copy/paste configs15:46
noonedeadpunkand SSH keys15:46
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: as it feels that you try to purpose your "main" interface in an unexpected way15:48
majotorresmneutron_provider_networks:   network_flat_networks: "*"   network_types: "vlan"   network_vlan_ranges: "physnet1:100:200"   network_mappings: "physnet1:br-provider"   network_interface_mappings: "br-provider:bond01"   neutron_plugin_type: "ml2.ovs"15:51
majotorresmthese are my user_variables definition15:52
majotorresmthis is the ovs-vsctl show 15:52
majotorresm[root@srv6102 ~]# ovs-vsctl show 4112daa3-3815-48fd-96e4-40d6e239816a     Manager "ptcp:6640:"         is_connected: true     Bridge br-int         Controller "tcp:"             is_connected: true         fail_mode: secure         datapath_type: system         Port br-int             Interface br-int                 type: internal     Bridge bond01         fail_mode: standalone         Port bond01             Interf15:52
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: you can use for that :)15:52
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: and then you have a bond0 already being part of the bridge on compute?15:54
noonedeadpunkhm, ok, it's weird15:55
majotorresmyes, the ovs port is named as the kernel bond, so ovs throughs that error15:56
* noonedeadpunk looking at own config15:57
noonedeadpunkI kind of wonder why you'd need these overrides....16:03
noonedeadpunkas neutron_provider_networks should fill in all of these for you16:03
noonedeadpunkbut then you also have `flat_networks: provider` in overrides but `network_flat_networks: "*"` in neutron_provider_networks16:04
noonedeadpunkas network_flat_networks should be used as default for flat_networks16:05
derekokeeffe85I'm using Yoga 25.1.0 mariepy. noonedeadpunk is there any docs I could refer to for that process?16:05
noonedeadpunkum. we don't have such docs as this is pretty much manual installation path...16:06
majotorresmI really don't know. I just use that I found. I really really apreciate your recommendations16:06
noonedeadpunkbut specific service do have manual installation docs for services16:06
majotorresmWhen I used yoga, this all work fine, just fine. But for this 2024.1 OSA , I found these issues16:07
noonedeadpunkCould you have some leftovers i nthe system from yoga? or you did re-setup?16:08
derekokeeffe85Ok so it's a figuring out a manual install. Last question so, is there much requirement to touch all the containers or should it be mostly the host machine configs?16:10
majotorresmthe user_Variables settings are not the same16:10
majotorresmi am deploying this on baremetal16:10
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: so I have smth like that in overrides only:
noonedeadpunkderekokeeffe85: so you need to add another compute to deployment, config of which was lost?16:11
noonedeadpunkas there're no lxc on computes?16:11
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: but kind of the problem is - why in the world bond0 is part of the br-int for your case16:12
derekokeeffe85Yep the deploy host config is lost, what I meant is theLXC containers on the controller, is there a need to tell them about a new compute? I briefly checked the utility container and it has references in the hosts file to the existing computes16:13
noonedeadpunkor wait, it's even setup as bridge...16:13
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: let me come with some suggestion for the config for you16:14
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: question - you don't want tenants to create internal networks and use just vlan?16:19
noonedeadpunkas I see you don't have vxlan enabled16:20
noonedeadpunkand `tenant_network_types: ""`16:20
majotorresmNo, I need to use tagged vlans for the instances, just the same vlans I have for the baremental servers at DC. We are migrating those baremetals to instances16:24
majotorresmNo L3 config eighter16:25
noonedeadpunkbut then you can wire vlans with vxlans... ok, anyway16:25
noonedeadpunkI'm almost done16:27
majotorresmthanks! vxlans are not supported at the DC, yet16:29
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: I think that all neutron overrides you have can be replaced with that
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: vxlan do not DC support16:29
mgariepyderekokeeffe85, not idea how to do that to be frank.16:29
noonedeadpunk*do not need16:29
noonedeadpunkas tunnels are established between hypervisors on top of some existing L216:29
noonedeadpunk(or L3)16:30
mgariepyseems like a bunch for small steps that could go wrong in every corner.16:30
majotorresmohh yes! just a missing variable fucks everything down, hehe16:31
majotorresmI am reinstallig the servers, I'll be back in a hour with results. Wish me luck16:32
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: I think you actually don't need a flat network...16:32
noonedeadpunkas you can't have a flat and vlan network out of the same interface16:32
noonedeadpunkso I didn't include it in the config16:32
majotorresmso, I need to define some bridges in that case, right?16:33
noonedeadpunkif you want to enable vxlan - yo ucan set `neutron_ml2_drivers_type: vlan,vxlan`16:33
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: so multiple thing with this setup - ensure that you don't access server by jsut bond01 - as indeed it will be managed by ovs, so you will likely loose connectivity as soon as interface will be added to the bridge16:34
noonedeadpunkso we are suing bond0.VLAN for that, and the VLAN is not in rage of what is available in openstack16:35
majotorresmover the bond, I have bridges for the tagged vlans and a bridge for the native vlan 16:36
majotorresmyes, I have another vlan ID for openstack16:37
noonedeadpunkso the bridge on the native vlan is smth you can't have if you want to add the interface as vlan network to ovs16:37
noonedeadpunkotherwise, you might want to produce N flat networks for each vlan you want to have inside openstack, but that's not flexible enough... might be fine for migration. but not in the longer run16:38
derekokeeffe85mgariepy noooo :) Ok I'll have to try what noonedeadpunk said and do a manual install from the docs I'm just unsure about the container configs, we have added computes before just not to an OSA cluster. Thanks though16:40
mgariepyotherwise you might be able to rebuild your inventory.. 16:41
noonedeadpunkissue with rebuilding inventory is that new container names and ips will be produced... and haproxy will be screwed up on a relatively early stage16:42
noonedeadpunkbut nothing is impossible :)16:42
noonedeadpunkas it's all jsut code16:42
mgariepyif the infra is still running.. it should be possible.16:43
mgariepybut well.. it's tedious as well ;) haha16:43
noonedeadpunkactually yeah, you can edit inventory to match reality16:43
noonedeadpunkprobably would be easier16:44
mgariepyjust 2 or 3 sed in a json file.. not a big deal ? ;p16:44
majotorresm@noonedeadpunk. so it didn't resolve the issue. look at this:
noonedeadpunkmajotorresm: well, again - are you using bond01 as untag inside some linux bridge on the host?22:35
majotorresmsorry, I think i miss that message. this is my network configuration: . br-mojo is a bridge for the native vlan22:37
noonedeadpunkyeah, so as  Isaid before - you can't do that22:38
noonedeadpunkuntag must be pretty much clear in order to give an interface to ovs for VLANs22:39
majotorresmmmmm. but it worked with the Yoga installation. Is there any workaround to do, maybe I should assign a bond02 for the VLANs22:39
noonedeadpunkor, create all required tags on the host manually (systemd-networkd, networkmanager, etc) and define them as independent flat networks22:39
noonedeadpunkI don't think it would work if you set the bond01 as vlan provider22:40
noonedeadpunkeven on Yoga22:40
noonedeadpunkpotentially what you can do - use OVS bridge rather then linux bridge22:41
majotorresmok, so  I need to go further with this. I will use another bond for the vlan traffic22:41
noonedeadpunkand add all other interfaces to br-provider rather then br-mojo22:42
noonedeadpunkas you can add other interfaces to ovs brdiges...22:42
noonedeadpunkbut I probably won't do that, as the interface is pretty much managed with neutron, and I would not want to depend on that for access to server or anything like that...22:43
noonedeadpunkor, you might want to create some kind of mac-vlan and then add this produced macvlan to the OVS instead of real bond0122:43
majotorresmmmmm, I will22:44
noonedeadpunkbut overall idea is that the interface you use for VLANs should not be in fact used on untag22:44
noonedeadpunkall tagged vlans are fine to be used from this physical one, but make sure you're not allowing them in neutron through the range22:45

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