Friday, 2024-10-25

grauzikasHello, im trying from OSA ops install elk7 - by activity i can see that it was modified a while ago so seems it is still maintained. i have issues while trying to do that: i have been trying to increase limits and a lot of other stuff by searching google, but seems i cant find exactly what could be the issue. i have found on internet that probably privileged lxc 09:21
grauzikascontainer should be? may be some one had same issue?09:21
grauzikaswhile trying to enter elasticsearch user i get error su: failed to execute /bin/false: Resource temporarily unavailable09:26
grauzikasfound issue. by default systemd file has LimitNPROC=4096 and seems its not enough changing to LimitNPROC=8192 helped11:17
grauzikasalso there was issues with ansible files was asking for modifications to run11:55

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