Thursday, 2024-01-18

noonedeadpunkgood morning08:20
hamburglernononedeadpunk: good morning :) in the process of upgrading to bobcat and have ran into a permissions issue caused by:,, like 46 of 08:27
hamburglerceph_config_extra, should have owner: root and group: ceph i believe? if not with the new mode on there, my extra confs end up as root:root 640 and can't be read08:27
hamburglerline 46*08:27
hamburglerseems to oddly cause issues with glance as well even though glance has no system user, but cinder too08:29
hamburglerglance has no ceph system user*08:29
noonedeadpunkhamburgler: yeah, I think you're right about root:ceph08:36
noonedeadpunkI kinda wonder if some mistake was made somewhere else as well08:37
hamburglerso far I've been able to run it without issue on the ceph client role other than that one item, I seem to have another issue with glance atm, but will sort out tomorrow :)08:40
noonedeadpunkhamburgler: ok, I will take care of that today then :)08:46
noonedeadpunkbut I kinda see that regular ceph.conf has 644 and root:root08:47
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ceph_client master: Align extra conf files mode
noonedeadpunkyeah, reviewing the change made through git blame, seems that it indeed should be jsut that...08:57
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: WIP - Add collection to deploy magnum cluster-api with vexxhost driver
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: WIP - Bootstrapping playbook
jrossershould we add octavia to the magnum scenario10:55
noonedeadpunkWell, probably not?11:08
noonedeadpunkI think we're very short on resources for magnum already11:08
noonedeadpunkwe totally won't be able to test scenario involving octavia for real11:09
noonedeadpunk(or well, it's a gess, so cross out totally from here)11:09
jrosseri need to extend the os_magnum scenario to include octavia11:12
jrosserwell, not exactly11:13
jrosserwhen the cluster_api job runs it needs to include octavia11:14
jrosserso i can make it so that the job setup includes octavia independantly of whatever SCENARIO does11:14
noonedeadpunkyou can just mention octavia in job name for clusterapi job?11:16
jrosserthats OK for CI but not so much for local tests11:16
noonedeadpunkthen it will be included in scenario, as scenario is just parsing the job name more or less11:16
jrosserah i see so instructions can say "use SCENARIO=aio_lxc_magnum_octavia"11:17
noonedeadpunkor kinda ./scripts/ aio_lxc_magnum_octavia_capi11:17
*** priteau_ is now known as priteau12:14
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Add job to test Vexxhost cluster API driver
mgariepytada !14:10
mgariepyyes !14:11
noonedeadpunkI should have sent you this patch earlier :D14:11
mgariepynow... backport time. lol14:11
mgariepywell didn't had the issue before last week or so lol14:11
mgariepyi don't understand why.14:12
noonedeadpunkso. eventually that worked for you in uWSGI, right?14:12
mgariepyi manually patched the code for one container and it is working.14:12
noonedeadpunkSo we can drop logic of having non-uwsgi then?14:12
mgariepyonce it's all merged i guess14:12
noonedeadpunkYeah, I also did that but in sandbox, so was not 100% sure14:12
mgariepybut yeah for master14:13
mgariepyi'll fork glance and apply the patch 14:15
mgariepyfor deployment locally on my installation so i can be 100% sure it works correcly.14:16
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Enable uWSGI usage for Ceph backends
hamburglernoonedeadpunk: thank you :), yeah the regular conf seems to be fine, tried extra configs with root:root 644 now and looks good too14:35
jrosserdo we have an example somewhere of using the `openstack` cli in the utility container when the ansible module you want does not exist?15:23
noonedeadpunkActually we should drop that as module was created and merged for this specific thing15:31
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Fix iteration over backends config
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky16:41
mgariepynoonedeadpunk, do you have an idea how to fork glance_store ? how to force glance to use the forked repo ?16:47
noonedeadpunkmgariepy: oh, that's really good question16:56
noonedeadpunkI kinda don't know :D16:56
noonedeadpunkit's comming from upper-constraints16:56
noonedeadpunkSo potentially, you need to adjust `glance_pip_packages`16:57
noonedeadpunkby adding there - "git+{{ glance_store_repo }}@{{ glance_store_version }}#egg=glance_store"16:58
noonedeadpunkand then in fork tag glance_store_version with the tag you find on<release>16:58
noonedeadpunkbasically drop existing and re-tag in fork16:59
noonedeadpunkor smth like that....16:59
mgariepylook like somewhat of a mess.17:02
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Add role to install and run sonobouy k8s validation tests
jrossernoonedeadpunk: mgariepy you need to mess with constraints as well
noonedeadpunkwell, not unless you re-tag SHA?:)17:16
noonedeadpunkand if that's a fork....17:16
noonedeadpunkmgariepy: yes, mess17:16
jrosseroh well yeah that17:17
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_magnum master: Adopt for usage openstack_resources role
noonedeadpunkI still no idea wtf with TLS jobs ^17:21
jrosseroh i was going to poke at that as well17:24
jrossergot totally bogged down in the magnum stuff though17:24
jrosser*other magnum stuff17:25
noonedeadpunkI didn't saw issue in my aio17:27
noonedeadpunk*didn't see17:27
noonedeadpunkmnaser: hey there! I was poking around ovn-bgp driver and as you might know it needs FRR to be deployed. And then I kinda recalled about existence of
noonedeadpunkso was wondering if it's doable to propose there any changes or it's worth just forking it elsewhere or any other option you may have in mind?17:38
noonedeadpunkhaving it under openinfra is handy as potentially I wanted to reffer to it from osa docs as prerequisite 17:39
jrosserhow does this file get called?
jrosser8-O oh i ignored that as i read name: and moved on :)17:40
noonedeadpunkI should have use selectattr there though...17:41
noonedeadpunkhehe, I didn't notice name until you commented17:42
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add openstack_resources role skeleton
jrosserbtw in a 32G AIO i get magnum+capi+most basic sonobouy test to pass17:47
jrosserso there is hope for that in a larger CI instance, if it can run within the timeout17:48
jrosserrunning it locally in a 32G VM and adding +2hours should be able to get full conformance suite17:48
jrossernext i need to look at what we talked about before, to add 'hooks' into OSA to call external playbooks at some points during the run17:49
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add openstack_resources role skeleton
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Add openstack_resources role skeleton
mgariepythanks jrosser i'll test that to see how it goes.19:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Run ceph_client when cinder uses Ceph
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2023.2: Run ceph_client when cinder uses Ceph
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova stable/2023.1: Run ceph_client when cinder uses Ceph

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