Wednesday, 2023-11-01

opendevreviewDamian Dąbrowski proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Explicitly add localhost to inventory.ini
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opendevreviewDamian Dąbrowski proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Always disable libvirt default network
gokhanihello folks, when I try to use real ips for public net, I can't connect to internet. also I am trying to ping gateway from dhcp namespace it is not working. But when I use lan ips for public net, with nats I can connect to internet. what can be the problem? 10:58
gokhaniI also tried to assign real ip to vlan interface on compute node, it can connect to internet 11:00
jamesdentongokhani there is no real differentiator from Neutron's perspective. If you can't ping the gateway from the DHCP namespace then that VLAN might not be available from that particular node (ie. is it missing from the trunk). But it's hard to say without more details12:22
gokhanithanks jamesdenton it is weird situation. we need to check all of the nodes. we give permission from all of the nodes. Host can ping gateway of public net but in dhcp namespace we can not ping. 12:34
jrossergokhani: that suggests that there is a misconfiguration in neutron such that it does not wire the right bridge or interface?13:38
jrosseralso if you can ping the public network gateway from the host take care about what services you expose on the host (i guess you have a public IP on it)13:39
spatelFolks, Do you guys enable hugepages on your compute nodes? 14:26
jrosserspatel: kind of no, but yes14:39
jrosserwe have transparent huge pages enabled i think14:40
spateljrosser hmm ?14:40
spatelIf HugePage always improve performance then why don't everyone not enable by default?14:41
spatelThis is what I do in most case to enable HugePage - GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="$GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1GB hugepages=36 transparent_hugepage=never" 14:43
spatelyou are saying just enable transparent only? 14:43
jrosserif you get yourself into a situation where there is not sufficient unfragmented memory to allocate a hugepage, the allocation will fail14:43
spatelHow to find that out in general workload where you have all kind of application running on top of computes14:47
jrosserwe ran a script that showed that 94% of our VM were running entirely with hugepages using THP14:47
spatelWhere is the script :)14:48
jrosserso we already get all the benefits of HP without any of the downsides of forcing it14:48
spatelI would like to understand my usage of hugepages14:48
spatelYou did turn on HP on compute + vm right?14:50
jrosserno we didnt, we determined that it was not necessary14:50
jrosserthat THP had the same effect for the vast majority of what was running14:51
nixbuilderHas anyone seen this error when running the os-keystone-install.yml script?  Seems like I may be missing a variable somewhere.
nixbuilderThis is using scripts from 27.1.015:29
fricklernixbuilder: I don't know the answer but notice that you leaked a password in that paste, just in case it is being used for real somewhere15:41
nixbuilderYeah... it's just a temporary non-production password.15:45
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nixbuilderAlso getting this error:
jrossernixbuilder: this is a metal deployment?17:38
nixbuilderYes... all metal.17:40
jrosseryou can easily compare your config with one of our CI jobs which mostly all run like that too17:41
jrosserhere would be those jobs
nixbuilderjrosser: Thanks... I'll try.17:45
jrosseri would guess that either the db setup failed somehow and youve moved on to keystone rather than fix that17:45
jrosseror there is some inventory/variables issue thats resulted in the db permissions being wrong (i.e not allowing admin@infra)17:46
jrosseras always, building an all-in-one as reference is very useful as these are hugely tested17:46
jrosserit should be possible to use the mysql cli on the db node (infra01) to look at the db permissions / tables etc17:47
jrosserif that doesnt work then it's an issue with the way the db has been installed and the local admin credentials written out17:48
jrossernixbuilder: actually have you defined the utility host group?17:48
jrosserthe mysql client (required by the ansible modules) is set up targetting the utility host, which in your case of all metal should also be the infra nodes17:51
nixbuilderjrosser: I will check on that utility group.18:26
nixbuilderjrosser: I will also build an AIO system as well.18:33

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