Wednesday, 2023-09-13

jamesdentonjrosser i have not seen that. And very well may be that Neutron isn't compatible with that OVS, yet00:22
jamesdentonbut then again, i'm using ovs 3.1.2 on ubuntu 22.0400:22
jrossergood morning07:59
opendevreviewSomaye Ahmadi proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: use policy.yaml instead of policy.json due to latest change on gnocchi
mnasiadkajrosser: just wondering about - is OSA planning to add that out of tree driver as standard? (trying to understand the trend here from a Kolla perspective ;-))10:18
mnasiadkagood morning10:18
opendevreviewAndrew Bonney proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Fix conditional for non-OVN deployments
jrossermnasiadka: i don;t know to be honest10:32
jrosserbut what is certain, is that from an "outside of magnum" perspective the cluster-api situation is pretty concerning10:32
mnasiadkajrosser: that situation is a mess, we have an out of tree driver from vexxhost and in-tree patches from a different company that differ a lot - but let's hope we can solve that in next cycle10:35
jrosserright, and one of those appears to be in a state of "production ready" and the other still seems to be trying to figure some really fundamental stuff out10:36
jrosserregarding my patch - theres several things going on there10:37
jrosserthe absolute bulk of the work/time sunk into that has been around getting a k8s instance up and running in the openstack control plane, necessary for cluster_api to work10:37
jrosserand thats required regardless of which driver is used inside magnum, as i understand it10:38
jrosseri've used the vexxhost kubernetes collection to do that, and it's been really pretty trivial (i have zero k8s experience fwiw)10:39
jrosserthats here
jrosserand then really pretty orthogonal to all of that is the installation of the cluster_api driver for magnum, which really only is one line of the patch
jrossermnasiadka: is Kolla doing any similar exploratory work on cluster_api?10:48
mnasiadkajrosser: I think it would be good to deliver something like this out of the box for the users, but we need to focus on other things this cycle - maybe beginning of C is a better time10:49
admin1i have been able to get k8s up using magnum, but where i failed is to get the pv to work with cinder, and the ability to use octavia as lb 11:34
admin1what i end up doing is using nfs for pv and running nginx ingress in daemonset mode, and then manually creating worker node pools and forwarding 80/443 11:35
opendevreviewSomaye Ahmadi proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: use policy.yaml instead of policy.json due to latest change on gnocchi
mnasiadkaadmin1: you should use OCCM - both CAPI and the Heat based driver in Magnum do configure that automatically (when instructed to do so)13:12
opendevreviewSomaye Ahmadi proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: use policy.yaml instead of policy.json due to latest change on gnocchi
opendevreviewSomaye Ahmadi proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi master: use policy.yaml instead of policy.json due to latest change on gnocchi

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