Wednesday, 2023-07-19

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-qdrouterd master: Fix linters and metadata
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-systemd_networkd master: Fix linters and metadata
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Add possibility to override haproxy_ssl_path
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-systemd_mount master: Fix linters and metadata
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Fix generating certificate SANs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-systemd_service master: Fix linters and metadata
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Gather facts before including common-playbooks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: Remove Ubuntu 20.04 support
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Fix linters and metadata
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: Apply tags to systemd_service include
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ansible-role-uwsgi master: Fix linters and metadata
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Fix linters issue and metadata
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Do not use notify inside handlers
Tadiosnoonedeadpunk jamesdenton anskiy, After yesterday's suggestions and recommendations, I was able to fix my networking issues. and thank you very much. Now my instances are able to communicate with the outside, but I have a few more questions.12:03
Tadios1. I still can't create an admin network from horizon dashboard Admin > Network > Networks > Create Network provides "Danger: An error occured. Please try again later." and it is returning 500 Internal Server Error. from devtools. I dont know where to look the log files for this error? I tried /var/apache2/error.log but notting.12:03
admin1Tadios, try from the cli ? 12:04
Tadiosadmin1: i tried from cli and it works fine.12:04
noonedeadpunkTadios: it should be in journald for apache2 unit12:04
Tadiosokay let me check12:05
noonedeadpunklike `journalctl -f -u apache2` 12:05
Tadiosi should try this from inside horizon container right?12:06
noonedeadpunkyup. you can do outside as well, but you'd need to select correct path with db12:07
noonedeadpunkinside /var/log/journal12:07
Tadiosit says "Undefined provider network types are found: ['v', 'l', 'a', 'n', ',', 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a', 'l', ',', 'g', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'v', 'e']12:09
Tadios" when trying to create a network12:09
Tadiosdoes it have something to do with this specification in my user_variables.yml "neutron_ml2_drivers_type: "vlan,local,geneve""12:11
noonedeadpunkTadios: that looks like quite valid bug actually12:13
Tadiosoh really? why is it happening though?12:14
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Fix wrong neutron_ml2_drivers_type
noonedeadpunkTadios: this should fix it ^12:19
noonedeadpunkbut yes, given that you've defined neutron_ml2_drivers_type to their defaults, removing this variable and re-running os-horizon-install.yml should fix the issue12:20
Tadiosamazing! let me do that.12:21
noonedeadpunk(you should be able to add --tags horizon-config to reduce time of running the playbook)12:23
Tadiosoh really, that would be handy. great now my horizon problem is also solved, i can create admin networks from the web interface.12:28
Tadiosand my second question was my vms can't still ping the gateway and i don't know what fixed the issue but it is working now, could it be the horizon fix or something else?12:33
noonedeadpunknah, it's not related to horizon for sure12:48
Tadiosoh my bad, it was Security Groups. and last question12:55
TadiosDo we need to specify the container_type: "veth" in the provider_network: section of the openstack_user_config or is it optional? It is listed as required in the documentation. Also, what about container_interface? I asked this because I don't see these options on the configuration jamesdenton shared
noonedeadpunkI'm not 100% sure, but I'd say yes13:00
noonedeadpunkto be frank - I've never experimented enough with that13:00
noonedeadpunkas "it works"™13:01
noonedeadpunkExcept, used `container_type: phys` to pass interface inside container13:02
Tadiosnoonedeadpunk: okay great, thank you for your time, as always.13:03
NeilHanlonwould guess veth is required for plumbing the pseudowires13:03
noonedeadpunkI think that `container_type` would be passed to lxc config and then it's up to lxc defaults 13:03
TadiosNeilHanlon: okay good to know.13:04
noonedeadpunk`container_interface` is needed only for groups that have containers in fact. Like it is needed for neutron-server, but it is not for nova-compute, for instance13:04
Tadiosoh okay.13:05
NeilHanlonyou can check the lcx docs for what available options are 13:08
NeilHanlonI've only ever used veth, phys, and Macvlan , but others are supported 13:08
noonedeadpunkah, yes, macvlan was used as an option for octavia for some users as well13:09
noonedeadpunkhamburgler: I can't recall if that was you who asked about 27.0.1 or not, but - it just went live13:10
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_adjutant master: Fix linters and metadata
Tadiosso let's say i have three nodes node1,2 and 3 if use all three of the nodes to run my control plane services and my compute service, is it a going to be an okay high available system. or there is a problem with this design?13:25
admin1test or production ? 13:25
Tadioslet's say company internal production13:26
admin1if production , then no .. 13:26
NeilHanlonTadios: at the end of the day you're going to need to deal with resource contention between the things running ON your cloud and the things RUNNING your cloud. One has to have a higher priority, at the end of the day.. and hyper-convergence of everything as you describe is... an advanced topic13:26
admin1one acceptable way is to only run ssh in your server, then create the necessary bridges for traffic and then create 2x virtual machines, one for controller and one for hypervisor 13:27
admin1then you can use them 13:27
mgariepyanyone see weird network traffic, like public network leaking to mgmt network ?13:27
admin1mgariepy, it depends on the vlan and routing 13:28
mgariepyi see arp req/res for api ip (which is on vlan XXX) passing on mgmt vlan (whcih is vlan YYY) no routing between, and the traffic is on the same L2, if i force ping -I vlanYYY api_ip13:30
mgariepyonly for IP/vlan that are on the controller13:30
mgariepyadmin1, not l3 in this case.13:30
NeilHanlonmy guess is that you're leaking routes in the default table between those two vlans on the controller, mgariepy13:35
NeilHanlonfib routes, i mean13:36
mgariepyis it leaked via something like rp_filter = 0 ?13:36
NeilHanlonhow are vlanX/vlanY setup? single interface w/ 802.1q on top?13:41
NeilHanlonbasically it seems like vlanX and vlanY share a bridge, and your host is flooding traffic between them, acting like a router and proxying arp requests13:41
mgariepythe 2 are on ther controllers. bond > vlanX and bond > vlany > bridge13:41
NeilHanlonoh, hm13:42
mgariepyip in question are on vlanX and bridge for the other network.13:42
mgariepyleak is vlanx ip passing for some reason on vlanY. 13:42
mgariepygreat for performance.. but.. meh haha13:43
NeilHanlonwhat does `bridge vlan show` show, out of curiosity?13:44
mgariepy1 PVID Egress Untagged13:45
mgariepyall of them13:45
hamburglernoonedeadpunk: yes was me :) thanks very much!13:48
NeilHanlonoff topic:
NeilHanlonmgariepy: let me poke around in my lab and see what we can do13:54
mgariepygreat thanks :D13:55
mgariepyi think it's because of the lxc iptables rules.14:13
TadiosNeilHanlon admin1 : okay so, here is the case, we have about 4 dell poweredge 730 servers at the office and i'm tasked with deploying a private cloud on them for internal services. and i am confused on which way would it be a good way to setup openstack to utilize the hardware resource and openstack services14:23
alizerHi, We are trying to deploy openstack-ansible, but I'm getting stuck on the task "os_keystone : Wait for service to be up" when running the setup-openstack.yml playbook.15:07
alizerIt tries to connect over http, but haproxy is setup with SSL for port 5000, which means it fails. I've made sure to install the CA on the deploy host and get no SSL errors when using curl towards the same url (with https instead of http).15:07
alizerI've also set "openstack_service_publicuri_proto: https" in user_variables.yml.15:07
alizerWhat else can I do to ensure that it uses SSL?15:07
admin1Tadios all servers have equal resources ? 15:10
admin1server1 => ssh , lxd ..  create a deploy container ..   install kvm and create a virtal controller, add some space and enable nfs for cinder/ceph ,   use the 3 as computes 15:11
admin1alizer, can u paste the user_variable configs ? 15:11
admin1virtal -> virtual 15:13
anskiyalizer: that variable is for external endpoint, for internal you set `openstack_service_internaluri_proto: https`15:16
Tadiosadmin1 for the most part yes, and they are also beefy15:17
anskiyalizer: here is the task:, and here is how this variable is defined:
spatelI have created kolla multi-node lab using LXD and now going to try openstack-ansible lab - 15:28
spatelIts super easy to use LXD for this kind of lab and give you production feels with isolated components 15:29
alizerThanks anskiy, I totally missed that part of it. Seems it still fails as it still tries to check over http, but now it atleast checks over https also. The change also affected the pip part of the playbook as it tried to connect to the repo over SSL, which was not setup by the playbook. I edited the haproxy configuration to use SSL for the repo and could continue. Here is the output: 15:34
anskiyalizer: ah, my bad. It seems that it fails on checking `keystone_service_adminuri`, so you need `openstack_service_adminuri_proto: https` too :)15:40
jrosseralizer: anskiy this looks to test the internal endpoint
jrosserbut the error in the paste is for failing to connect to ``15:41
jrosserwhich feels like an external endpoint URL15:41
anskiyyeah, the proper place is here now:
anskiythese two resources are called `Wait for services to be up` and `Wait for services to be up` (note the "s" on the end of the second)15:43
jrosserright - this still feels like internal/external endpoint confusion in openstack_user_config.yml15:43
alizerWe are currently using the same internal and external endpoint (this is a POC). It sounds as you think that is a bad idea for a production install. I'm guessing that the external endpoint only needs to expose a more limited number of API methods compared to the internal one.15:44
jrosseroh if by "the same" you mean the same IP then you can't do that15:44
jrosserthe external endpoint is the one your users use15:45
jrosserthe internal one is used by the internal components of the cloud15:46
jrosserif they end up on the same IP then the deployment is broken, as you can't bind the same ip/port twice15:47
alizeryeah, internal_lb_vip_address and external_lb_vip_address is currently both set to the same domain (pointed to the same IP). I've not yet run into something failing due that that, but we can certainly change that to be 2 different IPs and domains. I'm guessing that the previous playbooks needs to be run again also after that change.15:51
alizeror, I guess you could say that my initial problem might have been related to this ;)15:51
jrosserthe internal endpoint should be an IP chosen from the mgmt network15:55
jrosserand you should make sure that is incuded in 'used_ips' so that it is not accidentally allocated to something else by the ansible inventory15:56
jrosserthere are good examples of all this in the etc/ directory of the openstack-ansible repo15:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_hosts master: Cleanup old OS support
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Fix linters and metadata

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