Monday, 2023-03-06

jrossergood morning09:09
jrossernoonedeadpunk: seems we will really struggle for code review for a couple of weeks09:27
noonedeadpunkyeah and damiandabrowski is now on vacation as well...09:28
noonedeadpunkI will ping EST based folks in the evening09:28
jrosseri was also wondering why i can't set the topic on this
noonedeadpunkI can...09:33
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Update ironic documentation
noonedeadpunkjrosser: is that ready or still WIP ^ ?10:17
jrossertheres one outstanding comment which i can't address until weds when other-Jonathan is working10:18
jrosserare we completely blocked by ?10:31
noonedeadpunkyup, we are10:33
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/ansible-role-pki master: Allow to provide custom handler names
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Allow default_backend to be specified
jrosserdo we still need this at all? it looks like the changes to the haproxy role make it deal with old and new formats
noonedeadpunknot sure to be frank12:25
noonedeadpunkWhat I was thinkning about what made these not mappings but just strings....
noonedeadpunkAlso `is defined` is awful condition :(12:35
* noonedeadpunk trying to reuse role for spawning users/projects/roles in an automated manner12:35
ElnazKibana names, `infra0X`, that are used in /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/elk.yml, have conflict with controller's names.12:39
noonedeadpunkElnaz: Um, sorry, not really understanding that12:40
noonedeadpunkYou can name nodes in conf.d as you want - it's not constrained in any way12:41
jrosserElnaz: what that is saying is that you can use the infra nodes *if you want to*, to host parts of the ELK stack12:51
jrosserbut it is entirely up to you if you do that, or make it on different hosts12:51
jrosseri think that for this you need to 1) come up with the design you want 2) then use the playbooks to deploy that12:51
jrosseryou won't get anything really more than a proof of concept architecture from the host layout in the ops repo12:52
ElnazI used infras, but it gave an error. Now I will do a test again, maybe I was not careful.12:56
Elnazjrosser: What do you mean by "no more than a proof of concept"? Isn't it recommended for Production?12:58
jrosserElnaz: i have a pretty large deployment of ELK using that repo, so yes it's fine12:58
jrosserbut in general, you will need to have pretty good understanding of the ELK stack and how the openstack-ansible inventory works to make good use of it12:59
jrosserbut if you get errors, paste them here if it is helpful12:59
jrosserfor example, 3 ELK data nodes that also do all the other ELK node roles co-located on your controller might not be "recommended for production"13:00
jrosserthat doesnt mean that the code isn't OK - you need to have a good architecture for how you're going to build it "for production"13:01
jrosserfor a test lab to see how it works the suggestion to use infra0X is fine13:01
noonedeadpunkI wonder why in the world you would do such comments...13:14
noonedeadpunkBUt yeah, I see frustration why sudoers don't work as expected :D13:14
noonedeadpunk(while debugging this extra space)13:15
mgariepyit's just bad decision in the design i guess ;)13:15
noonedeadpunkBut still granting based on uids.... huh13:15
mgariepywhat type of farm were you thinking of ?13:16
noonedeadpunkDefenitely not in Croatia - there's a shortage of farming land, too warm and not enough rains or water13:16
noonedeadpunkSo it's really tricky to have farm here unless you want to open a winery :D13:17
noonedeadpunkAnd farm grapes13:17
noonedeadpunkOr olives13:17
noonedeadpunkmgariepy: do you have couple of mins for reviews? we need to land rabbit bumps
noonedeadpunkat very least :)13:18
opendevreviewSebastian Gumprich proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: fix indentation for condition
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Prepare main repo for separated haproxy config
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Prepare haproxy role for separated haproxy config
jrosserwhat am i doing wrong here with the zuul error
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server stable/yoga: Update rabbitmq to 3.10.7
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server master: Update erlang to 25.2.3 and rabbit to 3.11.10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-rabbitmq_server stable/xena: Update rabbitmq to 3.9.28
mgariepydoesn't it needs to have the depends merged first ?15:07
noonedeadpunkjrosser: have no idea....15:12
noonedeadpunkLike it seems zuul under impression that is in merge conflict, but it's not...15:12
jrossermgariepy: it should at least run the tests i figure15:13
jrossermaybe more of this cross-the-queues thing i wonder15:13
noonedeadpunkand it does depends on that one as well...15:13
noonedeadpunkNah, I don't think it's related to queues15:13
jrosserit would be nice if it dumped some kind of graph to show where it thought the error was15:13
noonedeadpunkjrosser: wait a second15:14
noonedeadpunkah damn, I 've copypasted wrong id15:15
jrosseri feel like i have done something stupid here but i cant see it15:15
noonedeadpunkI'm not sure you did... Or well, I don't see anything either15:28
noonedeadpunkAnd it used to work nicely...15:28
noonedeadpunkMaybe some depends-on somewhere else on conflicting patch...15:28
jrossermaybe i make some noop update to the conflicting one and it might flush it out15:47
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Simplify haproxy_service_configs structure
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Prepare haproxy role for separated haproxy config
jrosseroh well it's probably this isnt it
jrosserthats also touching templates/service.j2 which is totally rewritten in the other patch15:53
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Simplify haproxy_service_configs structure
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Prepare haproxy role for separated haproxy config
spatelis freezer openstack still active project?16:55
noonedeadpunkI won't call it active....17:01
noonedeadpunkBut it still meets all criterias and does releases...17:02
prometheanfirejamesdenton: when setting up the LB with OVN, do you know how I can look up where it should be sending arps from? (I guess this is what host the neutron port lives on)17:37
jamesdentonit might depend on what network the VIP comes from17:48
jamesdentonbut TBH I am not sure17:49
jamesdentoni bet #openstack-neutron could help 17:49
jamesdentontoo much context switching at the moment :|17:52
jrosseryou could also post to the ML with [neutron]17:53
Elnazjrosser: > 3 ELK data nodes that also do all the other ELK node roles co-located on your controller might not be "recommended..."18:19
ElnazAt present I'm useing 3 separate logging servers and 3 seperate Kibana servers that is default setting in /nv.d/elk.conf 18:19
jrosserElnaz: you mean that there a 3 physical servers for elasticsearch and 3 physical servers for kibana, or you make 3 LXC containers for each on the infra0X nodes?18:21
jrosserElnaz: is there something specific you're trying to find out here?18:22
Elnaz3 VMs for elastic and 3 VMs for Kibana; nothing is added to Physical infra servers18:22
jrosserright, but you host 3 extra LXC containers for elasticsearch and kibana on the infra nodes18:23
jrosserthat might be OK :) trouble is you need to know what you want to achieve18:23
ElnazNo, I just need to have an ELK stack; (I know there are other solutions as in elk-ansible or docker solution)18:24
jrosserElnaz: sorry i keep trying to answer but now i'm really not sure what the question is18:26
ElnazWhich of the various elk deploy solutions leads to a better result in terms of simpler maintenance and greater integration?18:27
jrosseri have no idea i'm sorry - i use and have contributed to the one in the openstack-ansible-ops repo.... pretty much means i've not used the others18:28
ElnazAnd if the OSA tool itself does proper deployment, what is the default (the structure I mentioned above) is enough to start? I will continue to read about ELK to achieve to an enhanced arch18:29
ElnazI see, thanks.18:29
jrosseryou can easily do a lab deployment with the instructions in the openstack-ansible-ops repo18:29
jrosserbut if you want to scale up your elk stack data nodes to get sufficient throughput for a large cloud or something, then that is a different matter18:30
jrosserbut the same playbooks can do either18:30
ElnazI'll consider your tip. The deployment on lab is in progress (:18:31
jrosserok, then just follow the ops repo18:31
jrosserexactly the same would be true for Ceph for example18:31
jrosserlab or small cloud use the ceph deployment that is integrated in openstack-ansible18:32
jrosserbut if you want to scale up or separate the concerns / failure domain then you'll need to customise18:32
jrosserOpenstack-Ansible is a toolkit that lets you build whatever you like, it is not expected that the default deployment will cover all use cases18:32
ElnazYou definitely head up not to deploy Ceph for production (in case of even a small cloud)18:34
Elnaz "Warning!  Deploying ceph cluster as part of openstack-ansible is not recommended since"18:34
ElnazI understand. I need to get to know him more.18:36
Elnazbut, why the OSA installs ClamAV antivirus on nodes: `TASK [ansible-hardening : Check if ClamAV update process is already running]`? As I know, Linux does not need to any antivirus at all?18:37
jrosserElnaz: are you sure it installs it?18:41
Elnaz`TASK [ansible-hardening : Check if ClamAV is installed]`, If it's installed! meaningful.18:48
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Deploy step-ca when 'stepca' is part of the deployment scenario.
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add a /etc/hosts entry for the external IP of an AIO
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use certbot to generate SSL cert for the external VIP in 'stepca' scenario
Elnazmgariepy: 21:41
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Deploy step-ca when 'stepca' is part of the deployment scenario.
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add a /etc/hosts entry for the external IP of an AIO
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use certbot to generate SSL cert for the external VIP in 'stepca' scenario

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