Friday, 2022-04-08

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NeilHanloni've got a stupid question that's more of a general openstack one, but in any case.. I've got a simple network setup in a three node cluster (one each infra, compute, storage (cinder)); I can see traffic leaving a VM on the private network and even being SNAT'ed from the infra box on the correct interface. through tcpdump, I see a response packet13:29
NeilHanloncome in, and then.. _nothing_.. so then another packet goes and does the same thing. was pulling my hair out last night lol13:29
damiandabrowski[m]hmm, i've seen 2 behaviors similar to Yours lately:13:43
damiandabrowski[m]a) (response packets were reaching physical net infrastructure but not even the openstack router) - it was caused by the GARP bug so the switch had outdated entry in a MAC address table:
damiandabrowski[m]b) (response packets were reaching router but not VM's compute node) - for some reason(probably some failed migrations) i had stale port bindings in neutron.ml2_port_bindings table(multiple bindings for the same port). That was why my network nodes contained incorrect OVS flows, so it was sending response packets to the incorrect compute nodes.13:43
damiandabrowski[m](but i just noticed that You have only one network/infra node and only one compute node, so none of the above problems may apply to You :/)13:49
NeilHanlonheh, yeah i just poked around and I don't appear to have at least any stale port bindings in that table, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if there's something mucked up. I think i'll rebuild the lab this afternoon and see if I can make it work from scratch. I suspect it's more to do with my screwing around with linuxbridge agent port bindings,13:53
NeilHanlonetc, while learning 13:53
damiandabrowski[m]okok, good luck!14:01
NeilHanlonthanks I'll need it lol14:03
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spatelQuick question, my controller running on kernel 5.4.0-42-generic. can i upgrade kernel on compute node to 5.4.0-107-generic ?14:10
spatelI want to upgrade nic driver so thinking to upgrade kernel also 14:10
damiandabrowski[m]sure, i see no reason not to do it15:53
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spateldamiandabrowski[m] i just did and all good :) 16:57
spatelthank you16:57
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spatelI have ubuntu grub question, i have multiple kernel install on ubuntu 20.04. How do i set default kernel? I know how to do it in CentOS using grubby tool but not sure how to do in ubuntu?18:25
spatelI want to make linux-image-5.4.0-107-generic  default 18:25
damiandabrowski[m]hmm, isn't it `GRUB_DEFAULT` in /etc/default/grub?
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spatelGRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-107-generic" ?18:31
spatellike that?18:31
damiandabrowski[m]should work, never tested it though18:32
damiandabrowski[m]or You can use number to specify the n-th entry in grub.cfg18:32
damiandabrowski[m]PS. Yo'll need to run update-grub afterwards18:33
spatelok let me try number 18:33
spatelI found one more command: grub-set-default <index>18:35
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spatelthat works! :)18:41
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dmsimardFYI, in case you missed it, it's ansible contributor summit next tuesday:

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