Wednesday, 2021-11-17

opendevreviewJames Denton proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Update metering agent to use interface_driver alias
noonedeadpunkmgariepy: I'm not sure you can set notify on role include tbh08:38
noonedeadpunkI think that daemon reload should have happened here but it feels like we don't satisfy condition here08:41
mgariepyit wasn't triggered for some reason.13:25
noonedeadpunksystemd service changed is handler that doesn't do service reload13:26
noonedeadpunkI guess we need to adjust this condition to make it work
mgariepyi'll fill the mariadb bug and take a look after13:41
mgariepygood news is i can reproduce it reliably on my cloud13:55
mgariepy4 out of 5 runs hangs so it's kinda nice :D13:55
noonedeadpunkwell, it depends on what should be considered as nice hehe15:19
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, good that it's reproducale at least15:21
mgariepylol indeed, but well the point was that it's not only something that is reproducible one time out of 100 .. ;p15:24
spatelnoonedeadpunk how do i regenerate certificate for each compute nodes? 15:55
spateli am testing OVN SSL and i want it to generate cert for each compute node 15:56
spatelone of my stein cloud throwing this error when trying to run os_neutron playbook on compute nodes -
spatelraise SSLError(e, request=request)\nSSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:618)16:14
spatelhow do i find how which package and repo causing this issue.. i know its older but trying to fix it 16:14
mgariepydo you have the latest ca-cert ? 16:22
mgariepyfor the letsencrypt  stuff ?16:22
spatelare you talking about generating SSL for OVN or my second issue related os_neutron playbook ?16:23
mgariepysecond one.16:24
spatelhmm how do i check latest ca-cert? this is centos7 16:25
spatelmgariepy - check this out -
spatelsame command working on other compute nodes pip2 list but not working on bad compute nodes.. 16:27
spatel120 is the one having issue.. may be i should re-install and try..16:28
mgariepyall the same pkg / update and so on on the os ?16:28
spatelyes i did match /etc/redhat-release file version and kernel version also 16:29
spateleven yum repos are same 16:29
spateloh wait. check this out -
mgariepywhat is the url that it fails on ?16:31
spateldifferent version of pip2 16:31
mgariepyhmm weird16:32
spatelyep.. how that happened.. 16:32
spateli can see pip=19.1 in /openstack/venvs/neutron- file..16:33
spatellet me wipe out /openstack/venv/neutron* and re-run playbook16:33
spatelsame.. pip 9.0.1 from /openstack/venvs/neutron- (python 2.7) 16:36
spatelwhy its installing 9.0.1 default16:36
mgariepywhat is in your pip.conf ?16:38
spateli don't have pip.conf file anywhere in system16:43
spatelso must be using default options 16:44
spatelwhen i did this it upgraded version -
spatelohhh 16:50
jrosserspatel: also if you are testing OVN + SSL against master then you should look at how os_nova is now set up for TLS16:50
jrosseryes, the version of pip/virtualenv/blah on centos 7 that you get with yum won't get an update for its internal bundled version of the ca certs in the python certifi package16:51
jrosseryou have to hack up pip.conf to look at the system trust store instead16:51
spateljrosser thank you so let me try this patch and see16:51
jrosserthis assumes that you have used yum to update ca-certificates or whatever it's called16:52
spatelfor POC i created /etc/pip.conf file with cert=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt and re-running playbook to see 16:58
spatelits still installing pip 9.0.1 and throwing SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed 17:00
spateli think i should apply that patch and try.. 17:01
jrosserwell you should try to use curl or something against whatever the URL is17:04
jrossercheck that the system can understand the certificate at all17:04
jrosserit will still install pip 9.0.1 regardless of the patch17:04
spateljrosser so far no SSL error during curl -
spatelhow do i find source URL of package which pip installing from 17:28
spatelcurl 17:39
spatelworks without issue that means SSL not a issue..17:40
spateljrosser holy cow! check this out -
spatelproblem is ??17:46
jrosserhave you updated the CA certs on your host with yum?18:01
spateli didn't do anything with ca-cert18:02
spateli have this version installed - ca-certificates-2019.2.32-76.el7_7.noarch18:02
jrosserfrom before18:02
jrosserjrosser> this assumes that you have used yum to update ca-certificates or whatever it's called18:02
jrosserthat is your issue18:02
spatelhmm how do i undo ? 18:02
jrosserthat there are new Root CA since 2019, and your host does not have them18:02
jrosseryou need to get a newer ca-certificates18:02
spatellet me upgrade and see18:03
jrosseryum <blah> <blah> etc18:03
spatelhmm how do i undo ? 18:03
spatel sorry 18:03
jrosserundo what?18:03
spatelit was my keyborad up/down arrow :) 18:04
spatelyum upgrade ca-certificates 18:04
spatelit works.. now i am not seeing SSL error 18:04
spatellet me re-run playbook and see18:04
jrosserok, so with that modification to /etc/pip.conf it should now make pip use that, rather than the ancient one it ships with18:04
spatellet me re-run playbook and see18:05
spateljrosser now i am seeing different error so look like pip SSL issue has been resolved. Thank you for the help :) 18:12
jrosserno worries :)18:13
spatellet me deal with this new issue.. its related to neutron-sriov-nic-agent 18:13
spatellooks very odd one but let me debug 18:14
spatelhmm missing neutron-keepalived-state-change file 18:24
spatelafter wipe out everything in /openstack dir it fixed all my issue :)18:30
kleiniI regularly stumble over Do you know about any other solutions to fix this except upgrading to glibc from newer ubuntu?18:32
mgariepyspatel, 19.0.0 ?18:47
mgariepydo you track stable/stein at least?18:47
spateli am planning migrate this to newer cloud using ubunut 18:48
spatelI am in process to buy some more servers and create ubuntu based infra and start migrating centos to ubunut 18:48
spatelcentos7 is dead soon so i don't want to spend any time on it to fix it 18:49
mgariepybut still there are a few commits between 19.0.0 and stable/stein18:59
mgariepy ;)18:59
spateli have 900 vms running on this cloud and worried if i try to upgrade and something go wrong :) 19:01
spateli am thinking i can just migrate them one by one to new infra 19:02
spatelby the way my rabbitMQ issue has been resolved since i bump but rpc worker count from 1 to 8 for neutron-server19:03
spatelits been 1 week and not a single crash 19:04
damiandabrowski[m]hey guys, regarding to ca-certificates I suggest upgrading it everywhere, especially on repo-container as i hit this issue there during T->V upgrade lately ;)19:06
damiandabrowski[m]root@control03-repo-container-29249829:~# git clone -q /tmp/pip-wheel-in1q8u3t/keystone19:06
damiandabrowski[m]fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none19:06
kleiniwas hit by that issue, too. I am looking for a way to newly create the ubuntu-bionic-amd64 base image or to upgrade packages in LXC containers.19:07
damiandabrowski[m]how about: `ansible -m package -a "name=ca-certificates state=latest update_cache=yes only_upgrade=yes" all` ?19:09
kleiniyes, that is a good idea19:10
spatelwhy don't we give this task to OSA to upgrade ca before any work 19:11
spatelca-upgrade never going to break anything as far as i know19:11
damiandabrowski[m]it may be out of scope for OSA, but definitely worth to talk about it ;)19:18
damiandabrowski[m]maybe it's worth adding this package to `_openstack_host_distro_packages`19:18
spatelwho is going to Berlin, Germany for 2022 OpenInfra summit ? 19:57
damiandabrowski[m]i'll most likely be there, glad it's super close to Poland :D 21:54
admin1i will be going  :) 23:15
admin1met a lot of guys here in berlin 2018 and in barcelona 2016s23:19
admin1was in line to be the 1st to get signed book by jamesdenton23:20

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