Monday, 2021-09-27

opendevreviewTushar Trambak Gite proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_cinder master: Stop configuring install_command in tox.
frestaI found that you can give neutron bridge_mappings in addition to interface mappings.
frestaBut it's not implemented in OSA:
frestaAnyone know if its been left out for a reason or just forgotten? I have created veth-pairs to solve some issues since neutron only accepts interfaces but this would be nicer.13:04
jrosserfresta: the template to generate the neutron config suggests that you can create bridge mappings
jrosseroh, well under very specific conditions it seems13:09
jrosseryou can also use a config override to put in any config you need, there does not need to be specific support in the templates for every possible option13:11
jrosserlike this
frestaYeah it's only implemented for OpenDaylight it seems, so I thought maybe there was a reason for that13:14
frestaBut config override looks nice, I will play around with that a bit13:14
spatelQuestion general question, does anyone has suggestion for good linux based firewall like vyos or Mikrotik or pFsense etc.. i want to deploy this in remote datacenter so it should be able to run in Dell 1U server :)13:28
jonherpfSense is BSD based, but all of the ones mentioned will probably do the job. pfSense as you may know has a web ui, so does mikrotik (check license for features), vyos there is only nigthly or paid "stable" (only cli)13:52
spateljonher Thanks for input, you are saying vyos is free for nightly build only?14:02
jonher"stable" is paywalled, rolling (beta) is available to download freely14:03
spatelI am looking for little advance firewall which support VPN, some kind of HA and connection mirroring during failover short of thing.. 14:03
jonheri'd probably go pfSense as it's very competent, but take your other requirements and evaluate what works best for you14:04
spatelcan i install pFsense on Dell servers? 14:06
spatelDoes it support HA short of thing/14:06
jrosserif i was wanting an HA remote firewall and it was my OOB / disaster recovery i'd probably not use a server, but thats just my preference i guess14:16
spatelAgreed but this is remote rental datacenter for small time and they won't provide your personal hadware in their racks 14:26
spatelWe are running services in AWS/GCP and cost is very high so planning to bring them on rental datacenter to take cost. anyway i will find some workaround or may use iptables + keepalive with conntrack mirror module 14:27
spateljrosser do you guys keep public ip on infra server? 15:09
jrossereverything is pretty much in a dmz15:09
spatelhow does outside world talk to public IP?15:09
jrosservia network nodes15:10
jrosserand dedicated haproxy nodes15:10
spateli meant openstack API services, Horrizon etc... 15:10
jrosserwe have haproxy on its own node15:10
jrosserand thats the only one with a public IP15:10
jrosserand iptables all over it15:10
jrosserplus router ACL, it's in its own subnet15:11
spatelI don't have dedicated HAProxy in remote rental DC (limited hardware so i may use public IP on infra nodes_15:11
spateljrosser does OSA support 21.04  Ubuntu release?15:19
jrosserspatel: theres no testing of 21.04, and i think the ansible will detect it's not a tested OS and bail out15:38
spatelhmm 15:38
jrosserthats not to say it wont work, but there will certainly be things to fix up15:39
jrosserbut like i say theres no testing of it in CI for OSA nor any of the other components of openstack, like nova/keystone/cinder/....15:39
spateldo we have plan to support net big ubuntu LTS release 22.x ?15:39
jrosserthats how the openstack development happens in general, yes15:39
spatelperfect! if we are on it :) i think in April month 22 coming out 15:40
spatelofc next year 15:40
spateljrosser how do i change default domain name in OSA ? 15:54
spateljrosser did we break something? 16:19
spatelInstalling new openstack and hit this error16:20
jrosserwhy use the system interpreter?16:20
jrosserinventory_manage should be executable16:20
spatelwithout that i am getting this error -
spatelThis is fresh OS ubuntu 20.04.3 16:22
spatelI haven't seen this error before16:25
spatelhang on... 16:27
spatelit was my error :(16:27
spatelthe way i set used_ip: 16:28
spateli am good! thanks for checking 16:28
spateljrosser quick question, if i install OSA with single node infra then does OSA install keepalive or not?17:04
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for configuration and code updates but should return to service momentarily20:09
spatelTimeout in RPC method security_group_info_for_devices. Waiting for 1668 seconds before next attempt. If the server is not down, consider increasing the rpc_response_timeout option as Neutron server(s) may be overloaded and unable to respond quickly enough20:29
spateldid you see this error?20:29
spatelis this rabbitMQ issue or neutron-server (i am not seeing any issue with rabbitMQ and neutron load is normal )20:30
spateljrosser around?21:49

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