Sunday, 2021-06-13

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opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-openstack_hosts master: Don't fail when openstack_pki_install_ca not defined
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snadgeim running the three playbooks on another production system.. on another irc network ;)09:25
snadgeits just ussuri, on centos 7.. because hardware reasons09:26
snadgefatal: [infra1]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 5, "changed": false, "msg": "failed to fetch key at , error was: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden"}09:49
snadgeim pretty sure is allowed in the url whitelist, i can't remember how to make the playbook more verbose09:50
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snadgethat just seems like a weird timing issue which i haven't been able to figure out beyond ctrl-z .. waiting a bit.. then fg12:20
snadgegalera_server : Fail when the host is not in galera_cluster_members12:20
snadgebranch 21.2.6.. haven't seen this issue before and cant figure out why that check is failing12:51
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