Wednesday, 2020-08-19

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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_congress stable/ussuri: Replace py2 packages with py3
masterpenoonedeadpunk: about and/or only installes corosync & pacemaker on the compute nodes. But if the pool of compute nodes is bigger than 16 nodes you will hit into trouble.07:40
openstackgerritChandan Kumar (raukadah) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Set mode for copy operation
noonedeadpunkmasterpe: I think pacemaker has bigger max size (ie 56 or 64 - smth like that)07:54
noonedeadpunkbut can't find any proofs of that at the moment, not sure now07:55
noonedeadpunkLike you can set different clusters when it's bigger than allowed07:55
noonedeadpunkie group computes in stack of 50 nodes or smth07:56
noonedeadpunkso you just need to define different pacemaker_corosync_group07:57
noonedeadpunkI think somebody here has such setup and it worked07:57
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snadgeevening ;)09:05
masterpenoonedeadpunk: If i read they stated 16 nodes.09:10
masterpeBut indeed that I can cluster the nodes in smaller groups.09:10
masterpethat blog post they advised to use pacemaker remote.09:11
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
noonedeadpunkmasterpe: if you try it and it works - let me know :)09:28
noonedeadpunkI'd love to adjust role to get this working there as well09:29
noonedeadpunkor maybe you even can PR :p09:29
noonedeadpunkwe can even create a separate containers on controlers to place pacemaker there09:31
masterpewe are going to use pacemaker remote, then we will place it in separate containers.09:32
masterpeOn the controllers or other place (in our setup we also have separate ceph monitor servers)09:33
masterpeIf I going to change it a PR is not a bad idea.09:38
noonedeadpunkeventually sharing the right way to do that will also help) as it seems more correct way, than splitting to groups of 16...10:04
openstackgerritChandan Kumar (raukadah) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest master: Set mode for copy operation
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Decrease amount of jobs and update distros
rohit02Hey there! does anyone have steps to configure external ceph in openstack-ansible ussuri11:01
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noonedeadpunkI think you just need either to provide directory with config files or list of monitors (at least one) where role can get everything needed11:18
noonedeadpunkceph_mons variable for monitors, ceph_keyrings_dir for config dir with prepared stuff11:19
watersjrohit02, here is an older example i used,
watersjyou may need to specify version of ceph you are using too: "ceph_stable_release: nautilus"11:28
kleinirohit02, that example from watersj only works, if Ansible has access to ceph MONs. If that access is not possible, you can use the Ceph client config from file feature. <- user_variables.yml and <- an example for a keyring file11:54
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masterpeI'm using osa 19.1.0 and I want to install masakari, Like I said I have the issue that vine is to new, but if I limit the playbook os-masakari-install.yml to masakari_api and so it will left alone the monitors the correct vine version gets installed12:36
masterpeDoes the settings for the masakari monitor mess something up?12:37
jrossermasterpe: i gave the place where the constraints file for the venv was in a link yesterday12:37
jrosserit would be worth checking if that is being applied12:37
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jrosser(well its clearly not, but the question is why....)12:38
masterpeyou mean ?12:38
jrosserthat should be used here
jrosserthen used here
masterpeI have also active12:40
masterpeso it also installs the monitors on the computes.12:40
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jrossermasterpe> on the masakari container I get vine==5.0.0a112:41
jrosser^ this?12:41
masterpeSo when I use os-masakari-install.yml without --limit masakari_api it installs  vine 5.0.0a1 and with os-masakari-install.yml --limit masakari_api it installs vine 1.2.012:44
masterpemy feeling is that it has todo with
jrosserthere is a very detailed log for the python_venv_build which will show exactly where everything has come from12:49
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Decrease amount of jobs and update distros
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masterpejrosser: probably python_venv_build.log?13:01
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jrossermasterpe: yes, and that'll be in your repo server for a multinode deploy13:05
jrossernoonedeadpunk: i was thinking about the memory pressure thing again, we maybe not reducing the number of uwsgi threads for some of the newer roles......13:06
jrossertheres a whole load of vars for that in the template for the AIO config13:06
noonedeadpunkI checked configs for uwsgi and all were like 2 processes13:07
jrosserah ok13:07
noonedeadpunkmaybe I missed smth...13:07
jrosseryou are right though lots and lots of things are failing13:08
jrosserall of a sudden lots of unreliability in the CI when we had a good run of it being pretty spot on13:08
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watersjmasakari error, list index out of range?
openstackgerritCharles Farquhar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest stable/rocky: Use pip_install_upper_constraints for plugin deps
openstackgerritCharles Farquhar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest stable/rocky: Use pip_install_upper_constraints for plugin deps
guilhermespguys, i think we have a bug in the way we bump ironic-inspector in osa13:56
guilhermespfor example, currently on ussuri, the venv gets ironic-inspector==10.3.013:56
guilhermespwhich is inspecetor for victoria13:57
guilhermespthat breaks ironic-inspector13:57
guilhermespi was thinking we could pin inspector as well in our openstack_services.yml13:57
openstackgerritCharles Farquhar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron stable/rocky: Remove dragonflow ML2 driver
noonedeadpunkoh, indeed we don't have it bumped....13:58
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add ironic-inspector to the openstack_services
guilhermesp^ ++14:01
guilhermesplets wait and hopefully we get it backported to ussuri, but btw, i have added locally those services above and re-ran ironic playbooks14:02
guilhermespit seems we still get 10.3.014:02
noonedeadpunkguilhermesp: no, it's wrong14:04
noonedeadpunkactually not wrong, but won't help at the moment14:04
noonedeadpunkdoing another bit to get it handled14:05
guilhermesp++ noonedeadpunk14:05
noonedeadpunkwe just had the same thing with masakari-monitors...14:06
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add ironic-inspector to the openstack_services
masterpejrosser: is the python_venv_build.log where I fist installed makari on a clean container, with the command os-masakari-install.yml without --limit (2020-08-19T13:30:03) and after that I run os-masakari-install.yml with limit(2020-08-19T13:36:43). At first it installs vine 5.0.0a1 and at the second run it installes
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ironic master: Add ironic-inspector to constraints
noonedeadpunkguilhermesp: I think this is also needed ^14:12
* noonedeadpunk needs to adjust git config....14:13
jrossermasterpe: so that you just pasted is only the log from the first run which gave 1.2.0?14:13
masterpeno both14:14
masterpethat file contains 40329 lines14:15
masterpeI see 2020-08-19T13:30:03 Collecting vine==5.0.0a1 (from amqp>=2.5.2->oslo.messaging>=5.29.0->masakari)14:17
masterpedoes that means that it installs vine there it is required by amqp?14:17
guilhermespyep noonedeadpunk that makes sense14:18
guilhermespnoonedeadpunk: sounds good14:28
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/rocky: Simplify pre-gate tasks
noonedeadpunklooks really nice)14:34
jrossermasterpe: the important point is that the whole installation should be subject to the constraints file14:36
jrosserso if you are getting something different when running with --limit then somehow the constraints are not being applied14:37
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kleiniDoes OSA support the setup of a shared storage on compute nodes for ephemeral VM storage? I currently don't have a shared storage and used block migration between VMs in the past. With my OSA based deployment this does not work any more as live_migration_tunnelled = True is hardcoded in nova.conf. The commit message adding this says nothing, just restoring live_migration_uri, which got lost during remove of Nova14:48
kleinideprecated options.14:48
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noonedeadpunkkleini: yu can override any value in nova config14:50
noonedeadpunkfor this case I think it's nova_nova_conf_overrides14:50
kleiniI know and used that for tenant isolation filter. I was just asking14:52
kleiniDoes OSA support setup of some kind of shared storage for compute nodes?14:52
noonedeadpunktbh I'm not sure, we just providing overall default, which obviously won't fit everyone14:52
noonedeadpunklike nfs?14:53
noonedeadpunkbut tbh I'd say that ceph is recommended option for the shared storage...14:53
noonedeadpunkand it's supported yes14:53
kleinilike glusterfs, lustre, sheepdog14:55
jrossernova docs describe how you could use nfs
noonedeadpunkLike we don't have playbooks for deploying that14:56
kleiniceph scales very good but IOPS go down compared to local storages due to network round trip14:56
noonedeadpunkbut you obviously may use that and use overrides to configure nova14:57
kleiniI am fine now with overriding the nova.conf. Was just curious, why tunnelled is added to the nova.conf.j2 template while documentation says it is incompatible with block migration.14:58
noonedeadpunkyou mean that one?
noonedeadpunkI'd say it's smth that we need to look into as live_migration_uri at least is deprecated for a long time15:03
jrossersort of - i think that still the patch for replacing it is not merged15:04
noonedeadpunkoh, we have one?:)15:04
jrosseroh no, on the nova side15:04
noonedeadpunktbh I wasn't deep diving in the topic - current worked for me, so had no reasons to be bothered...15:05
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noonedeadpunkI guess it was enabled to speedup live migrations as like enabling tls for live migrated instances adds really ton's of encryption overhead on busy instances?15:08
noonedeadpunkdunno, we can change that, but it needs testing...15:09
noonedeadpunkkleini: if you're ready with better solution with current state of nova, you can propose patch15:09
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noonedeadpunkbut I think we will need to configure CA and stuff...15:10
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kleiniI plan to use nova_nova_conf_overrides and set live_migration_tunnelled = False. This worked very well for me in the past and max_concurrent_live_migrations is 1 per default, so there is not that much overhead as one CPU core is required.15:15
jrosserin the long term we need to switch it to TLS15:18
kleiniI don't really have an idea, what a good patch could be except removing live_migration_tunnelled option.15:18
noonedeadpunkI think that makes possible to use block migration?:)15:19
noonedeadpunkie replaces live_migration_tunnelled with live_migration_with_native_tls ?15:19
noonedeadpunkand drops deprecated live_migration_uri15:19
kleiniYes, but I don't really understand what "native transport" is compared to tunnelled?15:20
noonedeadpunkiirc native is qemu one, and tunneled with libvirt?15:21
kleiniin libvirtd.conf I already only see listen_tls = 1 and listen_tcp = 0. So transport should already be encrypted, no?15:21
noonedeadpunkyes, but for tunnelled only I guess?15:21
noonedeadpunkas for block migration there're other requirements ie
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jrosserisnt it a bit contradictory15:25
jrosserwell it's confusing about when the block stream works at all15:27
jrosservs when it is/isnt encrypted15:27
noonedeadpunkoh, eventually yes, I think it can be unencrypted when both tunneled and live_migration_with_native_tls are et to 0 I guess15:28
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openstackgerritzhoulinhui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: libvirt: Drop support for Xen
kleiniNow I am really confused. Live migration worked for me now with tunnelled = false. I looked at network traffic on mgmt network and I only see SSH traffic on the mgmt network between compute nodes. libvirtd does not listen on any port. How is the memory state transferred?15:34
openstackgerritzhoulinhui proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: libvirt: Drop support for Xen
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/ussuri: Make upgrade jobs get role relevant versions
openstackgerritGeorgina Shippey proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone stable/train: Add Paramaters to httpd.conf template
kleininevermind I see now the native transfer with an unencrypted connection.15:38
kleiniSo, live_migration_with_native_tls would be the way to go with proper setup of CA, server and client certificates, keys and file permissions.15:39
noonedeadpunkAnd I think that' probably good way of changing defaults15:40
noonedeadpunkand at the same time I think it's wh this hasn't been changed yet)15:41
noonedeadpunk(needs research, time, etc)15:43
kleinione more on my contribution TODO list. a hard one as this requires to add the feature to setup CA, certificates, keys and so on15:43
noonedeadpunkI think jrosser did that for some other roles15:43
noonedeadpunkie haproxy15:43
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kleiniwill try to find that code and see, what I can learn from it15:44
noonedeadpunkprobaby... we should create a separate role to configure SSLs as I think we have that in many placed duplicated15:44
jrosseri have a WIP patch which does a bunch of it, but never merged15:44
jrosseryes exactly that15:44
jrosserwe do it in haproxy, and i was trying to factor that out15:44
jrosseri think that the ansible modules may be significantly improved since i did that - seem to remember using a lot of shell15:45
noonedeadpunklast time I looked at them - they are not(15:45
noonedeadpunkmaybe we really should create a separate repo for ssl configuration?15:46
noonedeadpunkin case we will have that not only haproxy15:46
noonedeadpunkwe can use same set of certififcates ofc, but not sure how good that is15:47
noonedeadpunkesp when we can generate them....15:47
jrosseryes, so it's either a role, or an include_tasks with a bunch of vars a bit like we do for service_setup15:49
jrossernot really sure what the best way is15:49
noonedeadpunkor that, yes.15:49
jrosseror even a python ansible module15:49
noonedeadpunkconsidering amount of shell....15:50
noonedeadpunkwe should also get used to collections and make our stuff as collections somehow...15:51
noonedeadpunkbut that's completely another topic15:51
noonedeadpunkfrom what I see in it's not just include_tasks, as it needs packages to be present and contains template15:57
jrossermost of that is to do with creating the CA16:04
jrosserso then theres some more work to do so that the "make a cert for service A on host B" is as simple/clean as possible16:04
noonedeadpunkoh, so you mean to create CA with ... openstack_hosts? and then just generate certs with that single play16:05
noonedeadpunkor module16:06
jrosserthe CA is on the deploy host, so something needs to bootstrap that 'early'16:06
noonedeadpunkyeah, then module I think might be even better16:06
jrosserthen as you go through the various plays $thing then needs to cut certs as they're needed, store them on the deploy host and copy into place16:06
noonedeadpunkyeah, ok, you're right, it may really stay as you've patched16:07
jrosseri think it's really that last thing about how to make them nicely in the rest of the plays that needs looking at16:07
noonedeadpunkwe can totally make a module then16:08
noonedeadpunkas anyway we're doing everyting in the integrated repo16:08
jrosserthats why i wasnt sure if it was an include_tasks16:10
noonedeadpunkconsidering amount of bash there...16:11
jrosserit's possibly just two tasks, openssl_csr followed by either anther ansible module or command to create the cert, then copy16:12
noonedeadpunkmaybe. anyway this topic needs more love)16:13
jrosseryeah :)16:13
openstackgerritCharles Farquhar proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron stable/rocky: Remove dragonflow ML2 driver
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Add ironic-inspector to the openstack_services
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Bump ceilometer SHA to ublock telemetry
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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carlosmssHi guys, someone knows how to fix this follow issue: I have 3 hosts in group repo-infra-host, but the packages required by openstack services is installed only in 1 host. repo1/os-releases/19.1.2.dev2/ (OK),  repo1/os-releases/19.1.2.dev2/ (empty),  repo1/os-releases/19.1.2.dev2/ (empty)17:24
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jrossercarlosmss: it should be running lysncd/rsync from the first repo server to the others17:25
jrosseron the one which is the source ([0] in the ansible group i think) its worth having a look at whats happening with lsyncd, possibly restart it17:25
jrosserif that all looks OK then maybe something fails with rsync, i think it has ssh keys setup17:26
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carlosmssThanks jrosser, I will check if lysncd/rsync is running17:33
carlosmssjrosser I checked and the first repo-host is really the unique repo host with some data. But the lsyncd is not running on the repo host of index 0. When this tool is called by repo_container? There is some trick to run this lsync forcely?17:45
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carlosmssjrosser I've found some sintax error calling the configuration of lsyncd in lua format18:01
carlosmssthere is some quotes that isn't closed18:02
openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Use the utility host for db setup tasks
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Decrease amount of jobs and update distros
noonedeadpunkguilhermesp: I was just going to make these patches for bind-to-mgmt :p So I can pick-up the rest of them tomorrow (so you don't have to patch _all_ roles)18:28
noonedeadpunkbtw revote on needed)18:29
guilhermesphahaha yeah, i just ended up with that issue deploying nova now... to be honest, for other services i didnt patch, as I was re-running osa so just did --skip common-db :P18:30
guilhermespbut yeah, i will try to push some other today18:30
guilhermespto help18:30
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noonedeadpunkyou can omit it if you don't need that at the moment18:33
noonedeadpunkwhatever works for you I mean:)18:33
guilhermespnoonedeadpunk: ++18:33
noonedeadpunkwe never reject help :p18:33
carlosmssHi guys, about my reported errors on repo server sync, this issue has been fixed by commit c801daedaf on branch Stable/Stein18:41
carlosmssThis commit fixes that missing quotes in template and was commited one month ago. Thanks for help jrosser. Have a nice day.18:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_designate stable/ussuri: Add CentOS-8 support
masterpeI have the issue that vine version 5.0.0a1 gets installed in the masakari container, on I see that "Build wheels for the packages to be installed into the venv" is done on compute02 and not on a masakari container. Can this be the reason of the failure?19:09
jrossercarlosmss: exellent! good to hear it is fixed19:13
jrossermasterpe: the task you mention is delegated, thats shown with changed: [compute02 ->]19:16
jrosserso what might be happening is that variables are required that are defined for the masakari containers, but not defined correctly on the compute nodes19:18
masterpebut on compute you only want to install masakari-monitor and on the api you install the masakari-api, can this the reason that the right upper is set?19:18
masterpebut on compute you only want to install masakari-monitor and on the api you install the masakari-api, can this the reason that the right upper is not set?19:18
masterpethat the reason is that vine is to new?19:19
masterpeSorry that I bother you all about this. But I want to unterstand it and find the reason. For me pip and wheel are new concepts. I',m more familiar with apt.19:21
jrossermasterpe: sadly i have never deployed masakari so i'm just having to find my way around it19:22
jrosserwhere is the playbook that deploys to the computes?19:22
masterpeThe role installes the masakari and masakari-monitor19:25
masterpeI also needed to use and to get this working.19:27
masterpe uses hosts masakari_all but that group contains two groups api and monitors.19:29
masterpeMonitors needs to get installed on the compute nodes and api on the controllers.19:29
masterpeThe monitors is and masakari-api is
jrossermasterpe: ok, and masakari_monitors contains the compute nodes?19:32
masterpeso two different applications and as I understand it it should be two wheels?19:32
jrosserits not really about the wheel building, more the dependancies that get pulled in19:44
jrosserso from your python_venv_build log we see that masakari needs oslo.messaging19:44
jrosser2020-08-19T13:29:55 Collecting amqp>=2.5.2 (from oslo.messaging>=5.29.0->masakari)19:44
jrosserand then kind of surprisingly this then happens19:45
jrosser2020-08-19T13:29:55   Using version 5.0.0a1 (newest of versions: 2.5.2, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, 5.0.0a1)19:45
masterpeyes so it looks like the upper for this is missing, is what I got told.19:46
jrosserso that actual issue is not vine, its the wrong version of amqp which then pulls in the wrong version of vine19:47
jrosserwhich we see here
masterpebut it is working fine if I use os-masakari-install.yml --limit masakari_api_container19:48
jrosserthats the symptom yes but i dont know why, we need to find out19:51
jrosserthe thing to look at next is probably this
jrosserwhen the python packages are installed into the venv a constraints file is generated which should set the upper bounds on all the things19:51
jrosserand i am guessing that the contents of that is somehow different for the two different behaviours you see19:52
masterpeyes excectly19:53
masterpeand this is done on one of the compute nodes in my env.19:54
jrosseri dont see oslo.messaging in here
jrosserthats suspicious19:55
masterpeAnd both are different for the monitors and api19:55
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masterpeThat oslo.messaging is missing isn't that a different issue?20:14
jrossermasterpe: sorry it’s late here20:25
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jrosserbut if the contents of the requirements file is used to built the constraints for the venv then missing a requirement could be an issue20:25
jrosserbecause it works for when you limit to the api, and that has a requirement for oslo.messaging20:26
jrosserbut on the compute when we see the venv build done, we see no requirement for oslo.messaging, so in turn its requirements may not be accounted for20:27
jrosserand that would be a reasonable explanation for why amqp and vine become unconstrained20:27
masterpeIt is also late here in the Netherlands. But tomorrow is another day.20:31
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Disable ceilometer distro jobs
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_nova master: Use the utility host for db setup tasks
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